Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Oscar

    It should come as no surprise to
regular readers. I am a fan of Movies!
    My Dad was a projectionist. My
second home was the old Capitol
Theater in Hazleton.
    It was not unusual for me to see
a double feature on a weekend
afternoon then take in two more at
the Drive In that same night.
    I watched a good deal of the
Academy Awards on TV Sunday
evening. And I've personally seen
3 of this year's award winning films
so far. I plan to see more.
    I had one eye on the television
during the awards ceremony and the
other on Facebook on my computer.
Also, yesterday morning, I had an
ear turned to local Talk radio where
many listeners offered their comments
about the winners and losers.
    I was amazed by the number of
writers and listeners who criticized
the Academy's selections while, at
the same time, admitting they had
either not been to a movie for months
or years or had not seen any of the
pictures that captured awards!
    Many, a great many, were upset
because "American Sniper" was
virtually left out. Yet some of its
supporters never actually saw the
    They seemed to feel the real
life heroics of the movie's main
character should have been
celebrated with an award for the film.
     The amount of criticism has me
thinking we should have another
awards competition. Nominees
would be selected from those who
complain about movies...but seldom
(if ever) go to see them!
     Winners in my competition
would receive a special Oscar
befitting their intelligence with
regard to the motion picture industry!

Hope you're NOT a nominee and that
all your NEWS is good!

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