Saturday, November 5, 2022



        GO AHEAD, BACK UP!

    It was a great comedy routine done

by the team of Abbot and Costello. They

would be sitting in a car parked in a drive

way with Lou Costello at the wheel. They

had to back up to get out. Bud Abbot would

tell his partner..."Go ahead" and Lou would

start to pull forward. Abbot would yell, "No,

back up!" The two would then go through the

same thing several times as Costello argued

about "going ahead" to back up! Well it was

funny at the time. And, speaking of time,

if you're reading this on Sunday November

6th you should have already "gone forward

to back up!" You see Easter Standard Time

went into effect here on the east coast at 2am

this morning. We have about 6 clocks in our

house and all of them had to be reset. But

three of them are the old fashion kind of

clock. You know, the one with a big hand 

and a little hand. I was also told never to

turn those hands counter clockwise! Some

say you can damage the mechanism by

doing that. If that's the case the correct way

to reset the clock one hour earlier is to go

eleven hours ahead! Do the math! Next

project...trying to remember how to set

the clocks in our three vehicles. I suspect

I'll spend most of the extra hour we're

suppose to be getting re-setting all our

clocks!!! Hope you're right on time and

that all your NEWS is good!  

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