Thursday, May 30, 2024


               FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024

           CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

          May 31st is "Save Your Hearing Day!"

   It comes a little late for me!

     Years of radio and television and wearing

headphones have taken a toll. I realize I

have some hearing loss. My wife knew a long

time back when the word most spoken in

our house by me were "What?" I finally broke

down and purchased some inexpensive hearing

aids. They do help but they also magnify ambient

sound. You can hear things like ceiling fans as they

rotate. The other problem is the squeal you get when

you're putting them in your  ear until you get them

placed just right. I've got them in right now and I 

believe my wife is calling me to take the garbage

bags out. I'm taking them out right now.....the

hearing aides that is!! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!  

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