Saturday, September 14, 2024



             WASHY, WASHY!

   This is "International Clean Hands

Week!" Especially appropriate in the 

case of my wife and me as we are

heading out on a Travelworld Cruise

today. If you've ever been on a cruise

you've probably encountered those

attendants with land lotions waiting

here and there shouting something 

like "Washy, washy" and offering

the cleaning liquids for your hands

before you go to dining. While our

hands will be "washy, washy" my

BLOGS may be "ify, ify." I

l'll have limited wifi and will be

using my smartphone rather than

my usual Blog Camera. But I'll

try to get though when I can so please

be watching for my posts. Special

thanks to our brother-in-law Karl

for moving in to house sit while

we're cruising! Stay well during

this upcoming week and, by all

means, keep your hands clean!

Hope you do and that all your 

NEWS is good!  

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