Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why My Wife Left Me!

   Yes the title of this essay is true (sort of).
   You might have thought it had to do with those
four handsome guys she saw Tuesday, And I guess
there's some truth in that (sort of).
    Truth is we were at Mount Rushmore in South
    We had caught up with the other 36 people in
the group we're hosting on a tour of National
    Anybody would be impressed with the images
of those four American Statesmen.
    A guy 6 feet tall could stand in Lincoln's eye.
If, that is, your were allowed to stand in Lincoln's
eye and were so inclined.
    It was a hot  day, though less humid than back
at home in Pennsylvania.
    Thankfully our bus driver carries a cold supply
of water in his baggage compartment.
    He had just offered a bottle to one of our
fellow travelers when she looked back to ask
another if they wanted one.....then promptly fell,
head first, off the curb she didn't see!  
    The driver quickly pulled out his first aid kit
while my wife began to stop the bleeding. But
it was clear our friend needed additional
medical attention (just what anybody wants on
   Park EMT's arrived on the scene offering
additional first aid an strongly suggesting
that our fellow traveler go, by ambulance, to
the near by hospital in Rapid City to be
checked further.
   Everyone on our bus agreed and finally talked
her into doing so.
   My wife decided the woman needed someone
with her and gave up her scheduled visit to
the Crazy Horse monument to volunteer. That's
when she "left me."
    Fortunately after a few stitches and great
hospital attention our injured companion, and
my wife, returned.
    I think I managed to get a smile out of our
embarrassed, stitched, and bruised friend when
I told her I saw her fall and called her "Safe!"
    I'm glad my wife is back and is the kind of
person who really does put others first when
it counts.
    I've added a photo of the Crazy Horse
Monument in her honor!
   Hope your day goes smooth and that all your
NEWS is good!

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