Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All Day I Face the Baron Waste.....

   "All day I face the baron waste
without a drop of water! Cool, clear,
    It's been over 24 hours since the
folks in my development found our
spigots empty.
    Getting action has been a lot like
trying to get a bill through Congress!
     Our "on site contact" never
returned telephone messages.
     The absentee owner provided
another number for a gentleman
who, once reached, claimed no
knowledge of the underground water
      Another man, apparently
representing ownership, stopped by
late yesterday to ask if our water was
back on and if people on the other
side of our park had water. I could
only answer for me and suggest he
might consider asking people on the
other side himself.
     Another email today advised me
that workers were on the scene. If that's
the case they must have been having
lunch because no one was actually
working to either get the system running
again or to provide emergency supplies.
     A Township Commissioner took it
upon himself to check the situation.
After his visit some actual equipment
showed up.
   Unfortunately it can't be used, we're
told, until the crew gets clearance to
dig where they've got to dig to replace
an antique valve.
   Meanwhile, dishes wait to be cleaned,
laundry waits to be washed, and the
bathroom......well...let's not get into
    I casually mentioned to my wife that
I was willing to take her up to a stream
about a mile above the house if she
wanted to rush the laundry. I seemed
to detect a scowl at that suggestion!
    Hey, it worked for the Indians back
in the old west!
    Anyhow it appears we'll face another
night humming that old tune about
tracking through the desert..."without
a drop of water."
     Hope our fish don't mind we're
using our bottled supply that's suppose
to clean their tank for other purposes
and....that all your NEWS is good!


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