Sunday, October 31, 2021


    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 2021

    DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO DO IT?             ?

  I had just completed a couple errands

and was thinking about other things that

need to be done when I realized it was

November 1st. This marks the annual

"Give Up Your Should Of Day!" The idea

is simple. You give up things like "I should go

to the gym. I should lose weight. I should help

clean up the house." Toss them all out the window!

After last year's 2nd annual "Give Up Your Should

Of Day" participants reported feeling a lot better

about themselves! Some of them felf so much

better they gave up their "Should of''s" for the

following day too! I think it's a great holiday

that we should celebrate more often. And one

we shouldn't put off! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021


   SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2021


  One of the stories closely associated

with Halloween is true! World renouned

magician and escape artist Harry Houdini

died on Halloween day in 1926, For years

after his dearh his wife held a seance every

Halloween in the hope of  ringing his spirit

back. She eventually stopped but Houdini

fans continue the practice. They're hoping he

can pull off his greatest trick and escape

the grave! In reality, his spirit lives on wach

Halloween. Let me know if he visits you!

Hope all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, October 29, 2021


    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2021


       Halloween is still a day away. But you don't have to wait

for a good scare!
   You may have a chill in store observe a
bizarre "holiday" that's scheduled for this pre-Halloween Eve!
   So you're thinking "Mischief Night". right?
   The chill tonight will be coming from something lurking
right in your own house! It may be behind you as you read
this essay!
    You see October 30th is "Haunted Refrigerator Night!"
     Ruth and Thomas Roy came up with this unusual
     They suggest there's no need to go out to one of those
"Haunted Houses" when you could have the scare of a
lifetime waiting right there in your Fridge or Freezer!
      You may or may not have been keeping your
refrigerator closed just in case there's a power outage
in your neighborhood.
      But even if you occasionally reach in for a snack or
a beverage there's a good chance it's been quite awhile
since you really checked all of the items buried inside
that cold vault!
      So here's the plan.
      Turn out the lights.  Perhaps a couple of candles
 would be appropriate.
      Gather around your refrigerator this night…open the door
slowly and take in a deep breath…slowly move things around
and see what is lurking in that container or box buried in there!
      With a little luck you're discover a forgotten treat that's
been safely maintained in its cold surroundings.
       Of course there's also the chance you may be growing
your own penicillin on some leftover that's been forgotten
far too long ago. And that, my friends, is SCARY!
       Either way this is a great setting (and excuse) for a
Haunted Refrigerator Party!
       And mark the date on your calender for next year so
you don't miss it!
       Hope that little light inside is working and that all
your NEWS is good!


Thursday, October 28, 2021



                     LOG ON!

  October 29th is "Internet Day!"  It has

been celebrated since 2005 which marked

the first transmission over the internet. Of

course the internet has come under a lot of

fire lately. Them are some who want to see

strick regulations put in place over internet

providers like Facebook. I think the majority

of internet users use in wisely. It has certainly

helped a lpot of people keep in touch with

one another, especially families separated by

great distance. It sure came in handy when

the pandemic hit and the internet provided

one of the only safe ways to provide education

when most schools were closed. And, of course,

the internet provided my forum for this blog 

so, there alone, it proves its worth. Hope you

use it, and wisely, and that all your NEWS is


Wednesday, October 27, 2021



           NO TOAST FOR 10/28!

   Wewon't be raising a glass to this date

in history. The Volstead Act was published 

on this day in 1919, essentially beginning

Prohibition oin the United States! A few

years later, on October 28th of 1929, a lot

of people were looking for a drink! That was

the beginning of the stock market crash! Of

course prohibition was repelled in 1933. But

people faced another serious "drinking problem"

in 1942 when the government announced plans

to ration coffee! Of course the effective date

for that decision wasn't until a month later on

November 28 so at least folks had some warning.

Maybe the best way to mark the day is with a

quick nip........of coffee of course! Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good!   

Tuesday, October 26, 2021




      Well I am back from our Travelworld Leaf

Peekers Tour of New England. Back home again

in Pennsylvania! Home of the Phillies and the

Eagles...thanks, in part, to William Penn! You

see Penn not only took his massive "new world"

land grant and founded what became the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And, on this day 

in 1682 in founded a city! It's still there. We call

it Philadelphia! Where they say they have the best

cheesesteakes! Hope you've tried one, that you're

well, and that all  NEWS is good!

