Sunday, December 31, 2023


     MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 2024

          WHAT'S AHEAD?

   Well here we are friend, with a

brand new year on our hands. Sort

of like a blank slate on which we'll

fill in details for each new day. And

who knows what awaits us? Perhaps

fun and excitement. Certainly challenges.

We always have a few of those. And

what about miracles? They may very

well be on the calendar as well. For

many years my Dad, a movie

projectionist, had to work on New

Year's Eve. But just after the ball

dropped in Times Square our phone

would ring at home. It would be

Dad with his Happy New Year

greeting. My Dad passed away

just before Thanksgiving in 1994.

That New Year, just after the  ball

dropped in Times Square, our

telephone rang. I picked it up and

said "Hello" but heard nothing on

the other end. Out Caller ID read

"Out Of The Area" or something

like that. But I knew from whence 

the call was coming and who was

on the other end. It was undoubtedly

my Dad calling to say Happy New

Year and assure us that all was well.

Often we receive miracles like that

without stopping to see them for what

they are. Watch for them in this new

year and perhaps you'll recognize

them! Happy New Year and may all

your NEWS be good!


Saturday, December 30, 2023


     SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2022


   Well friends, December is about to be

gone as is 2023. New Year's Eve is

traditionally a time for celebration,

parties, and fun. But it is also an

opportunity for Time Travel! Don't

laugh! I've done it! Here's the trick.

Just before the ball falls at Times

Square in New York, call someone

in Europe. Ask them what year it

is and you'll find out you've just 

called into the future! We have family

in California. If we call them right

after Midnight arrives here we'll

discover we're calling into the past!

Now that's something worth boasting

about! Of course when and where

ever you call, 2024 is bound to show

up so be prepared. Hope you have a

Happy New Year and that all your NEWS

is good! 


Friday, December 29, 2023




   There's an unofficial holiday today

you just may have missed. This is

"Bicarbonate of Soda Day!" If you'd

rather you can call it Baking Soda Day!

This common household product has

all kinds of uses! You can brush your

teeth with it, use it in your laundry,

remove odors from your refrigerator,

and bake with it (just to name a few.)

I'm not sure if there's any intended

connection, but bicarbonate of soda

is also closely associated with dealing

with indigestion problems that stem

from drinking a bit too much. Since

New Year's Eve is close at hand youN

may want to stock up on baking soda.

Just in case! If you don't need it after

celebrating you can always brush

yoru teeth! Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good! 


Thursday, December 28, 2023



              TEMPUS FUGIT!

       For those who don't know "Tempus
Fugit" is Latin for "time flies!" And today
is Tick Tock Day!"
    Yep! Tick Tock Day. It comes around every
29th of December. Two days before the end of
the year!
    The day is celebrated by completing tasks on
hand, like ensuring all holiday gifts are delivered.
Better make sure UPS and FEDEX are aware of
this "holiday!"
     It's a day to complete unfinished business so
nothing that should have been done is carried
over into the new year. In my case I may have
to apply for an extension. My unfinished
business may well take me into February!
      But back to Tick Tock Day.
      It's a perfect day to take stock of yourself
and your situation and to come up with those
New Year's Resolutions to improve your lot in
2016. Maybe I'll resolve to finish my unfinished
business. Well, some of it anyway.
      The "Tick tock" of course, is the sound of
this year's time running out. So get to it while
there's time to get things done!
      Hope your clock is on time and that all your
NEWS is good!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


      DECEMBER 28, 2023

          YOUR DEAL!

   This is one of those "unusual holidays"

specifically designed, I believe, to fall

between Christmas Day and Newgetear's

Day. December 28th is "Card Playing Day."

It's a time when many families get together

and supporters of this "holiday" believe

a good old fashioned game of cards is a

great recreational activity for everyone.

There is, in fact, a card game designed for

just about anyone. War, Old Maid, and 

Fish are just a few examples of card games

for the kids. Adults may find pleasure in a

game og Gin Rummy, Poker, or Bridge.

