Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Great Turkey Hunt

  We paid a visit to Walmart last night to
get some photos developed. But wait,
there's more!
   My wife uttered those words that
frighten the best of men. "As long as we're
    I immediately feared the worse. I'd find
myself in one of those tiny changing rooms
trying on some jeans or shirts I didn't really
want but somehow needed.
   That fear proved premature!
   This time I found myself on a Turkey
    Thanksgiving, of course, is right around
the corner and we were in need of a bird
for the family feast.
     There was a good supply on hand. But
how do you pick the perfect bird?
      Well, in our case, we needed something
to feed more than a dozen people expected
to join us for the holiday. That meant
something fairly big.
      We dug into the first case looking for
the biggest bird we could find. Of course
you had to lift each one to read the tag.
      They all seemed big to me! They
were heavy! And turkeys don't come with
handles like milk jugs!
       We finally spotted one that looked
like it might be large enough for our
needs. But, after lugging it out of the
freezer compartment, we realized there
was no weight tag attached!
       A man from the Meat Department
just happened to be nearby stocking
steaks. My wife asked him if he'd be
kind enough to check our target bird.
       He must have heard her as he
carried it away, without comment,
probably asking himself why he has
to deal with turkeys...of all sorts.
       A couple minutes later he returned
and confirmed our suspicion that the bird
met our requirements.
       I grabbed a fork lift....all right...
it was really just a shopping cart..hauled
it to the check out, then loaded our quarry
into the car and brought it home where
it has displaced several pizzas and some
other stuff in our freezer.
     My wife tells me we may have to get
another "small bird" to supplement the
prize one from the market.
     I suppose I can skip the weights at the
Y this week!
     Hope the cranberries are light and that
all your NEWS is good!  

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