Monday, September 14, 2015

Copy & Paste


             COPY & PASTE

         I'm hooked on Facebook. I
use it everyday to find out what
friends are up to, share a photo
or video now and then, and to
promote this very Blog.
        That said I'm amazed at how
many people get caught up in the
Facebook version of Chain Mail!
         The latest "Facebook Fever"
catching a number of my friends
involves a lengthy paragraph in
which the writer wonders how
many people actually read his or
her post all the way through. We,
the reader, are asked to preform
some simple task like telling the
writer how we met, usually in one
word, We're then asked to copy
and paste the message to our own
page thus perpetuating the existence
of the paragraph as long as gullible
readers play along.
          At last count I had just over
3,200 Facebook friends.
          I can probably remember
how I first met about 10 of them.
And it would probably take more
than one word to describe that
         I've decided to treat this
"fever" with honesty. Well, something
near honesty anyway.
         Instead of one word describing
how we met I simply explain I
haven't copied since second grade
and admit my wife won't let me use
paste or glue! (If I were totally
honest I'd have to tell you I'm the
one that won't allow her to use the
        Hope you don't catch the
"fever" and that all your NEWS is


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