Monday, December 16, 2013

After The Storm!

      That Winter Wonderland I've heard about
in song was waiting for me when I awoke
Sunday morning.
       A plow may have made a pass earlier in
the morning. But I found my vehicle blocked
in by the snow that had come down since it
passed as well as the higher berm left behind
by the plow itself.
       Sleet also added a couple of pounds to
the weight!
       And so my wife and I decided to do
something we rarely do. We spent an entire
day at home.
       I spent the first hour or so shoveling
the area in front of the house.
      My wife tackled a puzzle.
      I caught up on some video dubbing too.
      Then we both enjoyed the smorgasboard
of food carefully packed in take home boxes
from our hosts at Saturday evening's Christmas
Party. It was just as good at the second serving!
       Some Holiday TV movies added to the
day so Cabin fever did not turn out to be a
       This is definitely a time of year for
sharing the company of family and friends.
But, every so often, it's good to share some
time alone doing absolutely nothing that has
to be done!
        Hope you made good use of your "Snow
Day" and that all your NEWS is good!

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