Friday, October 22, 2021


            SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2021


    Our Travelworld adventure to New England continued

Friday with a stop in and tour of the old Bennington area.

Here's you'll find noted poet Robert Frost's grave as well

as an outstanding collection of Grama Moses' paintings.

They are part of the vats collection in the Bennington

museum. And that collection also includes a 1924 Wasp.

The only car ever manufactures in Vermont. And only

16 were made! Then is was on the road for a few hours

and into NH where we boarded the Lake Winnipesaukee

Scenic Railroad for a turkey dinner and all the trimmings

as we road the rails along the beautiful lake shore with

colorful leaves everwhere. There's smething extra 

special about New England in the fall. Hope you're

enjoying the trip through my photos and video blog

and that all your NEWS is good!


Thursday, October 21, 2021


   FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2021


   We are in fact on the road again, hosting

a tour in New England for Travelworld. And

what a great tour! Tremendous service, great

attractions like the Red Lion Inn at Stourbridge,

Tanglewood, where the Boston Pops preform,

and the Norman Rockwell Museum where all

the worls on the famous American painter, 

including over 300 covers for the Saturday

Evening Post, are displayed. I was so inspired

I tried a little drawing myself. I showed my

wife but she seemed to think stick figures aren't

very impressive. Of well. I tried. Hope

you';; come alpng via my video blog or this

written piece and that all your NEWS is good!


Wednesday, October 20, 2021


       THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2021

                   A BRIGHT IDEA!

     Doing my daily blog can sometimes be

a challange! It's not always easy to come up

with subject matter. I felt that way about today,

October 21st. And then I came up with an idea!

Seems this is the very date, in 1879, that Thomas

Edison experimented withn a carbon filament that

made the buld last for 13.5 hours! Much longer

that any bulb before. These days of course we

have the new light bulbs that are more energy

efficent and are suppose to last very long. Which

is why I was a bit upset when I replaced a burned

put bulb in our kitchen only to have the new one

burn out immediately! Guess it wasn't an "Edison

brand!" Hope you've got all the light you need,

that you're well, and that all your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



                 IT ALL ADDS UP!

    Right about now I'm thinking...if they

knew then what we know now! It was

October 20 of 1927 that engineers at

MIT came up with a huge machine which

could solve complicated equations and

math problems in minutes, or hours, that

might take men a lot longer to figure out.

It was, basically, the first electronic computer!

These days most of us carry cell phones that

can preform the same task, tells us the time,

give us the news and weather, and even make

telephone calls. We've come a very long way!

Hope it all adds up for you and that all your

NEWS is good!

Monday, October 18, 2021


   TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2021


   Seems there's a lot of debate these

daays about the possibility of raising

the Federal minimum wage. It's $7.25

an hour right now and it's been that way

since 2009. Some would like to see it

raised to $15 an hour. Back when I first

started in radio in 1959 the minimum 

wage was a dollar an hour. I think I got

less and I was worth it! In fact one of

uthe biggest increases in the minimum

wage was first proposed on this very day

in 1947. The Federal Work Administration

suggest raising the wage from 40 to 75 cents

an hour! And, eventually, it happened/

Hope you're getting paid what your worth

minimum or otherwise, abd that all your

NEWS is good!  

Sunday, October 17, 2021


   MONDAY. OCTOBER 18, 2021

                TIE ONE ON!

   October 18th is "National Tie

Day!"  Businessmen all over the

world include a necktie as part of

their daily wardrobe. It's believed the

idea of the tie came from the Croations

from about the time of the Thirty Years

War which began in 1618. The army wore

a form of tie called a Cravat. I wore a tie

most everyday in my roll as a news reporter.

When I retired I pretty much stored them

away in my closet only to be pulled out

for weddings and funerals. I did wear

one to my High School Reunion this past

weekend. But putting it on almost felt like

I was going back to work! Anyway if you

feel like celebrating pull out your favorite

and "tie one on!" hope you look great

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Friday, October 15, 2021


     SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2021


   October 16th is a very big day in the

history of medicine! Although, admittedly,

the occassion makes me want to just sleep.

