When I was a kid it was simple. You
played baseball in the Summer, Football
in the Fall, and Basketball in the Winter.
If you weren't on an organized team
you still played. In back yards, on sand
lots (actually coal waste fields in our
area) or on any playground that happen
to be available.
We never really heard or thought
about Soccer. That was a game played
somewhere else in the world. But that
has changed.
These days more and more kids are
choosing soccer as their team sport.
Two of my grand kids now play the
game. And play, and play, and play!
There is a Spring Soccer League and
a Fall Soccer League. I haven't asked about
Winter. I'm afraid someone will start a
League then too!
We try to support our grand kids by
attending as many games as possible. With
two kids on two different teams often
playing on the same day on two different
fields that can sometimes be a challenge!
It was with some relief when both
played their final League games of the
season last week.
But wait! There's more! No sooner
had our grand daughter's team walked off
the field when we learned about a Soccer
Tournament scheduled for this past weekend!
It was a "Double Elimination Tournament."
Whether you won or lost on the first day, you'd
have at least one more game to play the
following day.
As it happens, our team lost on Saturday in
overtime and came back Sunday to play again!
A win would require plans for next weekend as
the tournament continues!
But, as luck would have it, after another
overtime game, the Fat Lady has sung and this
Soccer Season has, finally, come to an end!
I'm not sure how we're suppose to spend
our weekends now...except maybe somewhere
warm and cozy where we can save our voices
for another season!
Hats off to the players for a job well done
and to my fellow spectators for hanging in there
when an hour sometimes seemed like a day and
the season sometimes seemed like forever!
Hope your shins aren't bruised and that all
your NEWS is good!
Europeans and Latin Americans object to our use of "football" for our games, you know, the one with the pigskin. Soccer is really football, that is what it is called elsewhere in the world. Because the players use their feet. In our football, players use their hands, for passing and catching and intercepting. The only use of the feet is the kickoff, the extra point and the field goal. Why cannot we call our game American gridiron.