Monday, May 20, 2024


       TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024


   Today is a day to celebrate because

we're still here! May 21st has become

"End Of The World Rapture Party Day!"

It all stems from the predictions of

broadcasting Evangelist Harold

Camping who advised those who

followed him that Jesus would

return and the Rapture would 

happen on May 21st of

2011. He said that event would

be followed by 5 months of fire

and brimstone and the end would

come on October 21st of 2011.

    It wasn't the first "end of the

world prediction" Campings had

made. Other dates included

September 6 and 29th of 2011

and October 2nd of that same

year. His May 21st prediction

drew world wide attention and

news media coverage. The date

he should have selected was

December 15th., 2013.  That's

the day he passed away. So, since

we're still here it's a good reason

to remember that the Bible tells

us no man will know the hour

the end will come! And, since

we're still here there's good

reason to celebrate! Hope you do and

that all your NEWS is good!

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