Tuesday, February 28, 2023


     WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2023


    Welcome to March 1st! Welcome to

"National Peanut Butter Day!" Seems

that peanut butter has been around forever.

But it wasn't until 1884 that a Canadian,

Marcellus Edson patented a process to make

what he called "Peanut Paste." Eleven years

later Dr. John Kellogg, the same guy who came

up with all those breakfast cereals, patented a

way to make "Peanut Butter" from raw peanuts.

Although the average american will eat some

3,000 PB&W sandwiches in their lifetime, the

United Kingdom, Germany, and France lead

the world in peanut butter consumption! It

takes about 540 peanuts to make one 12 ounce

jar of peanut butter! There are six cities in the

United States named Peanut including Peanut,

Pennsylvania, and Upper Peanut Pennsylvania!

National Peanut Butter Day! "Spread" the NEWS

and I hope all yours is good

Monday, February 27, 2023



           TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH., 2023

     Well today we bid good bye to February
which got short changed somewhere along
the way with just 28 days.
       But don't despair! February 28th happens
to be Public Sleeping Day/ No. I didn't say
Public Speaking. Quite the contrary.
       You're not expected to say anything
today. Instead you're encouraged to sleep
in public!
         I had never heard of this day before
but it sound pretty relaxing.
         You can sleep on a park bench or
on the bus. Some may even choose to
sleep at work. That you do at your own
           We once had a female reporter who
choose to spend part of her night shift
sleeping at her desk. She ended up working
for a government agency where, I'm told,
that's a little more common.
            You might also think twice about
catching that nap at work if you're a truck
driver or a pilot.
             I intend to celebrate but I'll be
doing it at home and for as much of the
day as I can get away with!
             Hope you'll find a spot to catch
a few Z's and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, February 26, 2023


    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2023



   February 27th marks one of those unusual

"holidays" that should be extremely easy to

observe! This is "No Brainer Day!" A day when

you should just do whatever is easy and simple.

If the task involves thinking.....let it go! 

The day is the brainstorm of Adrienne Sioux

Koopersmith, identified by Insight magazine

as America's Premier Eventologist!" My wife

suggests this is a day perfectly suited to my

talents and abilities. I'm not sure if that's a

compliment or not! Hope you're well and

that all of your NEWS is good!


Saturday, February 25, 2023


       SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 2023

               GOING NUTS!

   The title of this essay has nothing to do

with my mental status, although many might

question that conclusion. I selected it to make

you aware February 26th is "National Pistachio

Day!" Pistachios are native to the middle east

although many are grown in California these 

days. If you're thinking about growing your

own don't plan on a quick harvest. The tress

take between 7 and 10 years to mature. The nuts

are harvested in September. A machine is used to

shake the trees and make the nuts fall to the ground.

Their open hull is unique. The nut is ripe when the

shell splits open. No one is quite sure why this

date of observed in February because this month

seems to have nothing to do with the trees, harvest

time, or the nuts themselves. Still it's a nice

reminder that Pistachios are available and provide

a very tasty snack just about any time of the year.

Hope you'll enjoy some and that all your NEWS

is good!

Friday, February 24, 2023



      SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH., 2023

    It's February 25th everybody.
    Just so you're all aware today is
"Rubber Ducky Day!"
    It was on this date in 1970 that Sesame.
Street's Muppet character "Ernie" (voiced
by Jim Henson) first sang the tune
dedicated to his favorite bath time toy!
    It was so popular they recorded a
45rpm record which actually hit number.
16 on Billboard Magazine's Hot 100 Hits!
    I happen to be the proud owner of a
Rubber Ducky. In fact I may even have
two! My 7-year-old grandson has
discovered one of those Crane machines.
where a dollar lets you play until you
win. And the prize bin is filled with, you.
guessed it, Rubber Duckies! He's given.
me a couple of his prizes!
      I must admit, since he's the one who.
gifted me, I'm awfully fond of my
Rubber Duckies!
      I think I'll put them in a place of
honor today. Right in front of me on the
table while I eat a couple eggs!
      I just love these special days! Hope
you do too and that all your NEWS is


Thursday, February 23, 2023


     FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 2023


    February 24th is National; Tortilla Chip

Day! Wasn't all that long ago few people

in the U.S. jad ever heard of a tortilla chip.

