Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Muddy Out There!

  The Governor called me yesterday.
  I haven't talked with Tom Corbett since he
was the State Attorney General and I was a
reporter for WYOU TV.
   I thought he might be calling to tell me
why he missed our lecture on Titanic at
the State Museum on Sunday. I know
his wife had planned to be there.
   But that wasn't the case. Seems they
had to be out on the "campaign trail."
   Tom's call, which turned out to be a
recording (surprise, surprise). was made
to convince me that I ought to vote
for a particular candidate during
today's primary election. I heard from
a couple actual candidates in similar
fashion. It's the only time I've
actually heard from them.....and that
includes the incumbents.
    I'm not sure who convinced the
Governor,or any of the candidates or
their supporters, that calling my home
was a good idea.  It's NOT!
Especially when the
calls always seem to come at a time
when I'm busy doing something.
     I will give the Governor credit
for simply stating his support of the
candidate in question as opposed to
slinging mud at the "opposition."
    Generally speaking this Primary
campaign has been so dirty I'm not even
sure I can use the ads in the newspaper
to line the bottom of our bird cage! 
    Maybe I can substitute those hand
outs from our polling place!
    Our bird talks a bit....but I don't
think he can read!
    Hope your vote counts and that all
your NEWS is good!


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