Saturday, September 23, 2023




     Wow! How time flies! Seems like just

yesterday we were noting the arrival of
Autumn. Now here we are September
24th and it's Thanksgiving!
      You probably thought it was scheduled
for November! Well, you're partially right.
      Today is Thanksgiving. But only for
about 3,000 people. Most of them are right
here in Pennsylvania. And they're all
Schwenkfelders! For the record, that's
not some sort of hot dog!
     The Schwenkfelders are the descendants
of a small Protestant sect that sprang up in
Germany around the time of the Reformation.
One group arrived in September of 1734. They
spent one day,  September 24, expressing their
gratitude to God for having delivered them from
persecution. Since then they have observed
September 24th as Thanksgiving!
      I, for one, am all in favor of an extra day
of Turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin
pie! And, since the Schwenkfelders ranks
seem to be dwindling, I 'd like to suggest the
rest of us come to their aid by joining in the
     Hope there's lots of leftovers and that all
your NEWS is good!



Thursday, September 21, 2023


    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

                 DEAR DIARY!

     Today is "Dear Diary Day." It is a

day to appreciate, and perhaps, re-read

all those daily thoughts and happenings

that marked your life. Diaries are usually

associated with women, especially young

women. But for all my years in Television

news I kept a daily record of the stories I

covered. Unfortunately in many cases

each story was noted with a general title

like "Fire in Scranton." I didn't have

enough space to list specifics. (Of course

the scripts from each story are buried

somewhere in the newsroom.) My other

problem was legibility, or the lack there of!

Some of my writing is hard to read. I can

tell you, however, that on September 22,

of 2006 I did a story about the Department

of Environmental Resources planning to

clean up areas where illegal dumping was

taking place as well as a story about 

Governor Ed Rendell coming to Scranton

to announce an educational grant. There 

was also a story about  fight at an area 

Hot Dog stand. Wish I knew more about

that one. Anyway take a lesson from

me. If you're keeping a Diary write

legibly and be specific so you'll be

able to remember what you were

writing about 14 years later! Hope

you do and that all your NEWS is


remembered more about that one!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023



                      SEW WHAT?

    September is National Sew At Home

Month! It's official! It was proclaimed by
President Ronald Reagan in 1982. The month
is designed to honor those who retain the craft
of sewing which has been so important in our
country's history.
    My wife is quite a hand with her sewing
machine. She made her own wedding dress
for our marriage and she still gets requests to
mend or repair things that need to be sewn.
     I have, on occasion, attempted to repair
the holes I'm prone to creating in my socks.
Of course I'm not allowed anywhere near the
sewing machine so I usually, unannounced,
sneak into the sewing room and grab a needle
and thread. If I'm lucky I can find a color thread
that actually matches the socks. Then comes the
hard part, threading the needle! It takes a number
of attempts and can sometimes resould in a few
minor wounds.  But, usually, in the end, I mend
the hole with just a few feet of thread.
      It's my way of celebrating the month! Hope
you're celebrating too and that all your NEWS is

Tuesday, September 19, 2023




      September 20th is "National Pepperoni
Pizza Day!"
      This is a holiday I truly endorse! I've
always liked Pizza. My hometown was
Hazleton.  I always thought pizza was
invented there.
       And I've always loved Pepperoni. I
think it was the first food I ever "cooked."
Some would say what I did was "heat"
the meat. But as far as I'm concerned it
was on the stove, in a pan, with a flame
underneath. So I "cooked it."
       I don't remember exactly when I
learned how well those two basic foods
tasted together but I've been ordering them
that way for many years.
        Apparently I'm not the only one.
Nationally, Pepperoni is the most
popular topping, preferred by
36% of the people.
        My wife, however, likes mushrooms!
Since I don't we usually end up ordering
a half and half pie. There's usually one
slice left over. But it always has mushrooms
on it!
        The first pizza is said to have been
sold in Naples, Italy in 1738. If it was
topped with Pepperoni you might still
be able to eat the meat. It keeps very
         I don't suppose I have to tell you
how to celebrate this unusual holiday.
Hope you enjoy your meal and that all
your NEWS is good!