I'm not especially interested in any kind

of card game. Seems like everytime I try

to draw the high card I end up with the

Joker! Maybe somebody's trying to tell

me something? So, deal me out. But

enjoy your game and I hope all your NEWS

is good. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023




       It is probably the most maligned gift of

Christmas yet one of the most historical. It's
the Fruitcake! And December 27th is
National Fruitcake Day!
    For those who may not know it is a cake
made with dried fruit, nuts and spices. If that's
not enough, some are soaked with spirits and
we're not talking about the kind of spirits
Dickens wrote about in "A Christmas Carol!"
     The earliest known receipt comes from ancient
Rome and there are those who suggest some
of the Fruitcakes being sold or served today
were probably made about that time.
      My wife enjoys a good Fruitcake and I'll
usually have a slice or two myself after she's
cut the first. There's no hurry! They tend
to last a long time.
       If you don't like them they're prefect as
a re-gift to someone else or keep them long
enough and use them as a door stop! Keep
those options in mind Iris! (Iris is one of
my regular Blog readers who has expressed
a dislike for Fruitcakes!)
        Hope you'll enjoy the "holiday" one
way or another and that all your NEWS
is good!


    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2023


     These days Christmas comes early.

You begin seeing Christmas decorations

in many stores about the same time the

Halloween outfits are going on sale. And

by Thanksgiving the turkeys are being pushed

aside by bells and elves and Christmas trees.

       That said, by December 26th and 27th

some folks are looking at the 25th as the

ghost of Christmas past! I was disappointed

to tune into by XM radio channel and hear

an announcement from the channel I've been

listening to for holiday tunes that it's seasonal

programming has ended. Isn't the holiday

season that stretch of time generally between

Christmas eve and New Year's day? What 

about the "12 days of Christmas?" And how

about Orthodox Christmas in January? We're

too quick in some cases to ditch that Christmas

spirit that makes the world so much better.

I'm hanging on as long as possible. Hope you

do too and that all your NEWS is good!   

Sunday, December 24, 2023


        DECEMBER 25, 2023


      Hello my friends and welcome

to December 25th. Christmas, The

day we observe the birth of Jesus.

Now to be honest Biblical scholars

say it is very unlikely Jesus was born

in December. As a matter of fact, a

few have calculated his birth on

9/11   in the year 3BC. Around the

4th century December 25 became the

popular date to observe Christmas 

and that, ironically, stemmed from a

Pegan custom associated with the

winter solstice. The date has seen

some wonderful events. In 1914,

during World War I, British and

German troops actually called a

Christmas truce and played soccer

together! In took until 1831 that the first

few states officially recognized

Christmas as a legal holiday.  And in

1818, in a small Austrian village, a

famous Christmas tune was born."

Stiille Nacht." You know it as

"Silent Night!" Merry Christmas to

all and may all your NEWS be good!

Saturday, December 23, 2023


          DECEMBER 24, 2023


    It's Christmas Eve friends, and this

is my annual Christmas Present to all of

you. I've shared this story many times

but it's always worth retelling. My

video BLOG includes a re-creation

of this true story that happened more

than 30 years ago this very day. I had a bad

habit of doing my Christmas shopping

on Christmas Eve. There was a time 

when that added to the Christmas spirit

for me. But that year, 1988, my wife

had asked for a somewhat unusual gift.

It was a lawn decoration that looked

like a lamb. I already had plans to pick

up a present for one of my daughters

at a shop in Montrose which is about

an hour and a half from our home. I

decided I'd better look for that lamb

first. I visited a number of Lawn &

Garden shops. A couple of the owners

were familiar with the decoration but

didn't have any in stock. The hour was

getting late with that drive ahead of me

so I decided I'd make up a gift certificate

for my wife and find the lamb after

Christmas. It was dark and getting late

when I finally set out for Montrose.

I was driving along Route 92 near the

Susquehanna River. I was, I believe,

in the area of Harding when I passed a

house off to my right that had one of

those lamb decorations in the front

yard. They had to know where they

bought it! My dilemma was trying to

decide if I should stop and bother the

homeowner on this dark Christmas Eve

to ask where they bought the lamb. Since

this was a special gift my wife wanted I

decided to take a chance. I got out of my

car and walked up to the house then

knocked on the front door. A woman

answered. The woman who MADE THE

LAMBS!!!! Her name was Madeline Woods.

