Thursday, August 22, 2024


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2024


   Chances are you don't know a heck 

of a lot about the various bugle calls

used by the military. But it's a pretty

good bet you'd recognize the Cavalry

Charge. They still play it at baseball games

in the hope of rallying the home team.

And you may remember it from the movies

when General Custer made his famous, though

ill fated. charge at the Little Bighorn! I bring

it up because it was on August 23rd, 1944 that

the last major cavalry charge took place! It was

is Russia and it involved an Italian cavalry unit

which charged Russial artillery! But get this....

the cavalry won the day! When the battle ended

the Italians had lost 32 men and 100 horses. But

the Russians had 150 men killed, 300 wounded.

and 600 captured! You'd think we'd still be using

the charge and not just at basemall games! Just

though you'd like to know! Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good! 

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