Wednesday, May 22, 2024


  THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024



   Welcome to "Lucky Penny Day!" Remember

the old saying :Find a penny. Pick it up and all\

the day you'll have good luck." Actually that's

suppose to apply to a penny you find with the

heads side up. There's a lot of history behind

the penny. The name "penny" came to us from

England. Our first penny was minted in 1793.

It was said to have been designed by Benjamin

Franklin, the man who came up with the saying

"A penny saved is a penny earned." They were

originally as big as a half dollar and 100% copper!

They aren't worth quite as much as they used to

be. Remember when you'd go into a candy store

and have your pick of the penny candies available

then? Inflation has taken a toll on the once proud

penny. Hope you've got or find a lucky penny today.

That's my two cents worth. How about you? A penny

for your thoughts! Hope all your NEWS is good!


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