Friday, November 21, 2014

Where There's Smoke!

     Just in case you missed it, yesterday
was "The Great American Smokeout."
     The American Cancer Society
began the annual Smokeout campaign
back in the 70's. The idea was to try to
encourage smokers to drop the habit
for a day in the hope they'd recognize
the health and financial benefits and
quit completely!
    A lot has happened since those
early smokeouts. Many smokers have
been "encouraged" to stop smoking
by paying high taxes on cigarettes and
by finding fewer and fewer places
where they're allowed to smoke.
    But despite death rates and other
 smoking related illnesses the latest
 studies show more than 42 million
 Americans are still lighting up.
    I have found myself standing all
too close to a few of them. Somehow
they always find a way to stand
upwind from me so the toxic fumes
from their exhaled smoke can quickly
find it's way towards my nose.
   I'm just thankful I'm not one
of their kids strapped into the back
seat of their cars while they are lighting
up...up front!
    I spotted  some young women
"observing"the Great American
Smokeout near the Wilkes-Barre
Career Technology Center yesterday.
I think they may have misunderstood
the whole thing though. "Smoke-Out"
does not mean to smoke "Outside."
    But these devoted addicts gave up
their warm school building to stand
in 20 degree temperatures so they could
burn tobacco and inhale the fumes.
   Maybe they didn't get the memo.
   Hope your air is clear and all your
NEWS is good!

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