Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Getting Hammered!

  When you hear someone say "they don't build them
like they used to" there's a chance they could be
talking about the small dock we just pulled out of
the water at the lake near our camper.
   I have no idea who built it. Or when.
   I suspect it was a lot easier to build than it was to
tear apart!
   Take the nails for instance.
   They have a head on one end and a point at the
other. You hit the head to drive the point into a
   But we had to get the nails OUT of the boards!
   Sometimes you can do that by reversing the
process. You know....hitting the point with a
hammer till the other end comes out far enough
to grab it with the claw end of the hammer.
    Most of these nails, however, must have become
tired after being put it place because we found
many of the points bent over as though at rest.
    Fortunately a huge crowbar was available to
help with the extraction. It worked so well I'm
surprised dentists don't add them to their
    After an hour of so you started to realize
why the old dock held up so well.
   There must have been enough nails in
the wood to melt down and make a small car!
    They're in the garbage now. At least most
of them are!
    As for the wood.....well it's been getting
a bit chilly these last few evenings.
    So we used them for another purpose.....
to hold off the night's chill!
     Hope you're not "nailed" and that all
your NEWS is good!

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