Thursday, July 18, 2024



   FRIDAY, JULY 19TH., 2024
    Everyday I see anniversary photos
on Facebook and I always like to
congratulate the couples involved.
     Today's message is aimed at
those who are noting their first year
of matrimony.
      You see today, July 19th., is
"National Fitch Day."
        I'm not pretending to be an
expert on this subject (Fitch Day
that is) so I'm going to share this
information from
        National Flitch Day is an informal
holiday dedicated to an ancient English
custom that dates back to at least the 14th 
century. A flitch is a measurement of bacon,
now known as a slab. In England, married
couples were awarded a flitch of bacon if 
they did not repent on their marriage for a 
year and a day.  A couple would come to monks 
and  stand a mock trial to prove they had been 
loving and faithful to one another for one year
         They also had to convince the jury they
wanted to remain married.
          I guess, in a sense, it was a sort of
"Escape Claus" for anybody who felt he or
she had made a mistake.
          But those who remained loyal got
themselves a slab of bacon. That eventually
became a half a pig!
          The custom actually made it here
to America. But it didn't catch on! I wonder
          I kind of like it! My wife and I have been
loyal for 55 years and I always enjoyed
a good pork roast!
           Hope you'd survive the trial too and that
all your NEWS is good!



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