But that changed over the past 10 to 20 years

and these chips, coupled with sausa. have

become a very popular snack! They came

from Mexico and were introduced in the

United States by a buesinessman named

Elmer Doolin. Personally, I think they're

kind of corny! But enjoy them if you will

and may all your NEWS be good. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023



              JUST ANOTHER DAY?

   It's not a holiday. Only another date

in our shortest month. But don't write off

February 23rd. It's got some great history!

It's the day, in 1455 when Guttenberg put

the Bible into print for the first time. 

In 1792 the Massachusetts Humane

Society was formed. Not an organization to

protect animals but, rather, an organization

tp offer help to seamen in fistress. It evolved

into the United States Coast Guard! In 1836

Charles Hill came up with a was to manufacture

a new medal. Aluminum! In 1873 the game of

Lawn Tennis received a patent. 1940 saw the

release of the Walt Disney movie Pinocchio.

In 1945 on February 23rd., the U.S. Marines

raised the flag on Mount Suribachi during the

battle of Iwo Jima!  In 1954 children at a school

in Pittsburgh became the first group to receive

the Salk Polio vaccine. And let's not forget

what happened on February 23rd of 1895. That's

the day Leo Hirshfield introduced America to

the Tootsie Roll! Seems February 23rd was a

very big day, historically. You've just got to

take a look back! Hope you do from time to

time and that all your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023




       Today is "International Thinking Day!"

Think about that! The day was created by

the Girl Guides organization in 1926 as

a day when the organization would think

about their fellow women in the Girl Scout

organization and concentrate on the good

deeds done by both groups. February 22nd

was adopted as the date to observe World

Thinking Day because it was the birthday

of both Robert Baden Powell and his wife,

Lade Olave Powell, the founders of the

Girl Guides. It seems women get to do the

thinking today. We men don't have a day

like this. And you've got to think...why?

Think about it! Hope you do and that all

your NEWS is good. 

Monday, February 20, 2023


     TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023


   This is "Fasnacht Day! I was telling my

grandson Anthony about this unique

"holiday" and its history. He did a double

take at the word "Fasnacht" having never

heard it before in all of his 7 long years.

I explained its German origin and how the

Pennsylvania Dutch brought the tradition

here to the United States.The Germans

liked to enjoy delicious pastries the day

before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins.

A lot of people will be shopping for

Fasnachts today! I asked Anthony if he

might like one. But he said .."No. I'd

rather have a donut!" Now I've got to

explain what "A rose by any other name"

means. Hope you enjoy your Fasnacht

today and that all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, February 19, 2023


    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2023

            JUST SHOUT IT OUT!


The groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of  
winter but today's the day we can head that
prediction off at the pass! It's really been
pretty darn nice around here. But why take
any chances?
     February 20th is "Northern Hemisphere
Hoodie Hoo Day!"
     The creators, at Wellcat.com, encourage
everyone to go outside at Noon today, wave
your hands over your heads, and chant
"Hoodie Hoo!"
      The whole idea is to chase away any
winter blues and bring in Spring.
       I'm not sure if there's any data to
measure the effect of these actions but,
perhaps, it's worth a try.
       Since this truly is a little know
"holiday" you might want to pick a quiet
area away from others to participate. I'd
hate to see any body hauled away for
disorderly conduct just for trying to
do something about the weather.
        Hope it works and that all your
NEWS is good!

Saturday, February 18, 2023


     SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2023

           HOW MANY STAMPS?


   Seems there's been a lot of controversy

lately about the operations of the U.S.

Postal service! Complaints that mail is

taking too long to go through. The rates

have certainly gone up! I'm old enough to

remember the two penny post card. These days

out stamps don't even carry their monetary

denomination because it changes so often!

Still some hold that the post office has

always been the most cost effective way\

to send mail. That was certainly the case

on this date in 1914. That's the day 4-year-

old Charlotte May Pierstorff was mailed

73 miles from her parents to her grandparents!

Seems if you were under the 50 pound weight

limit that was the cheapest way to travel!

Wonder how many stamps the kid needed?

We get other people's mail from time to time

and I was beginning to get worried somebody

else's kid would show up at our mailbox! 

