Friday, August 2, 2024


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2024

            CHRIS SETS SAIL!

    I'm pretty sure when you were in

school years ago you probably heard

the rhyme.."In 14 hundred and 92

Columbus sailed the ocrean blue."

Well this was the very day that voyage

began! August 3rd., 1492! Columbus

had hoped to find a short route to the

far east. Instead he had the first cruise

to Bermuda! Many have cruised there

since! He is known for discovering

the Americas (and telling people

about what he found!) He commanded

three ships. The Nina, the Pinta, and

the Santa Maria. I've always geard there

was a forth vessel.....but it sailed off the

end of the square earth! Who knows?

In any case that's today's history lesson.

Hope all your NEWS is good!

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