She once owned an area flower shop. Madeline

had two of the newly made lamb models

in her house. One was a gift for a friend. The

other was available! Coincidence? Somehow

I doubt that. Madeline passed away many

years ago but she left my wife and I with

a wonderful craft that we regard as a

Christmas Miracle! Merry Christmas to

you all and may all your NEWS be good!     


Friday, December 22, 2023




      It's December 23rd friends. A day also

knows as "Festivus!" This unofficial holiday

was born in 1966 on the Jerry Seinfield TV

show. It's a "festival for the rest of us." A day,

that is, for folks who have nothing else to celebrate.

It's marked with a thin, bare. aluminium pole,

a meatloaf dinner, feats of strength, and airing

of grievances. Aside from waiting a long time

in a line of fellow last minute shoppers I've got

nothing to grieve and have no feats of strength to

show off. Think I'll just stick with Christmas!

Hope you do too and that all your NEWS is


Thursday, December 21, 2023



          LIGHT EM UP!

    It's December 22nd, a date that changed

Christmas forever! Christmas trees, of course,

have been around since the 16th century. They

originated in Germany. They eventually made

their way into American Christmas tradition. But

a big change came along in 1880! That's when

Thomas Edison an his associate, Edward Johnson

came in 1880 when they strung 80 red, white, and

blue electric lights around the Christmas tree in

front of their New Jersey laboratory. Passengers

traveling by train on a nearby rail line were thrilled

to see the sight! Of course, electric lights on most

home Christmas trees didn't become popular till

many years later. Back in the 40's and 50's we

had light sets that offered a real challenge. If one

bulb burned out; the whole string went dark! You

had to get a new bulb and try in in places of

others until you found the socket which allowed

the rest of the string to re-light! These days entire

strings seem to burn out between one Christmas

and the next. Still, when they're all working, it's

a beautiful sight! Hope you're lit up, and that

all your NEWS is good! 



Wednesday, December 20, 2023


     THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2023

            YULE DAY!

    It's December 21st! It's Yule Day! I

donn't know if you've heard of it before

or not. But you've certainly heard of the

12 days of Chrfistmas. Yule Day is the

start of that 12 day period. It's always on

the Winter Solstice. In years past farmers

would gather in their crops for the holiday

meals. And folks would begin trimming

their Christmas trees. It's the day you

begin gathetring presents for those 12 days

of Christmas. The first one could be the

hardest. A Partridge in a Pear Tree! Wait

a minute. I know where there's a Pear tree!

In fact it's right across the street frpom my

house. I've got myself a Pear tree. Now...

all I have to do is wait for a Partridge to

show up. I wonder what a Pafrtridge looks

like? This may be tougher than I thought!

Hope your 12 gifts are all ready and wrapped

and that all your NEWS is good!  

Tuesday, December 19, 2023



                    WRAP IT UP!!!

    Don't get worried. This isn't a wrap

song or verse. It's an observation, and

suggestion for retailers out there. You

sell us these swell presents then send

us home with them in a bag! That leaves

guys, like me, to wrap them for Christmas.

I'm not a very good wrapper! I end up with

bits and pieces of wrapping paper and tape

on me. Lots all over the floor too! Why

don't you pre-wrap the presents? Let us see

a sample of the product then send us home

with an already wrapped present. It would

help guys like me a lot. Of course bad as my

wrapping is I'm certain my wife will 

appreciate the bright can of SPAM I've  

just wrapped up in red paper and.....oh....

wait! I want it to be a big surpise. Don;t

say anything! Hope you're all wrapped

up and that all your NEWS is good!  

