Monday, June 24, 2024


            TUESDAY. JUNE 25, 2024

   THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF COLOR!                  

   This is "Color TV Day!" Imagine have a

TV without color these days! It was back in

1951 when CBS aired what was considered

to be the first color TV broadcast. Of course

most people only had black and white television

sets which couldn't decode the signal and they

only received a blank screen! A few specially

designed set were set up in hotels and they got

to see the broadcast in color. All of the networks

had been experimenting with color for some time.

In fact there was a story that, in 1943, NBC did a

color broadcast with Jerry Lewis and Bill 

"Bojangles" Robinson that went from the network's

studios in New York to Princeton University that

had only one viewer! That viewer was Albert

Einstein! I remember when color TV's were

the "new big thing." I asked the clerk in the

appliance store if he had any and he quickly

said "Yes!" "Great," I said! "I'll take a green one!"

Hope your day is colorful and that all your

NEWS is good! 

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