Sunday, September 22, 2024



           DON'T "FALL" FOR IT!

      Regular readers of my daily Blog will
undoubtedly remember my refusal to recognize
the autumnal equinox  as the end of Summer.
Still, officially, Autumn is here.  But I intend
to fight it. If we all get together maybe we
can do something.
      First we'll need a lot of lights! Turn them
on. All of them!
      I stepped outside yesterday around 7PM and I
couldn't find the sun! Maybe there was an eclipse I
wasn't told about. But, barring that, I suspect that
evening had begun without my consent. That's
one of those things the scientists pull on us to
begin Fall. We need to keep things bright!
      Next, about those little caterpillars, the
"Woolly Bears." They're starting to show up
here and there. We probably can't stop them. But if
they show up with those dark bands around their
bodies.....paint them white! That may help keep
the weather mild a little longer.
      We can't do much about the leaves changing
color. Something about their Chlorophyll. I
don't know how toothpaste is involved. But I think
that's the stuff in my Colgate!
      When they do change color a lot of tourists
come to see them. So I'm thinking we spray them
with Shellac as soon as they're at their brightest
then glue them to their trees! That should keep
the season from going from bad to worse!
       Leave those leaves!
       Hope there's a long, warm, Indian Summer,
and that all your NEWS is good!

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