This is "World Anesthesia Day!"  It marks

the day, in 1846, when the use of anesthesia

was 1st successfully demonstrated. It happened

in the Operational Theater of what is now\

Harvard Medical School. It was a revelation to

the medical world allowing patients to have

the benefits of surgery without the pain involved

in an operation. It is a day celebrated world wide.

I should also point out it is know by two different

nmes. "World Anesthesia Day" or "National

Anesthesia Day." You can use "ether!" (Sorry

about that!) Hope you're well, in no need of

anesthesia, and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


     FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2021


    I've seen what seems to be more

Halloween decorations than usual this

year. Carved pumpkins, ghosts, and

witches are in abundance and, very 

soon, a lot of kids will be dressed as

witches will be knocking on doors in

search of candy treats. For them it's all

fun. But there was a time when the subject

of witches was all too serious. In was on

this very day in 1675 that Sweden's Torsaker

Witch Trials began! In a single day 71 people

were beheaded and burned! A few years later, 

in 1692, the infamous Salem Witch Trials

began in Massachusetts. 200 people were

accused. 30 were found guilty 19 of whom

were executed by hanging! One man was "pressed 

to death" by stones for refusing to confess and 5

of those charged died while in prison. So as

Halloween roll around, make sure you know

which witch is which! Hope you're well and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Wednesday, October 13, 2021



           FEEL FREE TO SING!

    It may be the song most sung around 

the world!  It's estimated that it's sung

every minute of everyday somewhere in

the world. It's probably sung to you one a year!

It's "Happy Birthday!" It was written in 1893!

But it didn't srat out as Happy Birthday! The

sone was written by Mildred Hill, with lyrics

by her sister Patty, as a tune to be sun to school

students as they began their day. The original

lyrics were "Good morning to all. Good morning

to all. Good morning dear children. Good morning

to all."  Somewhere, somehow, over the years, people

started singing it as "Happy Birthday to you." In 

1934 a thrid sister, Jessica Hill, filed a lawsuit

based on the tune being traced to "Good morning

to all: and secured a copyright to the song on

this date in 1935!  From that time on anytime\

 "Happy Birthday" was sung publically a royality

 had to be paid. The copywrite was finally

declared invalid by a judge just five years ago!

So if you or somebody you know is celebrating

a birthday, sing away!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


     WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021


   Just not certain about what you see, hear or

read. Tha's OK. In fact it's expected today. You

see October 13th is "International Skeptics Day!"

It's always good to be a little skeptical. We

should'd always take things as gospal or at face

value. Think about all those calls you've been

getting from "local numbers" that turn out to

be solicitations for some police or firemen's

organizations looking for pledges. Or those

"car warranty" people who know your warranty

has run out but have no idea what kind of car

you drive! Today's an especially good day to

be skeptical. I am. I doubt, for instance, that

this is actually an "International holiday!" So

there! Hope you're well and that all your NEWS

is good. (I relly do!)

Monday, October 11, 2021


           TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2021


      I know you've heard it before. "Build a better

mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your

door. I'm not so sure we need a better mouse trap

right now. But I have discovered a serious need 

that should be addressed. I refer to those shopping

carts that want to turn where they want to turn instead

of where you want to push them! I seem to get one

every time!!! And forcing them in the direcion you

want to go is actually work! It's almost as if the

carts want to steer you somewhere else so you'll see

something you sudden;y want to buy! We need a

shopping cart wheel allignment device!!!! Maybe

one of you "car guys" can help? You're always

trying to talk me into a wheel allignment for my

cars. But I'v never had one out of allignment as

mush as these shopping carts. So inventors,

where ever you may be, get to work! Give me a

break 9and a shopping cart that goes where I want

it to go!) Hope you do. That you're well, and that

a;; your NEWS is good!

Sunday, October 10, 2021


   MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2021


   On Sundaya my wife and I found

ourselves at the Sullivan County Fairgrounds

in Forksville for the annual Lumberjack

Festival. You could say these festivals are

a miniature version of county fairs. There

are arts and crafts, entertainment, plenty

of food and, of course, the Lumberjack

copetition! On Sunday we found several

artists using chain saws to cut their masterpieces

out of wood. They're timed, judged on the

quality of their work, which is then auctioned

off to the highest bidders, and get their chance

for some pretty good prize money. Folks who

live in these parts love to gather at events like

these. And a number of "outsiders," like us,

show up too. It's a true community event. And

if you take the time to look around you'll find

similar festivals and fairs throughout the area,

especialliy at this time of the year. Search one

out near you! I don't think you'll be disappointed!