Monday, December 18, 2023


    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2023


   Christmas is still six days away but

we might just as well begin the celebrations

today. It's a very big day. It was on

December 19th, 1843 that Charles

Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" was

first published. It's also "Look For An

Evergreen Day." The day you are suppose

to pick out your Christmas tree (if you

haven't done so already.) December 19th

is "National Hard Candy Day!" Hard

candy has been around since the 17th

century! But here's the real big one in

my book! December 19th is our son

D.J.'s Birthday! He hasn't been around

as long as hard candy or Christmas trees

but his day is the one we'll be celebrating

most of all. Happy Birthday D.J.! Hope

you get some hard candy, enjoy your

Birthday, and that all your NEWS is



Sunday, December 17, 2023


     MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2023


            Welcome to "Flake Appreciation Day!"  And, no,

I'm not referring to any of those "weird people" you

may know. This day is dedicated to the appreciation

of snowflakes! You know, water vapor that freezes

into those ice crystals that create a winter wonder

land around most of our area between December

and May. We've always been told that no two snow

flakes are identical but in 1998 Nancy Knight, a

scientist at the National Center for Atmosphere

Research in Boulder, Colorado, found two

identical samples while studying snow crystals

from a storm in Wisconsin. I always wondered 

who was checking all those snowflakes! In any

case, this is the day we are suppose to appreciate

each flake. It's probably a lot easier to do if you're

watching, rather than shoveling them. If you haven't

checked any of the snow from our storm this past

week you may have to spend the day appreciating 

some of your weird friends! Hope you'll appreciate

one or the other and that all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, December 16, 2023



       SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17TH., 2023

      You've probably heard of Christmas in
July. But one of our favorite Christmas
memories was made in June!
    If was June of 2009 and my wife and
I took a road trip that lead us to
Cleveland, Ohio!
    We passed by the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame en route to our destination....the
"Christmas Story House."
     It's the home that was used in the movie
"A Christmas Story." A feature all about a
little boy whose only Christmas wish was to
get a Red Ryder BB gun. At one time or
another all little boys want a BB gun!
    If you haven't seen it yet...welcome back
to the United States from your monastery
in the mountains of Tibet or where ever
you've been isolated.
     The movie has become a Christmas
classic and we actually base all of our
Christmas cards on the story.
     It was such a treat to visit the house used
in several scenes! We got to see THE Leg
Lamp! I got to hide under the kitchen sink
just like Ralphie's brother Randy did in the
movie! We even we got to see the actual Red
Rider BB gun that co-stared in the feature.
     And though it was the middle of June
memories of the film made us feel just like
it was Christmas!
     When it comes right down to it a big
part of Christmas is the memories of
previous holidays....usually from the days
when we were kids! Remember those days
when you were a kid, couldn't get to sleep
Christmas Eve, then woke your folks up
about 6am to check and see what Santa left
under the tree!
      I wonder if its too late to sneak an ad
for a Red Ryder BB gun into the newspaper
near the Cross Word Puzzle my wife does
every day. Yea......I know exactly what
she'd say! You're saying the same thing!
      Hope your list to Santa has already
been mailed and that all your NEWS is

Friday, December 15, 2023



               "STUPID TOY DAY!"

   So, as it turns out, somebody designated

December 16th as "Stupid Toy Day." We

don't know who, only that it began in 2017.

Now "stupid" is a relative term. What some

people consider stupid or silly, others consider

"classic." There were a couple of toys, however

that may qualify in today's category. "The Head

Shirking Kit" for kids for instance. Or the

"Atomic Lab" that actually contained some

radio active material! There are some very

interesting facts about toys you may know

know. The facts. not the toys of course. 

 Play-Doh for instance was originally

invented as a compound to clean wall

paper. Everybody knows Barbie. She's

even got a movie going around these days.

But did you know Barbie has a full name?

It's Barbie Millicent Roberts!!! The spinning

top may have been considered stupid when

it first turned up. But that was thousands

of years ago and you can bet a top or two

can be found spinning today! GI Joe has

been around for a few years too. But he's

got a new classification. He's now "an

Action Toy!" Boys didn't like being told

they were playing with "dolls." In the

end I think we should let the kids decide

what's "stupid", "silly," or, in their

minds, just plain fun. We've still got

our Mr. Potato Head!  Have fun!

Hope all your NEWS is good!



    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2023


   Christmas time is filled with traditions!

Caroling, decorations, presents, and parties

to name just a few. But today, December

15th marks what is probably the newest,

and ugliest, tradition of the holiday. It's

"Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!" My wife

and I attended an Ugly Christmas Sweater

a couple years back. And as I look at the

photos from that event I can't believe I

didn't win! I looked about as ugly in that

sweater as anyone could be. But it's not

really a laughing matter. Ugly Christmas

sweaters have become a really big business!

They're sold everywhere and plenty of people

are buying them. So you might as well

join in the fun.Get one and head to one of

those parties. Do your best or, in this case,

your worst! Hope you win and that all your

NEWS is good!

