Saturday, August 31, 2024




   Welcome to September everyone.

September first is "National No

Rhyme Nor Reason Day." That phrase

first found its way into the English

language in a 1460 book, "The Boke

Of Nurture" by John Russel. But it

is, perhaps, better know as it was 

used in the Shakespearean play

"A Comedy of Errors" in 1590.

You can celebrate the day without

rhyme or reason. For instance, you

may write a poem with lines that

don't rhyme. Or you may get together

with a friend and write pomes for no

particular reason. You can do a good

deed for a friend or neighbor just

for the sake of doing it without

seeking thanks or compensation. By

the way the phrase "No Rhyme Nor

Reason" is described  as an

"Idiom." as it is used in English.

Coincidentally, my wife

has referred to me as an idiom on

many occasions. But I think she

pronounces it differently! In any

case enjoy your day without rhyme

or reason and may all your NEWS

be good!   

Friday, August 30, 2024


      SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2024

             NEARING THE END          

    Now don't panic! Summer isn't over
yet. Officially or unofficially. There's
still plenty of hot days ahead.
        But as we say good bye to August
there are all too many signs that the end
of this long hot summer is within sight!
       Most of the community swimming
pools have either shut down or are in their
last week. That's partly because most of
the colleges are back in session and Life
Guards are hard to find.
          Playgrounds seem pretty empty
now that most of kids are back in their
         You'll find you need your
headlights on before 8pm now that
September is coming round. At
least we've still got Daylight Savings
          The Fall Fairs have already
started. And while they're a lot of
fun they're also a sign that summer
is on its way out.
          But the worst is yet to come.
Soon those little Ice Cream Stands
will be closing for the season. I never
quite understood that. I buy ice cream
year round and if the stands stayed
open I'd be a customer!
          This is the first summer in a
while that really has seemed long and
hot right on through.
          Hope it hangs in till the bitter
end and that all your NEWS is good!


Thursday, August 29, 2024


   FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2024

         SUCK IT UP!

    Hubert Cecil Booth was a British

engineer who was a great designer as

well. He designed Ferris wheels, 

suspension bridges. factories, and

even engine parst for warships!

But the design that made him famous

was born from seeing an American

machine that blew dust off of furniture

amd office chairs. Booth wondered if

the process could be reversed. To test

the idea he placed his handkerchief

over a dusty chair, then put his mouth

on it and inhaled. When he turned the

hankey over he saw all the dust it held.

Booth tried in on a machine and got the

same results. So, he patened the first

powered vacume cleaner. A concept 

that sucked! But, in his case, that's

exactly what he wanted! Hope your

carpet is clean, that you're well and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


   THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2024


   I've always been impressed by inventors!

People who see a need and come up with an

idea, often a machine, to address that need.

People like Bell and Edison, and Whitcomb

Judson. You never heard of Judson? Well,

he was an American. He was a machine

salesman, a machinist, and an inventor.

Judson came up with 30 patents over a

16 year period. Most of them, as you might

expect, involved improvements for various

machines. But one dating from August of

1891, is still used by most of us every

day. And it should be remembered....

especially by you guys out there. You see

Judson invented the zipper!!! Just thought

you should know! Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


        WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024


   It's August 28th friends, "Radio Commercials

Day!" It represents the anniversary of the very

first commercial aired on American radio. It was

aired on this date in 1922 on radio station WEAF

in New York. And that commercial, by the way,

was for a real estate company! Across "the pond"

commercials didn't begin on British radio until

1973. And that commercial was for Birds Eye

Frozen Food!  Commercials, on radio or TV

can be annoying. That seems especially

true during political campaign season such

as we're enduring right now. But in defense

of the broadcasters, the commercials pay

the bills! They're sometimes informative

and sometimes even accurate. I like the

ones that use humor to sell their product.

At least I get a laugh. By the way today's

BLOG is brought to you by me and I

have approved this message. Hope you're

listening and that all your NEWS is good! 

Monday, August 26, 2024



         JUST BECAUSE!

  Throughout our life there are

certain things we must do. Perhaps

we do them because of our job or

an obligation to others. Well today,

August 27th is an unofficial

holiday which allows you to break

the mold. Step out of character.

This is "Just Because Day!"

Today you are encouraged to

so something you'd like to do

"just because" you'd like to do

it! Go for it friends! I wanted to

make sure you knew about this

special occasion "just because!"

Hope you enjoy the day and that all

your NEWS is good!

