Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's "Lucky Penny Day!"

   Pay extra attention as you make the rounds today.
   May 23rd is "Lucky Penny Day!"
   The researchers at were
unable to trace the originators of this "holiday."
    If fact many people will undoubtedly question the
value of a special day set aside to pay tribute to the
common everyday penny.
    After all there's very little you can buy for a single
cent these days.
    Most folks, when receiving a penny in change at
their local market probably just offer it back
to the every present "penny pile."
    That depository is suppose to be put into use to
help other customers who come up a penny short.
     I often wonder if, at the end of the day, it really
becomes a dollar tip for the clerk on duty?
     Some of course are probably dropped into one
of those containers to "Save the Animals" or some
similar charity.
      The old saying is "Find a penny, pick it up, and
all the day you'll have good luck." I never found that
to be especially true. But, in all fairness, I just now
learned, through my research for this blog, that you're
only suppose to pick up the pennies that are "Heads
up!" Guess "Tails" doesn't qualify!
     But anyway you look at them Pennies are still a
major commodity in my house! And the grand kids
grab for them whichever side is facing up!
     I suppose it has something to do with the
Gumball machine we keep on our kitchen table
that's filled with M&Ms! You've got to put in a
penny to get a couple out.......and we're doing a big
business! Of course we supply the pennies!
     Hope you're still getting your two cents worth
in and that all your NEWS is good!

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