Thursday, January 3, 2013

Decorations and da Vinci

    Art! It's all around us! Everywhere! Especially,
it seems, during Christmas season!
    I've been very impressed with the development
I've seen in downtown Pittston. I walk there a lot
and there's so much to be see!
    I've already mentioned the giant mural on the
side of one building that depicts the region's
history with scenes relating to Coal Mining,
Railroading, and the Garment Industry.
    Even though that has become a focal point
the city really got decked out for Christmas!
    Holiday wreaths decorate the new "old style"
street lamps in center city and the mule looking
over North Main Street was dressed for the
New Year too.
    Most every shop has a Christmas tree or
colorful Christmas characters in their windows.
    With all these eye catching attractions bidding for
one's attention it's all too easy to miss the artistic
"classic" starting you right in the face!
    It caught my attention as I walked yesterday.
    Somehow my eyes strayed, for just a moment,
from all the Christmas glitter and there she was....
Mona Lisa. Or, at least, a reasonable facsimile,
on the side door of what was, long ago, either
a Kresge or Woolworth's five and dime store!
    It's obvious there for the long run, not just
the holidays!
   So, if your travels take you through the
middle of the city that's in the middle of the
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area, keep your eyes
out for that lady ..."with the mystic smile."
    It's not the Louvre but art, like all beauty,
is where you find it! Right?
    I suspect Leonardo would be surprised.
    Hope he'd like it....and that all your NEWS
is good!


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