Thursday, July 25, 2024


    FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024


  It's July 26th. In case you didn't

already know this is "National

Talk In An Elevator Day!" For

some unknown reason the

interior of elevators is usually

treated just as libraries were for

many, many years. Everything's

quiet inside! What a waste of time!

That short ride to your destination

could be used to introduce yourself

to fellow travelers. Perhaps share

some news or humor with them.

So on this special "holiday," rise

to the occasion! Speak out. Say

Good morning, or afternoon or

evening as the case may be. I

decided to test the idea on my

recent trip to a friend's office

on the 8th floor of a local office

building. I wasn't sure if I should

simply comment on the unusually

hot weather or note how smooth

the unit was ascending to the

upper floor. In the end the topic

made no difference. I was riding

alone! Hope you'll speak up if

you find yourself in a "Lift"

(as the English call them) today

and that all your NEWS is good! 

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