Friday, September 13, 2024




     OK everybody. This is another one of those
"unusual holidays" I like to tell you about. But
I'm thinking there's not a lot of you who'll be
joining in the celebration!
     September 8th (or whatever date the 2nd
Saturday in September happens to be) is
"International Drive Your Studebaker Day."
       There's probably a fair number of
prospective readers who don't have the
faintest idea what a Studebaker is (or was)
and a very large number who may know
but don't have one around to drive!
        The first Studebaker horseless carriage was
hit the roads, what there was of them, in 1895.
The firm had a good run but finally folded in 1966.
They had some unique models including the
Lark, the Studebaker Hawk, and the Avanti!
          Of course the company never made as
many cars as GM or Ford so far fewer have
survived over the years,
          If you'd really like to join the celebration
I'll put you in touch with my best friend who
lives in upstate New York. Ever since he owned
his first car, a 1951 Studebaker, he's wanted to
have another one. A couple years back he found
a classic Studebaker Taxi so he bought it!
         Earlier this year he learned of a 1950
model that was nearly the spitting image of
the one he first drove. He asked me about
parting with taxi in favor of the one closer
ton his memories. I suppose I created a bit
of a conflict in his mind when I suggested
the taxi was a bit more rare thus, probably, more
          He has since solved the conflict. He owns
both vehicles. Since he can't drive two at the
same time maybe he'll lend you one.
          I'd take the taxi but I remember having to
 push it home the first time I drove with him in
         Well, anyway, enjoy the holiday and
happy motoring. Hope all your NEWS is

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