Tuesday, July 16, 2024



      MOTH MAN!

  This is your chance to be a Moth

Man (or Woman)! Today, July 17th.,

marks the start of "National Moth

Week." This is a week when your are

encouraged to study all those moths

with which we share our environment!

Scientists tells us there are between

150 and 500 thousand species of moths

on the planet. (Wouldn't you think they'd

know!) Of course studying them isn't

always easy. They fly around so much and

so quickly! They are also almost all nocturnal!

Those of us who drive at night often find

them squashd on the windshield and lights

of our cars! If you have trouble finding one

to study give me a call. I believe there's one

in my closet that's interested in my sweaters!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is


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