Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rain Man!


              RAIN MAN
    Our front porch is usually a pretty
quiet place. Usually.
    That's why I was a bit surprised
when I heard all the racket out there
Wednesday afternoon.
    I would have opened the door to
check. But I didn't have to. The
door flew open all by itself!
    That sudden downpour that hit
our neighborhood just before 2:30
was accompanied by loud claps of
thunder and a stiff wind strong
enough to open the door and blow
over a metal stand holding several
rather heavy potted plants.
     My efforts to correct the situation
were greeted by a strong spray of
rain that made its way through our
screens and onto me!
     I surrendered pretty quickly,
realizing that repositioning the
stand would be fruitless while the
wind continued to roar. Nearby
trees were bending like they were
ready to snap. So was I.
     I was tried my best just to get
the stand back on its legs and pick
the plants off the floor. I put them
back on the stand although not
necessarily on their same spots.
     It only took about 90 seconds.
But it that time I was already soaked.
    I keep hearing we need rain.
But I'm not so sure why we needed
it on me!
    Hope you managed to stay dry
and that all of your NEWS is good!


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