Seems I have nothing to worry about. The

Postmaster changed the rules not long after

Charlotte got shipped and kids can no longer

be mailed! Hope your "regular mail" is coming 

through OK and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, February 17, 2023


        SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2023

               NECTAR OF THE GODS!

   This is "National Drink Wine Day."

As if I needed an excuse! It was the

Greeks who called wine the "nectar of

the Gods."  It simply means that it tastes

ver good! But I already knew that! Wine

can be a confusing subject. There are so

many varities. There's also sweet and

'dry' wines. How can a liquid be "dry/'

I prefer the sweet wines. They're made from

grapes and other fruits and we all know fruits

are good for us. Experts tell us some wines

can help us improve our health and live longer

lives.! I'm all for that too! Jesus' first miracle

was to turn water into wine. I've already got

the wine so I won't need the water. I do,

sometimes, need a miracle...getting the

cork out of the bottle!! Here's a toast to you

on this Drink wine Day! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, February 16, 2023



       FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023

                    MY WAY!

     Fall in everybody! February 17th is
"My Way Day!" Yep. My way or the
     It's not just because I said so, it's
one of those unofficial holidays I like
to tell you  about.
      There's almost no information
about who came up with the idea. It's
thought to have been created and
shared via social media by someone
who felt it was time to make a loud
pubic cry about all the nonsense that's
forced upon us daily.
        When I first read it I was convinced
it was my day and I really didn't have
any big ideas. Then I figured the
creator of the day meant it for all of
us. So, in a sense, it's "Your Way or
the highway today.
       The idea is simple.  You're
encouraged to do whatever you want,
however you want.
        So go to it people. Be like Frank
Sinatra and do it your way today! Hope
it works....my wife told me I had to take
out the garbage.... so........I did it her way!
         Hope all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


       THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2023


   A lot of people usually turn out to see a

President when he visits a town. But it's not

very often a President shows up to see an

individual. And yet that's exactly what

happened on this very date in 1861. Abe

Lincoln was the President. He was on a train

heading for Washington when he stopped in

the town of Westfield to visit the Bedell

family. The family member he wanted to

see was the Bedell's 11-year-old daughter

Grace. She's the little firl who wrote to suggest

he could get more votes if he grew a beard! Of

course he did and it worked! Abe just wanted

to stop by to personally thank her for the advice!

Out of the mouths of babes! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023



                       MY STORY!

      I spent the better part of my adult life

writing stories as a news reporter. All of

those stories were about "somebody else."

But at Christmas in 2021 my daughter

gave me a subscription to a company

called "Storyworth." Each week

throughout 2022 I was given a question

about my own life. What my childhood

was like. What my home was like. What

growing up was like in my neighborhood.

Each of the questions sparked memories.

Some of events I had nearly forgotten.

The answers to those questions formed

a history of me and my family. I might

have asked similar questions to people

when I was a news reporter. But this

time the story was about me. It's not

a novel for the masses but my kids,

and grandkids, and their kids may get

some interesting family history from

it. There are stories about some of the

major stories I covered over the years

and a few surprises here and there. To

prove it came from me there's also

some typos typical of my writing. It

was a fun experience and though it's

not "Gone With The Wind" it's finally

a story by and about me and that makes

me kind of happy. Thanks to my

daughter Cassie and Storyworth for

making it possible. Maybe I'll include

a few of the stories in the blog every

now and then! Hope you're sharing

your stories with the family and that

all your NEWS is good!



Monday, February 13, 2023


    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2023


  It's February 14th! It's Valentine's Day/

A day when we present our loved one with

candy or flowers or, perhaps, both. The day

brings back many memories for me, from \

my grade school days. I remember filling

out names on those paper valentines for

everyone in my class then passing then

around. I, in turn, ended up with valentines

from everyone in the class. Then there were

those tiny candy hearts with the inscriptions.

"Be my love ." You are my Valentine.:"I

always wondered how they got all those

words on those small candy hearts? Well

have your valentines ready but be sure

your're giving them to the right recipient!

Saint Valentine, for whom the day was named,

was doing his best to get Roman men to marry

their sweethearts at a time the Emperor wanted

them to enlist in the army. Valentine lost his

head, not his heart, because of his romantic

ideals! Just so you know! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good.