Thursday, December 14, 2023


         FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2023


    It's December 15th. "National Regifting Day!"

My wife joined some fellow church women this

time last year for a Christmas party. Their celebration

included "White Elephant gifts." For those who

don't already know a "White Elephant gift" is 

usually an exchange of a gift you were given by

someone else and are now giving to another

person. Regifting has become somewhat

common. You get something you don't need

or can't use. Of a duplicate of something

you already have. A toaster for instance.

You already have a toaster, can't use two,

so you give one to someone else. There are

a couple basic rules to follow when

regifting. First, don't give the gift to the

same person who gave it to you in the

first place. You should rewrap the present.

And don't use the gift before giving it

away. That last rule stopped my from

giving a bottle of wine as a White Elephant

gift. You see, I had already emptied it! Oh

well. Hope you get or give a cool White

Elephant gift, and that all your NEWS is



Wednesday, December 13, 2023




   December 14th is "International Monkey Day!"
   It was created and popularized in 2000 by two
art students at Michigan State University. Their
art work spread the word around the world to the
extent this "holiday" is celebrated in at least 14
     My most unique experience with monkeys
came more than a few years ago when my wife and
I entered a drive through zoo in Canada. Half
way through the place we found our car nearly
over run with Baboons! They climbed all over
the vehicle and left a bit of a mess behind. Our
next stop was a Canadian car wash!
      My wife tells me her sister used to get a
stuffed monkey nearly every year for Christmas.
Once though my wife received one of the
cloth primates. We didn't learn, until this year,
that her sister was always annoyed by that
delivery. She believed the monkey was really
meant for her. So,three years ago, we got her
one from eBay. She seemed pleased but some
of her friends were wondering why a Senior
Citizen was so happy over a stuffed monkey.
      I never had the pleasure of owning a
monkey, stuffed or otherwise. But I do have
a six-year-old grandson who seems to be
a reasonable facsimile! He even likes
      I'm not sure how you're suppose to observe
this "holiday" although Hallmark Cards
describes it as a day when Monkey business is
actually encouraged! Enough said!
      Hope you'll have fun monkeying around
and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


      WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2023

                HOLD YOUR HORSES!

    If you're looking for a reason to celebrate

today I've got a dandy for you! December 13th

is "The Day Of The Horses!" It may not be a

day off but it is a "holiday" proclaimed by

the United States Congress in 2004. The idea

is to celebrate the contribution of horse power

in building this country. Horses were brought

here by the Spanish and they did, indeed, have

a major effect on early America. They provided

transportation and cleared much of the land

while farming our country before the advent

of machine power. So today we honor the

horse. Since most of us don't have one around

I've come up with an alternative way to

commemorate the day! Head to the track and\put

a couple bucks down on your favorite philly!

Maybe you can honor the horse with a win today!

Hope you do and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, December 11, 2023


    TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2023

          YOUR  DING A LING!

        It's December 12th. "Ding A Ling Day!

The same year that Chuck Barry released

the song "My Ding A Ling," Franky Hyle

established My Ding A Ling Day. It was

1972. Franky started a club asking members

to donate one dollar to join. Some 871 people

signed up. Now thousands of people are on

board. The whole idea is to think about people

you haven't talked with in a long time, Then,

on December 12th, call them up to say Hi and

ket them know you;ve been thinking about

them. It's a ding a ling that will make you

both happy! Hope you get a call or two as

well and that all your NEWS is good!  

Sunday, December 10, 2023


     MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2023


    Christmas is a time for traditions. One

of mine involves watching various versions

of the movie "A Christmas Carol" based on

the Charles Dickens novel. My tradition

began over 70 years ago at my home in

Hazleton where, each Christmas Eve, my

Mom, Dad, brother, and I would gather

around a record player and listen to actor

Lionel Barrymore narrate the classic story

of Scrooge and the four ghosts he encountered

on his way to personal redemption as a decent

human being. These days it's the movie versions

I watch and there's no shortage of those. Some 

135 movie/tv versions of the story have been

made over the years the first beng produced

in 1901. Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol

in 1843. It was ready by December 19th and

sold more than 6,000 copies by Christmas!

Unfortunately Dickens agreed to pay to have

his novel published so he really didn't make

much money from those successful sales.