I hope you'll get out there and enjoy what the area

has to offer! Also hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good!

Saturday, October 9, 2021


   SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2021


   October 10th marks the anniversary

of a terrible tragedy that happened right

here in northeastern Pennsylvania. Some

10,000 people from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre,

and the greater Hazleton area gathered in

Hazleton on October 10th., 1888 for a

temperance rally in Hazleton. Many of

those participating were Irish immigrants

seeking to destroy the sterotype immage

of the Irish as drunkards. When the rally

ended about 5,000 of those attending

boarded one of eight special trains which

would transport them from Hazleton through

a part of Carbob County and then north to

Wilkes-Barre and Scranton. The 7th of those

trains stopped at the Mud Run Station, a small

isolated station in Kidder Township, Carbon 

County. The engineer believed he had plenty

of time until the 8th and final train  caught up.

He was wrong! The final section of train 

appeared as the engineer of unit 7 was oiling 

his locomotve and the two trains collided!

The old passenger cars, made of wood in those

days, were smashed to pices and immediatey

caught on fine! 64 people died in the wreck

and another 50 were injured! It remains one 

of the worse railroad accidents in U.S. history.

And it happened "right in our backyard"on

this date in 1888. Most people around here

known little or nothing about it and the history

behind it. I thought you ought to know...and

remember! Hope you're well and that all your

NEWS is good!

Friday, October 8, 2021



                FAIR MUSIC.

    I should quickly point out this blog

has nothing to do with music that is sub

standard. It is, rather, about music your

are likely to hear at a Fair. Or an amusement

park. You see today we're celebrating the

work on inventor Joshua Stoddard from

Worcester, Massachusetts It was on this

day in 1885 that Stoffard received his

pattent for....the calliope! And, let's face

it, what would a fari or amusement park be 

without the music of a colliope playing in

the background. Why it's as American as

apple pie! You've probably enjoyed it over

the years. Hope you still do. And that all yoru

NEWS is good!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

About Face ( book)!

   Friday, October 8, 2021

      About Face (book)!

   Seems that Facebook, which I use

to publish my daily video blog, has been coming under a lot of fire lately. There are even public hearings going on to determine if the social media giant should be regulated. The controversy seems to be be centered around politics and who is determining who can or can't comment on certain issues. I remember a time in broadcasting when we were required to offer equal time to anyone who disagreed with the comments of someone we had on the air discussing some issue. That, of course, disappeared with " deregulation." Concerned over the Facebook "fire" I checked the posts I received very carefully yesterday. Of my first 21 posts, 10 we're about people celebrating birthdays, 10 concerned wedding anniversaries, and one was about a couple who just got engaged. Doesn't sound too dangerous to me. There were a few ads mixed in there too but I just skipped over them. Personally the situation strikes me very much like the broadcast media. If you don't like what you're seeing or hearing you can turn if off! Please don't t do it if you're watching my blog though! Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is good!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


       THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2021


    October 7th was a milestone day for Johnny

Heisman in 1916. If you don't know much about

the man you probably do know about the trophy

that bears his name. The Heisman Trophy is awarded

to the most outstanding college football player each

year. John Heisman was a well know and very successful

coach. Not just in football! He coached basketball and

baseball too. Additionally, he was a sports writer and...

an actor! His coaching on the football field was the

trait that probably made him most notable. He was,

for instance, one of those who lobbied, successfully,

to make the forward pass a legimate move in the game

of football. As to October 7, 1916, it was on that day that

Heisman, coaching Georgia Tech, had the most lopsided

win in the history of the game. His team defeated Cumberland

222 to 0! Bet he had them pass a lot in that contest! Just

thought you ought to know! Hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


       WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021


               A lot of people are searching for gold right

now. And bright reds and orange as well. If
you live in the northeast this is gold rush season.
It doesn't last very long so you've got to do your
prospecting while you can! Fall foliage brings
thousands of people to the northeast each
autumn but most of them limit their travels to
the major north/south or east/west routes. Often
the most impressive colors are found along
the back roads where you've actually got time
to slow down and enjoy them. And you don't
even need a car to enjoy the view. There are
beautiful colors to be found around town in
most communities so a casual walk will lead
you to treasure as well. One other note, the
colored leaves sometimes hide out treasures,
Things that can't be seen when the trees are
full. But don't miss the colors. Stake your claim
\now. Hope you enjoy the view and that all your
NEWS is good!

