Sunday, June 23, 2024


  MONDAY, JUNE 24TH. 2024

              FAIRY DUST!

  If you're looking for something to

celebrate today you might consider

the fact June 24th is "International

Fairy Day."  I suspect this observance

may have originated in Ireland where

you'll actually find a perfectly straight

highway suddenly circling an island-

like mound of earth which the local

population considers to be "a Fairy

Fort." They take them very seriously

and don't disturb them where ever

they're found!

    Sherlock Holmes creator Sir

Author Conan Doyle was a great

believe in the tiny creatures!.

    And who among us hasn't read

or had Fairy Tales read to us or

waited to see what the Tooth Fairy

left under our pillow in place of

that tooth we lost?

     According to one of the web

sites celebrating the day a Fairy can

blow away bad dreams, grant wishes,

and bring good luck and happiness.

     Guess we could all use a little

of that right now! Enjoy the day.

Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

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