Monday, May 16, 2011

The World Of Communications!

 We have come a long, long way since that guy
invented the telephone in 1876!
 It was either Alexander Graham Bell or Don
Ameche. No. It was Bell. Ameche was the guy
who played Bell in the movies.
 Anyway, like I said, we've come a long way.
 And how appropriate that it all began as
an accident when Bell spoke the words "Mr.
Watson. Come here. I need you."
 In 2009 an estimated 995 people were killed
as they spoke on their phones while driving
their cars!
 But I digress!
 Telephones have undoubtedly saved more lives
then they've claimed. And they've always
brought people together.
 When I was a kid I had a battery powered
Remco telephone. One end was in my
bedroom. It was attached to a wire that
ran some 60 feet through the air to the
bedroom of my buddy's house. We could have
yelled to each other at that distance.
 But the fun was in the phone.
 These days my grandson,like most teens,
has a small phone that will not only
call his friends, but allow him to play
games and access the Internet....if
 Devices like that have taken the place
my old Remco! And today's realities
make them an essential part of life.
 The phenomenon in my home is a great
 Here are the basic facts.
 My wife speaks at a level just above
a whisper. I have some hearing loss.
 The word most often used in our
house is..."What?!"
 It's bad enough when we're in the
same room. But lately, with my wife
recuperating from surgery,she is in the
bedroom and I'm either in the kitchen or
the living room.
 My cell phone rang one day last week
while I was watching TV with the air
conditioner running. It was my wife.
 She was calling, on her cell phone, from
the bathroom!
 The noise of the two appliances had
blotted out her yells to me from the
47 feet or so that separated us.
 Since then we have relearned that our
portable household telephones have an
intercom system that allows us to call
from one end of the house to the other
anytime we want. And it works well! 
 Guess it just goes to show you that
communications are...........wait a intercom is beeping again.
 I've got to go!
 Thanks heaps Mr Bell!
 Hope all your NEWS is good!

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