Seems he was a great writer but no so good

a businessman. In fact generations of his

surviving family get virtually nothing from

all the versions of A Christmas Carol that

have been made since 1843! Hope you have

some great Christmas traditions and are

enjoying them with family and friends

this year. God bless us, everyone! And

may all your NEWS be good!   

Saturday, December 9, 2023


     SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2023


   December 10th is "Gingerbread House Day!"

My wife and grandson just worked om a

Gingerbread house a couple weeks ago. These

day they come in kits. But it wasn't always so.

Gingerbread came to Europe during the 11th

century when the Crusaders reintroduced the

desire for flavored breads to the world.

Gingerbread was a favorite because it not only

tasted good, but lasted for a long time.

The Germans picked up on Gingerbread big time

and Gingerbread houses were very popular there!

Just for the record, the biggest Gingerbread house

ever "built" was 60 by 42 feet and weighed in at

over 36,000 calories. I didn't do anything to help

my wife and grandson put their Gingerbread

house together but given the chance I will be

very happy to help them "take it apart" (If you

catch my meaning!) Hope your Gingerbread is

sweet and all your NEWS is good!

Friday, December 8, 2023


      SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2023

                LOST AND FOUND!   

        December 9th is 'Lost and Found Day!"

Ever since humans first walked the face of

this earth they have been losing and finding

things! It's more a matter of when it happens

to you as opposed to "if" it happens!

     The very first Lost and Found Department

opened in Paris under the order of Napoleon

Bonaparte! That gives you an idea how long 

people have been concerned about lost items.

     This is a day when you are encouraged to

make an extra effort to find those items you

have "missplaced" or actually "lost."

     I don't have the problem. I keep things

wwell organized. My wallet is always in my

right pocket and my keys are right here in

my,,,,,,hey.....that's funny. I thought I had 

me keys right here in this pocket. But they're

not here. I wonder if I put them on my desk.

No. Not there either. I wonder if Napoleon  

opened a branch anywhere near here! Oh well. 

hope you know where everything is and that

all your NEWS is good! 


Thursday, December 7, 2023


      FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2023  

 2,4,6,8, WHAT DO WE APPRECIATE?     

   This is an important day you may know

nothing about! December 8th is "Toilet

Paper Appreciation Day!" This date was

selected because it was on December 8th

of 1857 when Joe Gayetty first sold toilet

paper in the U,S. It should not be confused 

with a similar observance on August 26th

which is "Toilet Paper Day" marking the

date in  1871 when the Scott Company first

sold toilet paper on rolls! Today is strictly

a day to appreciate toilet paper. You may 

recall just how appreciated it was when the

pandemci began. It was hard to find any on

store shelves as everyone tried to stock up in

case they found themselves locked up in their

homes for an extended period! Well, there's

plenty now so, no worries. Hope you appreciate 

your supply and that all your NEWS is good.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


      THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2023


     The beginning of December has most

people focused on the countdown to
Christmas. Things get so busy it's easy
to forget some of the other special
occasions that show up in the weeks
and days leading to the 25th.
   For instance, December is "Bingo's
Birthday Month.:
   That designation had me just a little
confused. My first thought was we were
celebrating that Farmer's dog all the kds
sign about. You know."BINGO was his
name oh."
     December is considered the birth
month of the game BINGO!
     I'm surprised but I really shouldn't
be. There's so little I really knew about
the game.
     As a kid growing up in Hazleton I
always assumed BINGO was invented
by the Catholic church and that you had
to be 65-years-old or older to play.
      Now I come to find out BINGO has
been around for a very long time! It was
started in Italy in 1530. It was called
"LoGiucoc del Lotto D'Italia." That
must have been a very large BINGO
      It's still a very big game in Italy
played almost every Sunday.
      The game showed up in the U.S.
in 1929 and was originally called
BEANO! I wonder if there's any
connection with the Stock Market Crash
that year!
       I got pulled into a game in Florida
during a visit a couple years ago. That's sort
of the "Big Leagues for BINGO down
there. I saw women playing ten cards
at one time and holding "lucky charms"
as they played!
        Anyway it's an appropriate day to
play a game or two and I understand
there's still a lot of places, including
churches, where this popular form of
gambling is readily available!
         Hope you're a winner and that
all your NEWS is good!


