Monday, April 22, 2013

Sure Signs Of Spring!

     Spring has sprung.
    The grass has .....well you know how that
one goes. And we all know there are sure
and certain "signs" of Spring even when the
cooler morning temperatures suggest other
    Some people look for flower blossoms.
    Some people watch for the geese flying
    Some people swear by the sight of the
first Robin.
    Me. I watch for the other signs that
sprout up every spring. The Political
campaign signs! And they're here!
    They almost seem to pop up out of the
ground overnight! One day there's
nothing. The next day they seem to be
    Now to be fair there are one or two,
here or there, that seen to be Perennials.
Those candidates are either always
running or haven't got any volunteers to
take their old signs down.
    But most are "new blooms" planted
specifically for the Primary election
that's scheduled for May 21st.
    A few of the candidates either have
a green thumb or a lot of money because
they're got a lot of signs sprouting up
along local roads.
    I've finally figured out why these
"signs of spring" grow so darn well
around here. I think there's plenty of
"fertilizer" behind their "growth!"
    Hope you're looking for geese or
Robins and that all your NEWS is good!


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