Thursday, October 18, 2012

Over The River and Through The Woods!

   My wife and I and two other couples headed out for
another one of our "adventure rides" yesterday.
    We didn't actually cross the river until later in the
day. But we very definitely found ourselves going
through the woods! Perhaps a bit more woods than we
had anticipated.
     Our destination was Dingman's Falls off Route 209
not far from Milford, Pa.
     We had been there before.
     We were always impressed with the boardwalk,
made of recyclable materials, that lead visitors from
the Visitor's Center to the falls. Among other things
it allowed people confined to wheel chairs to enjoy
the beautiful scenery and crystal clear stream that
flowed through the park site.
     When we arrived, however, we found the access
road to the parking lot blocked by a set of locked
metal gates.
     The road, we were told, was damaged when
that crystal clear creek became a raging river in
September of 2011!
      You could still get to the boardwalk, and the falls
IF you were willing to walk all of the three mile round
       Since we had planned a walk anyway the prospect
didn't bother us and we set out to find the falls!
       We learned a couple of things during the walk in.
        First, there were things along the access road we
never really noticed when we drove into the site.
        The colored leaves were a delight way before
we ever got to the boardwalk trail.
        We also noticed that, with just a little effort and
a few orange colored cones, the road could easily
have been used to make sure this attraction was
accessible to everyone!
         That great boardwalk was only great for those
able to walk back to it from the main highway.
          We passed about a dozen other people who took
the stroll on this beautiful fall day.
           The Visitor's Center was closed and is beginning
to show signs of neglect.
            The boardwalk trail is still in great condition
and the walk back to the falls was well worth the effort!
             Later we crossed that river I mentioned (the
Delaware), had some garlic pizza, then drove to the
Casino at Monticello.
              The way I see it we lost weight on the walk to
the falls, gained it back eating the pizza, but still came
away "lighter" after visiting the casino!
               Hope they'll get that access road fixed so you
can see the falls and that all your NEWS is good!


1 comment:

  1. Very pretty pictures. Thanks for sharing!