Monday, September 18, 2023


      TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

               ARR YOU ON BOARD?

     Another one of those "Big Days" is here! It's one of
those "holidays" most people don't know about. And
they're missing all the fun!
     September 19th is "International Talk Like A Pirate
Day!" I kid you not!   It's the brainchild of two guys,
John Baur and Mark Summers.
     Neither is a Pirate or, as far as I know, even a fan of
Pittsburgh's Baseball team.
     They were playing racquetball one day when they
suddenly had an inspiration like
a pirate! It's probably happened to you at one time or another.
Anyhow they had so much fun they decided the world
needed a new holiday and "Talk Like A Pirate Day" was
     They picked September 19th because it was Summers'
ex-wife's birthday and because they couldn't think of any
other date that wasn't already being used for some other
      Through another friend the duo got an email address for
nationally syndicated columnist and Pulitzer Prize winning
writer Dave Barry who published a column about the day.
And that's all it took! Response began coming on from all
over the world (hence the idea that's it's an "International Day!)
       I've been a bit of a Pirate myself from time to time.
I have my own vessel....although it is just an 8-foot-rowboat.
I even buried a "treasure" on a small island many years ago.
It was a small tin containing a few coins. I'm wondering if any
of them were old enough to be valuable.
        I'd like to check. But I'm not exactly sure where I buried
them! Guess I should have made a neat map with a big X to
mark the spot! Maybe I did.......but I can't remember. I should
probably make myself walk the plank!
        I've provided all this background information so......
after you've walked around your place of business using terms
like...."Arr" or "me hearties" or "shiver me timbers"......they
won't try to take you away in a white jacket that ties in the back!
        Hope you're Jolly (Roger) and that all of your NEWS is

Sunday, September 17, 2023




      This unusual holiday seems especially
appropriate since I just celebrated my
Birthday yesterday!
       September 18th is "Respect For The
Aged Day."
       We're always been told to respect our
elders and that's exactly what you're suppose
to do today.
        Now it's a little easier for me than many
of you. Since I just turned 81 I don't have
near as many "elders" as you do.
        On the other hand, at 81 I should expect
all you "kids: would want to show your
respect to me to celebrate the day!
        Oh. Wait a minute. This is only a
holiday in Japan!!!!! Ah heck!
        Maybe they'll start a similar
holiday here. Hope they do while I'm
still around to enjoy it......and that all
your NEWS is good!

Saturday, September 16, 2023




    Well I've done it again my friends!

I've circled the sun! Today is my Birthday!

A lot has changed since I came into this

world! When I was born the average house

cost under $4,000. A new car sold for less

than a thousand and you could gas it up

for about 15cents a gallon! Of course

to have the same buying power of $100

back then you'd need $1900 today!

When I turned 75 I wrote about being in

"the last quarter" of this game of life. I

thought you might like to see it again.


  I still here in the line up

  as my game of life goes on.

  I realize it's 4th quarter.

  And the time is nearly gone.

  There's been a lot of sunshine

  and, of course, a little rain.

  But I still look forward to each play.

  Cause I really love the game!

  I miss some fellow players

  who have left the field of play.

  But in my heart I'm certain

  that we'll meet again someday!

  I've got to do the best I can

  For a Win is not a lock.

  And I can't afford to waste my time

  For I cannot see the clock!

  I don't know if there's minutes left

  Or years, or months, or days.

  But I'll give the game the best I can

  In each and every play.

  And when my game has ended

  I'm hoping you can tell

  Not only just the final score.

  But if I've played it well! 

   When I first published my poem

an old friend, Taylor Sappe, decided

to put it to music. You can hear it by

going to Music For World Peace Records.

My Thanks to each and every one of

you for the Birthday wishes you have

been sending. They are much

appreciated! And my wish for all of

you continues....may all your NEWS

be good! 




Friday, September 15, 2023



                  TALL TALES!!!