Sunday, February 12, 2023


    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2023


   Well a whole bunch of family and

friends gathered at my daughter and son-

in-law's house Sunday to watch the Super

Bowl and cheer on the Philadelphia Eagles.

After consuming tgons of food and cheering

wildly when the Eagles scored first most

everyone had an overwhe;ming feeling of

confidence. I didn't. Though I don't follow

football all that closely I had a very uneasy

feeling that suggested "our team" was playing

less than its very best. With the score close

throughout much of the game that feeling

seemed to grow. And with just seconds left

it became very clear that this was not going

to be a night for the eagle to score...that is..

soar! I was looking for something positive

tio take away from the game. But the only

thing that came to me was the thought I

might be expected to climb a pole if the

Eagles had won. We've only got one old

telephone pole close by with a street lamp

on top and, I suppose, a lot of splinters

sticking out of that wood. Not having to

climb it is. I admit, a relief. And oh, one

other good thing. There are a lot of left

overs! Hope you enjoyed the game and

that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, February 11, 2023


     SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2023


         Find a penny, pick it up, and

you'll be observing this unusual holiday!
       February 12th is "National Lost
Penny Day!" It was created by Adrienne
Sioux Koopersmith in 1995.
        They may be a tie to the fact it's
Abraham Lincoln's birthday and it's
Lincoln's head that adorns the penny.
         Of course Honest Abe wasn't
always there. Ben Franklin designed
the first penny in 1787 and Lincoln
wasn't born until 1809!
         It's easy to lose a penny. Since
they're the least valued of our coins
they're often tossed aside. Who wants
to have a pocket full of pennies?
Especially when you're searching you
pockets for quarters at the car wash!
          But pennies do add up! A lot
of charities ask folks to donate pennies
after they've saved a jar full.
           I just checked my pockets and
found 4 scattered in among the nickles,
dimes, and quarters.
           One of them fell to the floor as
I was checking. But, as they say, "Find
a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll
have good luck."  But it's already 9 pm as
I write. Does that mean I only get 3 hours
of luck or does it extend into tomorrow?
            A penny for your thoughts!
            Hope I get the full 24 and that
all your NEWS is good!

Friday, February 10, 2023




     Today's Blog is a bit on the serious

side friends. Tomorrow, February 11th., 

an estimated 100 million Americans will

be watching the Super Bowl. The following

day, February 12th, an estimated 17 million

people will be "off the job." About half of

them will have pre-arranged their absence.

The rest will just call in sick. Those figures

don't include school absenteeism which 

will also be higher than usual on Monday.

A week late our nation will observe what

has come to be called "President's Day."

In reality the legislation establishing that

holiday calls it "Washington's Birthday."

Of course it isn't really Washington's

Birthday. Or Lincoln's birthday, which 

also falls in February. So, it would 

seem the date set aside for "President's

Day" isn't really linked to a specific

date. That said, I am proposing that

"President's Day" be moved to the day

after Super Bowl. That way people can

have their gand their holiday back to

back! It would aid the economy by

cutting down on the need for sick pay

and replacement employe costs and

give the football sports fans a day of

rest following the big game. I've

written to Congressman Cartwright

and Senator Casey with my idea but

have yet receive a reply. If you happen

to favor my proposal I'd ask you to

 call or write to them with your

endorsement. I hope you do, that

you'll enjoy the game, and that all

your NEWS is good!

Thursday, February 9, 2023


       FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 2023

                    THE BIG COVER UP!

     I won't keep you in the shade on this. It's

"National Umbrella Day." Umbrellas are 

hought to be one of the most important

inventions of all time. They keep us dry 

during rainstorms, or other forms of 

precipitation, and safe from the strong

rays of the sun when it's all bright

outside. So treasure your umbrella.

But remember, don't open it in the

house! That superstition stems

from the Egyptians. They believed

opening an umbrella inside was an

insult to the sun god who would then

rain bad fortune upon your household!

So keep it closed till you're outside...

just in case!  Of course while everyone

can use an umbrella they are especially

good for detectives! Helps keep them

"undercover! Hope you're well, staying

dry, and that all your NEWS is good!