Sunday, August 25, 2024



     MONDAY, AUGUST 26TH., 2024

      This is truly a day of celebration my
friends. It is a day that all of us in the
civilized world should be absorbing...I
       Its "National Toilet Paper Day!
       I'm not sure why this particular
date was selected. But there are sure
a lot of reasons to celebrate.
        In the interest of full disclosure
my son-in-law works at the Cascade
factory which produces toilet paper
(and other paper products) made
entirely from recycled material! It's
a product that's always in demand!
And that's pretty good job security!
          Joseph Gayetty is widely
credited as having invented modern
toilet paper in the U.S. back in 1857.
According to the Toilet Paper
Encyclopedia, just in case you don't
have a copy, 49% of people choose
toilet paper as their number one
necessity if stranded on a deserted
island (ahead of food!). And 69%
agree that that toilet paper is the 20th
Century “convenience” most taken for
          I'm not sure I agree with the
masses. I tend to think I'd prefer food
over a roll of tissue paper if I was
stuck on a deserted island! Maybe
some food and an old Sears catalog!
          In any case, don't waste this
special day! Do your duty and celebrate!
Hope everything comes out all right
and that all your good!

Saturday, August 24, 2024


    SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2024


  Please understand I don't make up these

unusual :holidays." I just report them to

you here on my Blogs. With that

disclaimer in place I must tell you that

today is "Go Topless Day!" It is

observed annually on the Sunday

closest to the anniversary of the date

when women finally got the right to

vote. It was designed to be a display

of equality. You can easily see that

many people would believe this is

a very controversial "celebration."

Still, given the equality theme my

wife and I plan to observe the day!

If you see us out and about in our

Miata today you can be sure it

will be topless! (The Miata that

is!) Hope your day and all your 

NEWS is good!


Friday, August 23, 2024

A Night At Tha Drive In!

   SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 2024

A Night At The Drive In!!

It was Boy Scout Night that prompted us to head out to the Moonlight Drive In Theater in West Wyoming. I used to go to the drive in most every night when I was growing up in the 1950's. My Dad was a projectionist. He worked the Capitol Theater in Hazleton during the day then headed out to one of several drive in theaters we had in the area back then. Of course back in the 50's there were some 4,000 drive in theaters in the U.S.  Now there's about 177. That's why the Moonlight is especially unique. It was closed for about 30 years but was reborn just a few years ago. Except for the lack of speakers ( these days you get sound through your car radio) and the new digital projectors,other experience is much the same as it was all those many years ago. And the popcorn is as good as ever. Hope you,'ll take a chance to relive those God old days. Find a drive in near you and take in a show! Hope you enjoy the movie and that all.of your NEWS is good!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2024


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2024


   Chances are you don't know a heck 

of a lot about the various bugle calls

used by the military. But it's a pretty

good bet you'd recognize the Cavalry

Charge. They still play it at baseball games

in the hope of rallying the home team.

And you may remember it from the movies

when General Custer made his famous, though

ill fated. charge at the Little Bighorn! I bring

it up because it was on August 23rd, 1944 that

the last major cavalry charge took place! It was

is Russia and it involved an Italian cavalry unit

which charged Russial artillery! But get this....

the cavalry won the day! When the battle ended

the Italians had lost 32 men and 100 horses. But

the Russians had 150 men killed, 300 wounded.

and 600 captured! You'd think we'd still be using

the charge and not just at basemall games! Just

though you'd like to know! Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


   THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2024


    I hear it through the grapevine. Or, rather, email.

The modern equivalent of the grapevine! Blue 

Ridge Estate Winery was looking for a few

volunteers to help with a grape harvest. My

wife and I liked the idea. I've enjoyed the wines 

at these vinyards so why not pitch in to help?

We headed out first thing in the morning and arrived 

about 9. Some other volunteers were already there.

The assignment was to harvest as many of the Aromella

grapes as possible. Their juices will enhance other

wine products naturally without adding sugar.

We were given shears with which to trim the

grapes from their vines (my wife, ever prepared,

brought her own). We were able to pitch in for

about 2 hours and our cuttings, coupled with

those of the other volunteers will produce

about 50 gallons of juice. It wasn't very

difficult and, in fact, proved to be a lot of

fun for the time we were there. I am still

convinced there is a huge vat somewhere

on the property where some bear-footed

women are waiting to mash those grapes

into a liquid form! No one would admit

to that! But I'm looking forward to

sampling the new wine once it's

bottled and ready for consumption!

