Monday, April 27, 2015

Safety With A Smile!


   If you've ever flown anywhere you
already know about the safety lecture
that precedes takeoff!
   Traditionally a Flight Attendant,
usually using a very poor sound
system, warns you of the need to
have your seatbelt fastened, the
location of a flotation device, and
the possibility that oxygen masks
may suddenly fall from the ceiling
to keep you breathing.
   You're also told to familiarize
yourself with a pamphlet in the
pocket of the seat you're facing
which demonstrates how to get out
of the aircraft after an emergency
   First time I heard it I wondered
if I'd be better off walking to my
   Now, there's a Delta difference!
   Somebody at that airline wisely
decided to offer the same safety
instructions....... with a laugh!
    They're offered on TV monitors
set up throughout the passenger
cabin and they offer ridiculous
examples to emphasize their point.
    For instance, instead of just
reminding people to place only
small items in their overhead
compartments they show someone
trying to place a Microwave inside.
    You're told to make sure your
seat tray is stored in the upright
position and make their point by
showing a robot crushed up against
a tray that hasn't been properly
    Those are just a couple examples.
    The result.....people are actually
paying attention to the instructions!
You can tell by the laughs in the
     It would be great if all airlines
follow Delta's example. It's an idea
that should "take off!"
     Hope your seatbelt is tight and
that all your NEWS is good!


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