   Now here is an unusual "holiday" that makes

me think of Pinocchio! September 16th is "Big

Whopper Liar Day!" It's a fun day you can

observe anywhere but in New Harmony,

Indiana it includes a very big celebration.

Contestants gather on stage where they get

3 to 4 minutes to spin the most incredible

yarn they can come up with! They're

judged on their stage presence and, of

course,  their exaggeration and humor.

Sounds like a fun contest that could

work well around here. I've told a tall

tale from time to time. I'd like to enter

a contest like that.........provided no

politicians were allowed to compete.

That would be unfair to the rest of us!

Well, this is no lie, hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, September 14, 2023



                COPY CATS!

        I've been over all this before, numerous times! 

I suppose a lot of my Facebook friends like to share

information with others but their compulsion to have

me share their information sometimes drives me nuts!

           They are messages promising me blessings

from God, good luck, or a sudden fortune IF I will

only copy and paste their post with my friends.

            My reply, when In choose to send one, is to

say I haven't copied since third grade and am not 

allowed to handle paste, glue, or any other sticky


            There copy and share requests seem to be on

the upswing again.  Since my replies don't seem to

be working I'm going to ask everyone to copy and

paste this blog in the hope everyone will finally get

my drift!

           Hope you're sharing this, that you're well and

that all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023




    I like poetry. It can be soothing and

relaxing. I've written a poem or two over

the years. But it's not likely any of my verses

will be long remembered. Others have\penned 

poems that have become classics. Now and

then some have even been set to music. "Frank"

wrote a poem like that. And yet it wasn't

written under soothing or relaxing circumstances.

Quite the contrary! It was written during a war!

And yet is is well remembered and was, in fact

set to music. The poem was called "Defense of

Fort McHenry." "Frank" was Francis Scott Key.

And his poem, set to music, became "The Star

Spangled Banner!" He wrote it on this date in

1814! Hope you have a great day and that all

your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023



                  LOT'S A LUCK!

     I remember a line from an old song,

"If' it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at

all." Well this is a day to shake any bad

luck. In fact September 13th is "Defy

Superstition Day!" This is our opportunity

to break those superstitious beliefs that

most everyone has heard of and that

many believe. We are a superstitious

people! If you doubt it just try to find

a 13th floor in any high rise building!

So today we shake those superstitions!

I intend to do my part! I will walk

under a ladder. I will allow a black

cat to cross my path and I'll step on any

crack I happen to come across. I will

toss my rabbit's foot out the window

and I'm totally confident nothing

bad will happen! Knock on wood!

Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Monday, September 11, 2023




     OK fans! It's September 12th, It's Game

Day. Don't worry about getting a good seat

in the stands. In fact you you don't even 

have to get out of your chair. You see it's

"National Video Game Day!"  I guess you

could say it started back in 1958 with a 

simple table tennis video game called

"Pong."  Since then there has been a wave

of various games like Nintendo, Atari, and

lots of variations of the XBox.

   There are two schools of thought about

video games. One suggests they promote

one's mental agility and sharpens the

reflexes.  The other suggests video games

have taken kids away from the outside world

of fresh air and creative play.

      I always favored  running around outdoors.

Of course, that's when I could actually run!

      Hope you enjoy what ever you're playing

and that all your NEWS is good.       


Sunday, September 10, 2023


    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023


       Since I began this blog some 13 years

ago it's been titled "No News Is.." which is

based an the old saying "No news is good

news." Ironically somebody designated

September 11th as "No News Is Good News

Day!" Amazing that the date now happens

to mark one of the biggest news stories ever

here in the United States. What would millions

of Americans have thought or done had there

not been the wall to wall news coverage that

followed the terrorist attacks on the United

States? There were other September 11ths

that also warranted news attention through

the years. Here's just a few examples.  September

11th 1609. Henry Hudson discovers the island

of Manhattan! September 11th, 1780. British

loyalists and Indians attack a contingent of

American militia near Little Nescopeck

Creek outside of what is now the city of

Hazleton. The resulting battle became known

as the Sugarloaf Massacre! September 11th,

1941. Construction works begins on a new

government building in Washington. D.C.

