Monday, September 2, 2024



        A ROCK FOR A WALK!?

     September 3rd just happens to

be "Pet Rock Day!" Pet rocks became

an international success in the 1970's

and the fad started when a young man

names Gary Dahl found himself

listening to a group of friends chatting

about the care, feeding, and responsibilities

they shared when caring for their cats and

dogs and other pets. Dahl found himself

pointing out the advantages of his pet

rock over those live animals. Of course

at the time Dahl didn't have a pet rock.

But after the conversation he went out

and picked one up. Literally! Then he

designed a box in which to ship the rocks.

Boxes complete with air holes like you'd

find in containers shipping live animals.

Foolish, right? Well the campaign

quickly sold a million pet rocks and

eventually made Dahl a multi millionaire!

The fad eventually died out but I believe

it has evolved. There's a new, very nice

trend these days, which has people 

painting rocks and often including a

positive message such as "Smile"

which are left along paths and walking

trails for others to find and enjoy. Not

a bad idea. We found one recently on

a walking trail near Geisinger Wyoming

Valley and a similar project has been

under way in Scranton's Nay Aug Park

for several years. It leaves one, making

or finding the rocks, with a very

positive feeling. Hope you're involved

in this latest "Pet Rock project" and that

all your NEWS is good!    

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