Sunday, January 17, 2021


   MONDAY, JANUARY 18th, 2021


  Specific dates don't mean as much to some

holidays as they used to. A few have been

altered just a bit to fit our Uniform Monday 

Holiday Act!

That's good because it means more long

weekends. But, as we find out, the third Monday 

in January as been a holiday for some longer

that most of us knew.  Martin Luther King Jr

was born on January 15th., 1929. He became

know world wide for him non violent civil

rights campaign but was assassinated in 1968.

Shorty after his death efforts began to make

his birthday a national holiday. President Reagan

signed a bill to that effect in  1983 and it was first

observed three years later. It wasn't until 2000,

however, that all 50 states recognized the holiday! 

It is, as I pointed out, one of those holidays observed

on a Monday whatever the actual date. But, perhaps

ironically. some of the United States had been

observing the third Monday in January as a set date

long before Martin Luther King Jr was ever born!

It was date set aside to honor the birthday of........

Robert E. Lee! Hope you've got the day off and

that all your NEWS is good!

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