It is to be called the Pentagon! These

historical events deserve to be remembered,

No news really isn't good. It's ignorance!

When there black smoke pouring from a

building not far from your home you probably

want to know what happened. The news, papers.

radio, and tv, will likely be able to tell you!

Hope you're well and that all YOUR NEWS,

is good!

Saturday, September 9, 2023


     SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2023


       Just in case you didn't already know, this

is Grandparents Day! You know. Your Mom

and Dad's Mom and Dad! If you're lucky

enough to have grandparents around give

them a hug. Or a phone call to say "Hi!"

I never knew either of my grandfathers.

Both had passed long before I was born.

My Dad's Mom died when I was about

3 so most of my memories of her come

from photographs. My Mom's Mom, however,

lived in an apartment above our home till I

was in about 5th grade. I spent a lot of time

with her when I was in those grade school

years. We'd play dominos and checkers

and usually munch on some cheese. I've

tried to be a good grandpa to our six

grandkids (and several exchange students

who have become like grandkids to my

wife and me. I guess it's worked out OK 

because I even got "promoted!" I was trying

to explain to our youngest grandson that my Dad

was his Great Grandfather. He insisted

that was me because, as he put it, "You're

great." I suppose, in that case, that does

make me a "Great Grandpa!" I hope that's

truly the case and that all your NEWS is


Friday, September 8, 2023



              TRY IT THIS WAY!

   Today marks another one of those

unusual "holidays" I want you to know

about. This is "Opposite Day!" Today

you are encouraged to do the opposite

of what you normally do. Breathing,

of course, is an exception. Otherwise

give it a try. If you usually get out of

bed on the right side try getting out on

the left side. Little things like that can

add variety and maybe even a little

excitement to your daily life/ The idea

for this unusal holiday comes from a

very popular TV show. Sponge Bob

Squarepants! Hard to think of a more

impressive endorsemen t than that!

Hope you're try a little "opposite"

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, September 7, 2023


       FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 2023

                  STICK AROUND!

     We've all heard that old saying "Necessity

is the mother of invention." And necessity may

have prompted Richard Drew to come up with

the product he introduced on this day in 1915.

Richard was working with the 3M company,

testing a new sand paper at an auto body shop.

The workers were having a tough time separating

paints on a two tone car and that got him to

thinking and experimenting. He came up with a

masking tape that allowed the workers to safely

"seal off" the parts that weren't to be painted from

the parts that were. And that lead him to the invention

he unveiled on September 8th of 1915. It was a clear

adhehesive initialld called Cellulose tape. You probably

know it better today as "Scotch Tape!" Drew's invention

has saved me many a time! Hope it's helped you too and

that all your NEWS is good.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023




   My title has nothing to do with our

local weather forecast although I'm

usually hoping that neither rain nor

snow is imminent. Rather it merely

reflects the fact that September 7th

is "Neither Rain Nor Snow Day!"

It notes the day in 1914 when the

first United States Post Office

opened it's doors in New York City.

Above the entrance of that building

these words are inscribed: "Neither

Snow, nor rain, nor heat of day or

gloom of night can stay these

curriers from the swift competition

of their appointed rounds." It is

often though to be the moto of

the postal service but, actually, it's

part of a phrase from the days of the

Pony Expressway which, by the way,

was not part of the postal service. The

short lived Pony Express was a

privately owned business which

folded only 18 months after it

began! But today is a day to

salute all those postal men and women

who do work through snow and rain

to make sure we get those bills on time!

Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



                GET TO IT NOW!!!   


     Seems there's a strange "holiday" for

      Just the other day we observed 
"Be Late For Something Day!" 
      Today is "Fight Procrastination Day."
This is a day for getting things done!
      The other thing I've got to get done
is cutting the grass. It's getting high again.
       Mark Twain would say it's better to
get the job done then to put it off. But when
it comes to getting out the mower and cutting
all that grass ,which is still wet by the way,
I'm like Mark's character Huck Finn and would
prefer to go fishing.
       Since I missed "Be late for something
Day" (or maybe I'm just very late) I guess
I'll have to follow Mr. Twain's advice and
get the job done.
        Hope you'll get all your tasks
complete too so that all your NEWS is
good. (Then you can go fishing!)