Wednesday, February 8, 2023




         Welcome to February 9th. "National
Pizza Day!"  You'd think it would be on a
Friday or Saturday but it's always on February 9th! 
       Pizza is actually a favorite dish of people
around the world. Although it could be
argued that it's consumed most by people
here in the United States. The average
 American consumes over 23 pounds
of pizza each year! I'm probably half way
there in 2018 already!
       If you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania
you'll likely find a pizza place every couple
blocks in most every main street shopping
area. Indeed the community of Old Forge
lays claim to being the Pizza Capitol of the
world! Several establishments there even
send their "half baked" pizzas around the
country where customers finish the
baking process and enjoy their meal.
       My brother-in-law once packed one
in a suitcase he bought at Goodwill and
checked it in his baggage for his flight
back to California. He ate it that same
        While most everyone likes pizza the
debate that frequently develops when it's
ordered involves the toppings that are to
be added.  
          I'm a pepperoni guy which puts me
in the most popular group. 36% of people
favor pepperoni. My wife is in the
"mushroom group."   
          In a sense the Pizza season, just
peaked. More pizzas are sold on Super
Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the
year. But as much as we eat here in the U.S.,
Norway leads the world in pizza consumption
on a per capita basis! I'm not sure what
topping the prefer.
         It's pretty clear how to celebrate this
unofficial holiday. Have a pizza...with or
without pepperoni. Hope you enjoy the
day and your pizza and that all your NEWS
is good!   


Tuesday, February 7, 2023




 We told "Don't cry over spilled milk."

But somebody did and the result cleared

the air for many a driver! According to a

post I received on the web Julius Samann

was a Jewish chemist who fled Germany

and settled in Watertown, New York.

His milkman complained that milk

which had spilled accidentally had

spoiled and left an unpleasant odor

in his delivery truck. Samann, who

had studied Canadian Pine forests,

extracted an oil from Pine needles 

and set it on a special blotter thus

creating the first automotive air

freshener! It was shaped like a tree

in tribute to those Pine trees used

for his invention! It's still manufactured

in Watertown although various other

companies now compete with other

shapes and types of auto air fresheners.

But whatever they look like we own

a vote of thanks to Julius Samann 

for his "refreshing' idea! Hope your

air is sweet and all your NEWS is


Monday, February 6, 2023



             A LINE , OR TWO


   For those of you with good memories
you'll undoubtedly recall when your daily
mail delivery included letters or cards from
friends or distant family.
    These days, with the exception of
Christmas, your mail box is pretty much
filled with bills and advertisements.
     Those personal notes now come via
text or emails.
      Well today's the day to bring back the
good old days. February 7th is "Send A Card
To A Friend Day."
        I'd have to admit it's nice to get a
card or letter from someone. I have one
very good friend who still writes personal
cards or letters and I look forward to them.
In cursive at that! And he fills every available
space on the card!
         I don't write as often as I should. My
excuse is my handwriting. It's so bad I can't
usually read what I wrote 20  minutes after
writing.it. Still, I do make the effort from
time to time and I've been told those notes
are appreciated.
        So grin and bear it! Grab a ":Friendship
card" or something like that and reach out to
somebody today. You're going to make their
        It's good practice for your handwriting
too. Hope you remember your cursive and
that all your NEWS is good.

Sunday, February 5, 2023


     MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2023

              A GREAT PAINTER!

     When we think about inventors names

like Bell and Edison immediately come to

mind. But what about Bill Painter? Dr.William

Painter is credited with 85 inventions! One of

them was patened on this very day in 1894.

And that was the bottle cap opener! Of course

prior to that he actually invented the bottle cap!

Some of Painter's inventions are still used nearly

every day. There was a machine for crowning

bottles. He came up with a machine to detect

counterfeit money. He invented another machine

that folds paper. Of course he did come up with 

one that, to my knowledge, was never used.

