Wednesday, April 14, 2021


   THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2021


  The Titanic struck the iceberg on

April 14th but it actually sank during

the early morning hours of April 15th

and this is Titanic Remembrance Day!

And I'm remembering two men who were

NOT on board. One put a down payment

on a ticket only to be called back to the

U.S. early. Thanks to that recall we can

enjoy Hershey's Kisses for the would be

Titanic traveler was Milton Hershey!

Almost everybody knows about "The

Unsinkable Molly Brown." She did

survive the sinking. But her husband

wasn't with her. James Joseph "J.J."  

Brown was born in Waymar Pennsylvania,

near Carbondale. His parents moved to

Pittston while he was very young. He

was home schooled by his mother and

then sent to Saint John's Academy in

Pittston. Molly and J.J. were estranged

when she boarded the Titanic so she

traveled alone. But J.J. and Milton Hershey

and two men who could happily say they

"missed the boat." Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good! 

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