Saturday, January 18, 2014


   WHAT?   You hear that word a lot in our
house these days. It usually comes from
  You see my wife is very soft spoken.
  And I, after many years in the media,
have some hearing loss.
  That combination makes for some
interesting situations.
   For instance, as quiet as my wife is,
she sometimes verbally expresses
her thoughts herself....out loud.
Except, of course, not very loud. Just
loud enough so that I can often detect
the faint sound of words. What words
I do not know!
  My response......WHAT did you say?
  Her reply. "I was just thinking out
   I hear something again. But, assuming
she's just thinking out loud...a say nothing.
   That is followed by......"Aren't you
hearing me?"
   Last night we were watching "Undercover
    I was leaving the living room for a bowl
of Cheerios. I vaguely heard the announcer
say something like ..."When we come back we'll
see what" .........but I didn't hear the rest.
    So Cheerios in hand I walked back into
the room and asked my wife...." he'll do WHAT?".
    "WHAT" she replied.
    "He'll do WHAT I answered."
    "WHAT are you talking about" she said.
     Unfortunately that comment came as I
attempted to deal with my mouth full of
Cheerios and milk."
     Laughter is an exercise in exhaling.
     So it was that a dozen pieces of half
chewed Cheerios and a spot or two of
milk were projected into the air and onto
the floor.
    "WHAT was that" she said.
    Continued laughter and my desperate
attempt to breath prohibited an immediate
    Then I explained "WHAT" I had been
     Ironically, she hadn't heard the
     "WHAT"  a night! 
      Hope you know "WHAT" I'm talking about
and that all your news is good!

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