Maybe you'll get to try some too!

Hope so and that all your

NEWS is good!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024

        HOW OLD IS "OLD?"

        It's August 21st everybody and this is

"Senior Citizens Day!" When I was growing

up I considered anyone older was a senior

citizen. My parents. Certainly my grand mother.

But that designation has changed a lot over the

years. At one time retirement age qualified one

as a senior. That age used to be 65. But now you

can reture at 62. That's the age one has to be to

buy a Senior Pass to our national parks. But

AARP , which has been representing senior's

interests for years, welcomes members once

they hit 50! I finally realized and admitted

I was a senior during a snow storm a few years

back. It was very bad and people were being asked

to call their senior neighbors to make sure they were

all right. I picked up my cell phone and called

my home phone. And, yes, I was OK! Hope

you're well, whatever your age, and that all

your NEWS is good.

Monday, August 19, 2024


   TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2024

             RADIO DAZE!

   Today is National Radio Day! It's a
day that brings back a lot of memories for
me. But, in a bitter sweet way!
   I got into radio when I was still in High
School. I started as an errand boy and
finally got on the air as a Disk Jockey.
   I was a lot different then. But so was
   Music brought listeners to your station
depending on your format and their taste.
    Stations were truly local. In my
hometown you could get the Mine working
schedules. There was a program announcing
area births, and most every station covered
local sports.
     Unfortunately, times have changed.
     These days you'd be lucky to find a live
DJ working at your local station...IF your
local station is still on the air!
       Big corporations now own many
local radio stations and much of the
music comes from a satellite instead of
a local turntable.
       Hats off to those broadcasters who
are still trying their best to serve their
local community. On this National Radio
Day I hope all of their, and your, NEWS
is good!


Sunday, August 18, 2024


   MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2024


  If you're looking for something to

celebrate today I've got just the thing!

August 19th is "National Potato Day!"

The potato is the third most important

food crop in the world after rice and

wheat for human consumption!

There are more than 4,000 varieties

of native potatoes and another 180

wild species. More than a billion

people world wide eat potatoes.

It's a vegetatively propagated

crop which means new plants can

be produced from the potato itself

of a piece or "seed" from a potato.

It's probably best to "celebrate"

with some form of potato. Maybe

mashed potatoes, baked potatoes,

or French fries! Not hungry but

still want to celebrate? Just 

hold a potato in your hand and

stare at it! That will make you a

"Spec-Tater!" Hope you enjoy

your potatoes and that all your

NEWS is good!



Saturday, August 17, 2024


     SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2024


   This is a very bog day in the history of

advertising! It was on this day in 1872 that

the A M Ward Company published the very

first mail order catalog! That allowed people

to shop at home! Of course catalogs became

very [popular over the years, especially the

Sears Catalog which was about the biggest.

It not only offered merchandise but doubled

its popularity in the days before indoor

plumbing became standard! Catalogs are a

little harder to find these days although a number

of companies, like Avon, still make them available

to customers. Many catalogs are offered on line

now but I kind of like having a printed one in

which I can circle an item I really like then let

it somewhere my wife is bound to see it! Hope

you're still checking the catalogs, that you are

well and that all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, August 16, 2024


          SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2024


   August 17th is "Baby Boomer Recognition

Day." Since that generation began as of 1945

I just missed out on being included. Baby Boomers

have seen some great advancements in technology

during their life times and many of those involve

the automobile! I saw a story recently

about self driving tractor trailer trucks! They've

been experimenting with self driving cars for

several years now. Personally I prefer to do my

own driving. But it's so amazing how far car

technology has come over the years! You

probably have a car with key-less entry. 

Certainly power steering and power breaks.

Maybe even a back up camera and GPS unit.

You probably even have a device that shows

you the temperature! I mention all this because

one of the greatest inventions in automobile

technology was patented on this very day in

1891. It was the electric starter! Prior to its

invention you literally had to turn a crank to

start your car motor. These days you can do that

from your porch with a remote control car

starter. I like that kind of technology. But I

still want to press that button all by myself!

Hope you're still driving yourself whatever

generation you're from, and that

all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Coming Together!