Monday, September 4, 2023


       TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2023


    Did you hear about William Penn's trial?

    What's that!? The guy who founded

Pennsylvania put on trial!? Yep! And the

outcome of that trial has had a lasting

effect on many of us! You see back in 1670

in merry old England William Penn and

William Meade were placed under arrest

for preaching to several hundred quakers.

They were charged with disturbing the peace,

disorderly y conduct, and "riot!" A jury found

them guilty of only one of the charges. But the

court wasn't happy with that result so it ordered

the jurors to deliberate again. They did. And,  

this time, they found Penn and Meade not guilty

of all the charges! The court was so angry it jailed

the jurors! They sued and won, resulting in the

principal that jurors are the sole deciders on the

question of guilt or innocence and cannot be

punished for the decision they make! Pretty

important principal! Hope you agree and that

all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, September 3, 2023


      MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2023


    Wait! This has nothing to do with

how close you're driving to the car in

front of you! This "tailgating" is a custom

that began in Green Bay in the early 1900's

when Packet football fans started showing

up a games in their vans and pickup trucks

to picnic outside the stadium before, during

and after games. That's how National Tailgating

day was born! It's usually observed the first

Tailgating Day which is always held the first

Saturday in September but, as we all know, 

the practice now usually begins wit High School

football on Friday nights. It continues with college

games on Saturdays and right onto Pro Football on

Sundays. In my video blog I told husbands how to

 tell their wives what to gather, prepare, and pack 

for the truck or van so he could then snack and enjoy

the game.'

I ended with a shot of my empty tailgate and

suggested I should you preface that list with

a sincere "please!" I suggest you look at my

video version for a good laugh! Hope you do 

and that all your NEWS is good.

Saturday, September 2, 2023



                  ROCK ON!

  Today's essay has nothing to do with

music.  September 3rd just happens to

be "Pet Rock Day!" Pet rocks became

an international success in the 1970's

and the fad started when a young man

names Gary Dahl found himself

listening to a group of friends chatting

about the care, feeding, and responsibilities

they shared when caring for their cats and

dogs and other pets. Dahl found himself

pointing out the advantages of his pet

rock over those live animals. Of course

at the time Dahl didn't have a pet rock.

But after the conversation he went out

and picked one up. Literally! Then he

designed a box in which to ship the rocks.

Boxes complete with air holes like you'd

find in containers shipping live animals.

Foolish, right? Well the campaign

quickly sold a million pet rocks and

eventually made Dalh a multi millionaire!

The fad eventually died out but I believe

it has evolved. There's a new, very nice

trend these days, which has people 

painting rocks and often including a

positive message such as "Smile"

which are left along paths and walking

trails for others to find and enjoy. Not

a bad idea. We found one recently on

a walking trail near Geisinger Wyoming

Valley and a similar project has been

under way in Scranton's Nay Aug Park

for several years. It leaves one, making

or finding the rocks, with a very

positive feeling. Hope you're involved

in this latest "Pet Rock project" and that

all your NEWS is good!    

Friday, September 1, 2023




   Welcome to Saturday, September 2nd,
also known as "International Bacon Day!"
It's an unofficial observance celebrated
on the Saturday before Labor Day.
     I have two grandsons who would, if
allowed, make this a daily holiday in the
USA. They are the reason we have had
at least two Thanksgiving turkeys
wrapped in bacon!
      The day is typically "celebrated"
in social gatherings in which
participants create and consume dishes
containing bacon including bacon
themed  breakfasts, lunches, dinners
and even bacon flavored drinks!
       I trust the rest of you will continue
this great tradition and do your part.
But remember, Canadian Bacon is
really just ham so go "American!"
        Hope you'll enjoy the day and
that all your NEWS is good!