Low humidity, pleasant temperatures, and
a "Mostly Sunny" forecast prompted our
decision to head for the picnic grounds
In fact the humidity was low, and the
temperatures were pleasant!
But Peter Pan would have had a really
tough time finding his shadow under those
"Mostly Sunny" skies! Maybe the forecasters
were looking above the clouds.
Or course terms like "Mostly Sunny"
er "Partly Cloudy" may all be relative.
You know, like those steak choices you
make. How often has your "Medium Well"
T Bone actually come back Medium Well
How often has your "On Time" flight
really taken off when you expected?
At least they were right when they said
it wouldn't rain. That was Sunday's
prediction. Remember? And it poured on
us a Knoebel's....for about a half hour. The
rest of the day was as sunny as they come.
Bottom line.......check the forecast anytime
you're making plans......then look out the
window and make your decision based on
what you see! You can always bring an
umbrella just in case.
Hope your days are filled with sunshine
and all your NEWS is good!
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