Thankfully! It was an ejection seat for railroad

passenger cars! Well, you can't win them all!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is


Saturday, February 4, 2023


    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2023


     It's February 5th and I'd say there's a

90% chance most of you don't know what
unofficial holiday is on the calendar!
   Even if you do I'd guess, based on
recent developments, there's a 95%
chance you might not join in the
   This is "National Weatherman's Day!"
  It's got nothing to do with that radical
1970's underground group that wanted
to overthrow the government.
   In this case we're referring to those
weathermen, and women, who predict
our daily weather, often overthrowing
everybody's schedule........including
   It may surprise you to know that
most of our local forecasters have a
very high accuracy percentage when
it comes to their predictions.
   Problem is, getting it wrong once
is a little like saying you didn't think
the gun was loaded!
   If the storm they call for doesn't
come you've closed schools, halted
transportation, and lost work.....all
for noting.
   If they don't call for the storm and
you get clobbered everybody wants to
lynch them after being caught,
unprepared, in the mess!
   So have a little sympathy today for
the folks that go out on a limb, or the
backyard, or the roof, throughout the year
to tell us what our day may be like.
   Remember......this is their day.....and
there's 100% chance we'll have weather..
of some sort!
   Hope it doesn't include a storm
with some stupid name....and that
all your NEWS is good!


Friday, February 3, 2023



                  A CUT ABOVE!

       The first Saturday in February has been
designated "National Barber Appreciation
Day." So proclaims the JS Sloane Gentlemen's
Grooming Products Corporation. But that's
good enough for me!
        I don't remember getting my first haircut.
Or any of them when I was a little kid for that
        My first regular barber, when I was able
to make decisions about such things, was an
Army veteran who ran a small shop just about
4 blocks from my home. He was the perfect
pick since I usually wore what was generally
known as a "Flat top" back in those Jr. and Sr.
High School days.
         After he closed up shop I just tried a shop
here and there for awhile.
         The decision to find something more
"regular and dependable" probably came after
my visit to an Italian barber in my home town.
He was the first to use a straight razor to do some
of the trimming work.
         On what I believe was my second visit
his wife came in as he was working on me
and started to argue with him in Italian. While I
couldn't understand a word they were shouting it
sounded like it was pretty serious and I wasn't
fond of having that straight razor anywhere near
my neck at that particular time!
         Eventually I found a Barber/Stylist in
Wilkes-Barre and visited there every other week.
I was paying a little more attention to my hair
in those days because I was doing part time
television work in addition to my radio
duties. Frank was another Italian, but never
brought his wife in to the shop. I always felt
like royalty there and got the full treatment
from razor cut to a hot towel!
         My wedding day morning was spent in
Frank's shop and he was still my regular
barber for several years afterwards although
bi-weekly visits were becoming a little too
expensive for a young man with a new family.
        Eventually I drifted away and turned
to the most dependable barber I've had in
all my life......my wife.
        Somewhere during her life of mothering,
spinning wool, cooking, cleaning, volunteering,
sewing and a million other things, she learned
how to cut hair!
          So here's a salute to barber's everywhere
on their special day! Thanks for keeping us neat
and trimmed!
          Hope the feuding barber and his wife
have settled their differences (without injuries
to anyone) and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, February 2, 2023


      FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2023


    Friday February 3rd is "Feed The

Birds Day!" We had a rescued

Cockatiel at our house for several

years and we fed him well. When 

he passed away we put his cage

outside the house with the gate

open and put bird feed inside. What

an amazing sight to see so many birds

using the old cage as a restaurant!

Unfortunately we are, at least for

the moment, out of the bird feeding

business. Our decision was out of

respect for out nearest neighbor.

Seems the birds feasting at our

house took a rest afterwards on

the wires directly above his parked

car. Their "calling cards" caused

him a bit of concern. Maybe we'll

break out the Humming Bird

Feeder." Hope your birds are

well fed and that all your NEWS

is good!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Going Bananas!

  It all started with a visit to the Hometown Market Wednesday. Only a few produce stands were open and it was getting towards the end of their day. I spotted some Hugh boxes of Bananas and noticed they were marked 5$. My wife balked at the thought assuming they were all past their prime. But when the market guy say 40 pounds for three bucks even she rethought the prospect. As close as we could tell from a general examination of the bananas we could see in the box most looked pretty good! So I did the deal and plugged the 40 pounds box to the trunk of our car. Upon arrival at home we were pleasantly surprised to find most of our product was in pretty good shape. The few that were aging a little too much were mashed for banana bread. I peeled bunch after bunch and my wife wrapped them for storage in our freezer. I didn't used to eat bananas. I figured after you took off the skin and threw away the bone there was nothing left. But guess what? It's not a bone!!!! And it taste great. Fresh or frozen. Lesson learned. Hope you're getting your share of bananas and that all your NEWS is good!!!