Friday, December 16, 2016


               AULD LANG ZYNE

     My wife and I spent last evening with
 some old friends.
      I "retired" from WYOU/WBRE TV in
 2009. But each year some very nice folks
 in the front office there include us in the
 invitations they send out for the company's
 annual Christmas Party.
      It's kind of amazing. Most of you never
 see the people who work behind the scenes
 to bring you the news and other programming
 that fills your TV screen. Even when I worked
 there I couldn't identify every individual on
 the staff.
       After being out of the office for so many
 years I can honestly say I didn't know about
 two thirds of our fellow party goers.
       But then there's the table where the
 retirees get together. That's like a time
 machine of stories and memories from, in
 some cases, years before some of those
 other party goes were born.
        I especially enjoy spending time with
 Jim Keenan, one of the best news
 photographers every to work in northeastern
 Pennsylvania. When you worked with him
 you knew, without saying a word, his pictures
 would match your story. He took the time to
 listen to the interview he was photographing!
       How good was he. Well, he made me look
 good and that could not have been easy.
        Jim's wife and mine have also become
 good friends so this chance to get together is
 a real blessing.
        I wish some of the younger gang had
 the chance to hear some of our old stories.
 It could qualify as a post graduate course
 for a few of them. Or, at least, give them
 some good laughs!
         Merry Christmas new and old friends!
 Hope all your NEWS is good!

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