Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Shopping Reminder Day!

    As if anybody really needed it....this is
"Shopping Reminder Day!" 
    I got a head start on the occasion as my
wife took me shopping yesterday. The idea
was to get everything we needed for
Thanksgiving before the storm predicted for
today showed up.
    Although shopping is not my favorite
activity yesterday's excursion proved as good
as any visit to a Comedy Club. My wife
provided the entertainment.
    What man could possibly keep a straight
face when his wife asks whether he prefers
one scent of dish washing detergent over
another? You might be shocked by the
lack of attention I give dish washing
detergent generally, let alone its scent! I
seldom sniff dish washing detergent!
    Or whether one package of Bacon looks
better than another produced by some other
company. I usually judge the quality of my
bacon after it has been fried!
    Then there's that moment when you're
asked "Do we need this?"  The question
could be applied to virtually any product.
The answer puts a man on dangerous
    First, I have no idea if "we" really need
the product or, second, if the real question
is does she want whatever it is?
    These, I believe, are the reasons why I
can enter a market on my own and emerge
with everything on my list at least a half
hour earlier than when we go as a team!
    Hope you remember to go shopping,
get a sweet smelling dish washing detergent,
and that all your NEWS is good!

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