 Friday, August 16, 2024


My wife, grandson Anthony, and I spent the bulk of Thursday at the Little League World Series in South Williamsport. The Series has always held interest for me. A distant cousin, now deceased, played for the very first winning Little League World Series team, the Maynard Midgets! I did feature stories from the series for WYOU for several years during my news coverage days. And I was always amazed! No 'border problems' there! Like the Olympics players from all over the world and their families interact enjoying sports and all the things that go with competition from the games to the hot dogs and popcorn. No fighting or arguing! Just respect shown to one another. In fact I noted the ballplayers from Japan actually bowed to the umpires when coming to bat! Those to came to see and enjoy the games fit into the crowds as if they were born and raised here. Maybe we should try to get world leaders and a few political candidates to grad a piece of cardboard and slide down a hill together! It might make a world of difference! Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



                    SOUND OFF!
     It is one of my earliest memories!
It was August 15th., 1945. I was nearly 3.
    I know we were vacationing at
the shore. And I know the radio
was on in the car.
    I was already sitting up front.
Probably on my Mom's lap. "Child
Safety Seats" were unheard of back
     Suddenly my Dad let me start blowing
the car horn. And he didn't make me stop!
I was in my glory! King of the road as
it were.
      Somewhere along the line we
stopped at a restaurant. I don't remember
ordering on my own. But I do remember
a huge pile of spaghetti put on a plate
and placed directly in front of me!
      Perhaps, at 3, I had become the
world's greatest horn blower! Why
else serve such a big portion to such
a little kid?
      Well, at it turns out, there was
another reason. Thought I had no
idea of its impact back then, I now
know it was VJ Day! The empire of
Japan had surrendered to the United
States thus ending World War II !
      The surrender came on August
14th but President Truman didn't
announce it publicly till the 15th.
Of course it wasn't signed until
September 2nd.
      I am pleased to have been
allowed to participate in what
turned out to be a world-wide
      It has been 79 years. And each
has its share of memories. Yet the
memory of that horn and my heaping
helping of spaghetti will always have
a special place in my mind.
      Hope you have some treasured
memories too! And that all your
NEWS is good!
(Unfortunately no photo from the
day. But this is me and the car a
couple years later!)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


     WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2024


     We've had a lot of hot weather

around these parts lately and some

heavy rain that came along with it.

It has me thinking about that verse little
kids can be heard to sing when showers
come along. My grandson does a pretty
good rendition. "Rain, rain, go away."
      It's been around for a very long
time! But it's also changed a bit over
the years.
      Similar versions can be traced back
to ancient Greece. The first English version
goes back to the 17th century when a guy
named James Howell wrote "Raine, rain,
goe to Spain, faire weather come again."
         As a kid I sometimes enjoyed a
rainy day. I'd play on our small back
porch where toys that used to belong to
my older brother were packed away
waiting to be rediscovered by the likes
of me.
        On days like that our L-shaped front
porch, covered by the floor of the porch
above, became a refuge from the rain
drops as my friends and I used it as a
fortress for our games of cops and
robbers or Cowboys and Indians.
         My wife tells me when the
rains came to her backyard, without
lighting that is, she and her brothers
and sisters would often dawn their
bathing suits and use their wet grass
as a water park, sliding across the

         These days it's rare to find
playing outside, even in the sunshine!
         The recent storms around our
area have been generally too strong
to allow outdoor play so kids take them
games inside and repeat the age old
chant, "Rain, rain, go away."
          Hope it works soon, and that
all your NEWS is good!

Monday, August 12, 2024



    TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH., 2024
                 SOUTHPAW DAY!

      I write on this August 13th to honor
all of you who are left handed. This is,
as it happens, Left Hander's Day!
      I have a niece who is left handed
and my late brother always played
golf left handed. I myself did a bit of
switch hitting during the later days of
my Softball career so as to be one full
step closer to first base.
       Left handers have a lot to deal with!
For instance you're unlikely to find a
desk designed for them in school. Coffee
mugs are made with the picture or text
for a right handed pick-up. And scissors
are designed for right handers!
        Although I never witnessed it
personally I've heard stories about
teachers who used to use a ruler on
those writing lefthanded to make them
switch! I wonder how many
potential million dollar baseball
southpaws were lost to us that way?
       According to,
right handed people operate in the left
side of the brain. Left handed people use
the right side. Therefore, only left handed 
people are in their right mind. 
        Just thought you'd like to know.
Hope all your NEWS is good! 

Sunday, August 11, 2024


                            MONDAY, AUGUST 11TH., 2024

                          CHUCKLES FROM THE CHIEF!

