Thursday, July 25, 2013

Under (On & Around) The Boardwalk!


    Don't let those old song lyrics fool you!
    There's nothing happening "Under The
Boardwalk!" In fact there are places where
you've got to have a permit to go under
those boards!
     It's certainly a different story on top!
     There....they see you coming!
     It's like a three month long carnival.
     The flashing lights, loud music, and
barkers are all trying to attract your
attention AND get your money!
      Take the squirt gun games! I clearly
remember when my wife, an ace shot with
a water pistol, used to put her quarter down
and either break a balloon or push a monkey
to the top of a tower in order to win some
"fantastic prize", probably worth a nickel
or so.
     The guns are pretty much the same today.
     The targets may or may not have changed.
     But these days it takes three bucks to win
the prize! Must be the higher water bills!
      There are other "new" things on the
Boardwalk too. Polish Water Ice is a big
seller these days. I'm not sure how different it
is from Italian Ice.
       Speaking of Italian, you can still find
Bocce Courts just off the Boardwalk. Players
of varying ages roll the big balls as close as
possible to the little one (called a Jack
or Pallino) while tunes like "That's Amore"
or "Al Di La" play through a loud speaker
system. You won't find much Polish Water
Ice here!
      There's a Fudge shop every few blocks.
Each offers the best fudge on the Boardwalk
and a "Buy one pound, get a free box of Salt
Water Taffy" Special. Not wanting to blindly
accept their claim we have been forced to
take their free samples each time we pass the
         Smart visitors. realizing that no clerk
can possibly remember the thousands of faces
passing by, can simply walk back and forth
enough to gather a pound or two for free!
           Meanwhile, under the Boardwalk,
there's a general peace and quiet. Perhaps
some of the muffled sounds from up above
and an occasional Quarter that falls through
the cracks.
          The extra money might be nice but,
as I've already pointed out, a quarter won't
even get you a seat in the Water Gun games
these days!
          Better just settle for a nice game of
Bocce Ball!
          Hope you'll play "above boards" and
that all your NEWS is good!

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