Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Was That?

   My grandson came for a sleepover last
night. And so, yesterday, we hit the road
looking for some adventure.
    It didn't take long to find some!
    Our new favorite Ice Cream stand
provided a tasty treat which we followed
with a round of mini golf under the hot sun!
    The course proved challenging, especially
trying to avoid water hazards that seem to
have become mosquito breeding pools!
    We expected the ice cream to be good and
the mini golf to be fun.
     It was the "unexpected" that added a
taste of excitement and mystery to our day.
     We were driving on a narrow road next
to a rail line and the Susquehanna River
when we saw the huge form running
across the road!
      It was a large Bear! And, judging from
it's speed, it was either very thirsty and
heading for the river or a very late, and an
unusual entry, in the Belmont Stakes!
      Looked like he was running faster than
the favorite! 
      In fact this bruin ran far too fast for us
to get a photo! But he, or she, was the talk
of our trip.......until.........the subject of the
"Spaceship" came up! (Insert Twilight
Theme Music Here!)
      I first spotted the object many years ago
near a garage in the small town of
      It looked like.....well......a Spaceship. Or,
perhaps, a very large Diving Bell.
     Neither is something you'd expect to find
in Mocanaqua! Or most anywhere else for
that matter.
     Over the years the mystery has grown, as
have the trees and brush, along with a fence,
that now surround the strange thing
      Needless to say my grandson just had to
see it. So I took the back road that lead us to
the site,
       We still don't know exactly what it is or
why it's where it is. Perhaps Aliens settled here
years ago and kept their craft nearby in case
they've got to leave quickly?
       Maybe somebody figured the river would
finally get that high and they wanted to be
        Either way it's a heck of a good story to
help a little boy remember a day on the road
with his grand parents!
        Hope he does and that all your NEWS
is good!


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