   I've have checked my calendar for unusual observations and
find that August 11th is "Presidential Joke Day!"
    Now, before all you Democrats start offering suggestions.
And before all you Republicans get angry for what you expect
to come. You should understand that this is not a day to tell jokes
about a President. This is a day for Presidents, if they wish, to
tell jokes!
     It all stems from a not so funny incident in 1984.
     One of the first things you learn in broadcasting is to assume
if there's a microphone in front of you's on!
      But President Ronald Reagan, a broadcasting veteran himself,
apparently forgot that basic rule! On this date in 1984, while
preparing for a national speech, was testing his microphone. He
said 'My fellow Americans I am pleased to tell you I have just
signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing
begins in 5 minutes." But his remarks went out over the air!
        Needless to say a lot of people didn't find that very funny.
But it did lead to Presidential Joke Day.
         Perhaps it might better to remind Presidents and the rest
of us to think before we speak. A closed mouth gathers no
          Hope you're well and that all of your jokes and NEWS
are good!

Saturday, August 10, 2024


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2024


   You may not know the name

Frank Epperson. But his "accident"

has made a lot of our lives better.

Especially in the summer!  Frank

was 11-years-old and living in

Oakland, California when he

added some powered soda mix

to glass of water then put a stick

inside to stir the mixture. He put

it aside and apparently forgot about

it till the next morning. That's when

he found his concoction frozen in the

glass! He ran the glass under hot water

and used the stick to pull the mixture

out. He tasted it and liked it a lot!

He continued making the mix for himself

and his friends. Then, when he grew

older, he made it for his kids! In 1923

he got a patent for the treat which he

intended to call an Eppsicle . His kids

had a better idea and convinced him

to change the name to Popsicle! 

You might consider having one now

since August 11th is "National

Popsicle Day!"

Friday, August 9, 2024


             SATURDAY, AUGUST 10TH., 2024


   August 10th! One of those unofficial holidays I've
not only looked forward to, I've rehearsed for it! lists August 10th as
"Lazy Day!"
     The name says it all. It's a day to be lazy. You
goof off! Pretty much do nothing! Certainly put off
whatever you can put off. Enjoy yourself by doing
      Now, if by chance you're locked into some task,
take heart! August 15th is "Relaxation Day" So you'll
get another chance!
      My wife claims I've been rehearsing for this day
since the beginning of January! Hope you're relaxed, 
taking it easy, and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, August 8, 2024



    FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH., 2024

     In many states across the country
August 9th is observed as "Book Lovers
     It's a day that could probably be
named for my wife, one of my daughters,
and a granddaughter as well. In fact the
granddaughter's picture could logically be
used in any promotional efforts for this
day! But all three of them read as often
as they can.
     My wife's friend even gave her a
reading pillow with the inscription
"Just one more chapter." Something 
I hear her say every night about the
time I'm ready to turn out the light 
and get some sleep!
     I was a great reader for many years.
Of course my initial interests in the
written word  came with publications
of Superman or Batman & Robin where
the text was supplemented with vivid
action drawings!
      I continued to read through the
years but the reading gave way to
writing. And the need to read a lot
of newspapers and wire service
material as I got into the news business
dampened my desire to spend off duty
hours reading still more!
     Since "Book Lover's Day" is an
unofficial holiday I'm thinking I should
really take part in the observance. So,
I've picked out what looks like a good
mystery novel for the day.
     It's called "The Monster At The
End Of This Book" and features 
Grover, a character from Sesame
Street. Hope there's not too many
big words and that all your NEWS is

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


         THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024


Today I'm remembering the days of "the Service

Station." I am remembering the days when an

attendance filled up our gas tank at each visit.

 Routinely they would also ask to check your oil

 and clean your windshield. Things have changed

 since those days. And I'm not just talking about

 the cost of gasoline. Although what I pay for a gallon 

now, probably would have filled my tank. These days

I check my own oil and clean my own windshield

whenever possible.  Often there no squeegee near

the gas pump and when there is it's usually in a

container without water! The pumps these days are

suppose to print a receipt when you're done 

filling the tank. But more often than not I get a

message to "See the Cashier For Receipt" so I

end up having to go inside anyway and

usually have to wait for someone buying a

handful of lottery tickets before I can get that

receipt! Oh for the day is of the service station.

 Hope you still have one somewhere around 

your neighborhood, that you're well, and that

 all your news is good.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024



           A BEACON FOR ALL!

