Monday, January 15, 2018


          NOTHING DOING!

    I actually got an early start on this
unofficial holiday. You see January
16th is "National Nothing Day."
    I didn't realize there was a specific
day for doing nothing. I celebrate
the holiday whenever I can. I was
really into it yesterday, spending the
bulk of the day lounging around in
front of the TV. Given the weather
forecast it seems logical to extend my
     National Nothing Day was
was created in 1973 by a newspaperman,
Harold Pullman Coffin. When you're in
the media you long for a day when there's
nothing you absolutely have to do.
     It's not really a "National" holiday.
Congress never adopted it and that's
kind of ironic when you figure that a
lot of those legislators are so very good
at doing nothing!
     My wife has not signed on to this
holiday and, apparently, has plans that
will preclude me from observing this
hallowed day.
      Hope you can get away with it
and that all your NEWS is good!

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