Tuesday, December 5, 2023




       December 6th is "Saint Nicholas Day!"

Long before Santa came along there was a

very devoted priest who loved to give away

all his possessions in a true Christian way.

Most he gave to the poor and very often to

poor children. He, of course, became a Saint.

Saint Nicholas. Ironically December 6th marks

the day that he died. But his spirit lives on,

partly through Santa Clause,  as does a Christmas

tradition he accidentally started. One of his habits

was to toss gold coins through the open windows

of poor family's houses. One one occasion, as the

story goes, the coins he tossed ended up in a

child's stocking. Work got around and, since then,

a popular Christmas tradition is to hang up stockings

hoping some goodies will find their way into them!

I've got mine in place already...but I'm thinking of

moving it close to the window.,,,,just in case.

Hope your stockings are up and that all yoru NEWS

is good! 

Monday, December 4, 2023


       TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2023


  Welcome to December 5th. This is "Repeal Day!"

  Back in the early 1900's a lot of people were

blaming alcohol for most of the troubles in

America. The lobbying efforts came hard and

fast and the result was passage of the 18th

amendment.  People were not suppose to

drink or manufacturer alcoholic beverages.

We called it Prohibition! After awhile, a long 

while, people began to realize it did not cure the

 problems. In fact, it created some! Bootleggers

made the booze, gangsters sold and distributed

it and speakeasies served it to willing, very

willing, customers. On this date in 1933

Congress repealed  the 18th amendment and

Prohibition was over. People have been free

to drink up since then. I'm celebrating with

a glass of wine. Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!


Sunday, December 3, 2023


    MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2023


       Before you start jotting down a

numerical list of all the things "he" 

wants for Christmas or the things

you're considering buying, allow me

to explain that December 4th is  "Santa's

List Day," It's the day when Santa and

his elves begin their final review of

his "Naughty Or Nice list." Ironically

I mention it just after I've completed 

a lengthy afternoon drive taking my

wife to various spots she had or wanted

to visit. Which, by the way, comes after

last evening when I prepared her supper

and put all the tray tables away nicely.

Not that those efforts should put me on

his "Nice list." Although he may want

to consider them. (Might as well let

him know, just in case!) Hope you're

nice, well, and that all your NEWS is


Saturday, December 2, 2023


            SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2023


       As we get into December a host of
holiday memories begin to fill our minds.
Most are pleasant although, perhaps,
    That first visit with Santa. Maybe yours.
Maybe your kids or grandkids. That
Christmas wish list. Christmas shopping.
     I've got a host of them too. Right now
I'm thinking back to December of
1959 and a very important office Christmas
     Before you get the wrong idea that
often gets associated with office parties
allow me to point out this was a party I
did not attend! And that's what made it
so special to me!
      I was an Errand Boy at my local
radio station, WAZL in Hazleton.
Most everyone at the station was invited
to attend the Christmas party. The DJ's
pre-recorded their shows that evening
so the music would go on.
      But somebody had to play those
tapes! And, once each half hour, somebody
had to go on-the-air with the station
identification! And that December evening
(the exact date escapes me) I was the guy
who got to do that! It was my first time on
the air!
       Between radio, and television, and with
pauses between jobs here and there,  I've been
on the air somewhere ever since! As o this

 December that makes 64 years! That's the kind 

of a Christmas memory that keeps

on giving! Hope you're heard or seen me
somewhere along the way and that all your
NEWS is good!


Friday, December 1, 2023




    Now here's a special day you probably

never heard of! December 2nd is "Business

of Making Popcorn Day!"  For years

people made popcorn by placing unpopped

kernels in a wire basket with a long handle.

They held the basket over an open flame

until those kernels popped. But in December

of 1885 a fellow named Charles Cretors

secured a patent for a steam powered

popcorn maker which could produce large

quantities of popcorn in a very short time.

Suddenly popcorn making became a

profitable business! It still is! Just check

your area movie theater where popcorn

is made for pennies and sold for dollars

every day! I still enjoy my popcorn. But

these days I pass on the wire basket and

the modern version of Cretor's machine 

in favor of a microwave bag! 3 minutes

and I've got all the popcorn I need. With

extra butter by the way! Enjoy your

popcorn! Hope all your NEWS is good!