    Ahoy me hearties! It's "National

Lighthouse Day!"
    It was on this day in 1789, that
Congress approved an Act for the
establishment and support of lighthouse,
beacons, buoys and public piers.
    While Lighthouses have always
been important to sailors most of us
seem to have a fascination with these
huge (well mostly huge) towers that
cast a beacon through the air and
out to sea (or lake) each night.
     We have three tiny models of
lighthouses on our front porch. And
our grandson likes to pick them
up to check them out nearly every
time he visits.
      A few years back the family
visited one in North Carolina and
several of us set out to climb the
spiral staircase inside. Two kids
and two adults made it. I was one
of those who succeeded back then.
      These days I'd be lucky to make
it round the first spiral turn!
       My son wanted to climb the one
in Cape May, New Jersey but we
didn't have time on our last visit.
Next time maybe. I'll take his 
picture on top....from the ground
with my zoom lens!
        Anyway a salute today to those
lighthouses that protect our coast
line and to those who have worked
so hard to preserve them!
        Hope they'll continue to shine
and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, August 5, 2024


   TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2024


   Some people seek fame. And

some people become famous, but

for all the wrong reasons! His friends

called him "Philadelphia Billy." And

Billy was born in Philadelphia. But

later in life he moved to Buffalo, New

York where he became a vegtable peddler.

Billy was all too famous for his drinking,

both in Philly and Buffalo, and he got himself

into many drunken brawls. It was after a

night of drinking that he returned home and 

got into an argument with Tilly, his common

law wife. Billy accused her of stealing from

him and of planning to run off with another

man. He killed her with an ax! And on this

very date in 1890 "Philadelphia Billy",

William Kemmler, gained fame by being

the first person executed in the Electric

chair! I suspect he never envisioned that

particular kind of "fame!"

Hope all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, August 4, 2024


    MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024

          IN A STEW!

    This is "National Oyster Day!"

The oyster, as you probably know, is

a shell fish. It's found in both salt and

fresh water. Some people like to eat them

raw. I always enjoyed them in oyster stew!

I used to be able to get a can of oyster stew

from the Campbell Soup Company. But

some years back they got a bad batch of

oysters from some polluted water off

Korea and they stopped offering the stew

after that. I tried diving for my own but

the only ones I found must have been

polluted too. They had these "little while

marbles inside so I just tossed them all

away! Luckily I found canned oysters and

my wife has been able to use them to make

my oyster stew/ Now I don't have to worry

about taking a dive anymore! Hope you're

enjoying some oysters somewhere today and

that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, August 3, 2024


      SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024

              DON'T QUIT TRYING!

   There's an old saying in sports.."

Never give up." It's a thought we really

should apply to life in general. Things

may seem as bad as they can get but

things can turn around faster than you

could ever imagine! A perfect example

comes to us from the world of sports

on this very day, August 4th., 1929.

The Cleveland Indians (yes, they were

called the Indians back then) were in

New York playing against the New York

Yankees. It was the top of the 9th and

Cleveland was losing 6 to 5. There were

two outs. And then, suddenly, Cleveland

scored. Amd scored. And scored! They

won the game 14 to 6! As a famous

Yankee (Yogi Berra) once said..."It

ain't over till it's over!" Your "downs"

can turn around just as quickly so....

never give up! Hope you'll follow

Yogi's advice and that all your NEWS

is good!  

Friday, August 2, 2024


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2024

            CHRIS SETS SAIL!

    I'm pretty sure when you were in

school years ago you probably heard

the rhyme.."In 14 hundred and 92

Columbus sailed the ocrean blue."

Well this was the very day that voyage

began! August 3rd., 1492! Columbus

had hoped to find a short route to the

far east. Instead he had the first cruise

to Bermuda! Many have cruised there

since! He is known for discovering

the Americas (and telling people

about what he found!) He commanded

three ships. The Nina, the Pinta, and

the Santa Maria. I've always geard there

was a forth vessel.....but it sailed off the

end of the square earth! Who knows?

In any case that's today's history lesson.

Hope all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, August 1, 2024


   FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2024


    Before we get into this new month

I wanted to make sure you were aware

August is Crayon Collection Month!

It's sponsored by an organization that

encourages you to save your old crayons

to donate them so they can be shared where

they're needed. The Head Start Program is

one of the places your old crayons could

end up. We have a small collection at our

house. Some from an old Crayola box and

a few from area restaurants. But our youngest

grandson turns 9 today so we'll probably still

get some good use out of our collection.

Maybe even today since August 2 nd is also

Coloring Book Day!!! Hope you're staying

within the lines and that all your NEWS is