Monday, October 4, 2021




      WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 2020


   October 7th marks one of those unusual

"holidays" that a lot or parents and kids

probably wish they could observe! It is

"International Walk To School Day!"

It was started in 1997 by the Partnership

For A Walkable America. While created

as a national observance it quickly caught

on in other countries around the world!

When I was a kid I walked to me grade

school (about 2 blocks), to my Junior

High School (about 3 blocks) and to my

High School. The High School was

about a mile hike. At least till I got my

driver's license and could borrow the car!

Last year, because of the pandemic, a walk

to school for many students involves going

from their bedroom to the kitchen or living

room, where ever their lap top was kept.

Most kids are back actually in a school

building this year and, hopefully, at least

some get a chance to walk to school.

Hope you're well, walking somewhere, and that

 all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, October 3, 2021


   MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2021

           SPINNING A YARN!

    October 4th marks the official

beginning of "Spinners & Weavers

Week." I'n not much when it comes

to either of those crafts although I have

tried to mend holes in my socks from

time to time. My wife discourages those

efforts. She, however, knows exactly how to

work a spinning wheel. She expressed an

interets in learning how during a visit to

a craft fair in Hawley several years ago. A

very understanding woman appreciated her

interest and literally lent her a spinning

wheel on which to practice. Since she liked

it so well I saw a great opportunity and

purchased a wheel of her own that Christmas.

She uses it from time to time. But I admitt

I've been a bit disappointed. I've giver her

all the straw I can find but have yet to see

her turn out once ounce of gold!!! Well, it

worked in the fairy tale! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, October 2, 2021



               ROCK ON!

   I joined my wife, son, daughter-in-law,

granddaughter (and her friend), and our

youngest grandson to go to a "Rock Show"

Saturday. But there were no big bands to

be seen! You see this truly was a "Rock

show", as in Rocks and Minerals!

      It was the "Autumn Mineralfest" mineral,

fossil,and gem show held at the Macungie 

Memorial park not far from Allentown.

      We walk over and past rocks everyday

but seldom stop to take a close look. Yet

many, some above and some below ground,

can be polished and turned into beutiful

treasures. One vendor proudly displayed

some from the Trescow area not far from

Hazleton. Many have been turned into

attractive jewelry while some others are

impressive in their naturan state. Youngsters

like our grandkids could even purchase bags

of sand then pan the material in a water sluce

to discover prescious gems> One grandson even

turned up an arrowhead! Make you want to

look more closely at the rocks and other

minerals you usually ignor. Sometimes it

oays to get "stoned!"

  Hope you're well, and that all your NEWS\is good!

Friday, October 1, 2021



               CLEANING UP!

   I want to join the millions, or
thousands, or hundreds, or handful
of people who realize that October
2nd. is National Custodial Workers
Recognition Day!
   Well, at least YOU know now!
   This day has special meaning to
me because I was once in the ranks
of those who clean up after everybody
else has gone home for the day. I was
a janitor!
    In fact, I got my big start in radio
as a custodial worker. After my clean
up work was complete at WTHT in
Hazleton, and the station was off the
air for the day, I used to play around
with the control board and the
turntables. Then, when someone got
sick, I was the only other person other
than those with existing shifts, that
knew how to work the equipment!
   That's how I got on the air......after
the restrooms were cleaned of course!
To this day I can't stand to see a paper
towel tossed on the floor. I've just got
to pick it up!
    Area radio actually featured another
custodial worker. Remember "Emerson,
the Main-tain-ence Man" from WARM?
Voiced by radio veteran Stan Neishel.
Unfortunately we just lost Stan in
September. A real loss!
Emerson's humor cleated laughs all
over WARMland. I'm not sure if he,
like me, however, ever really had to
use a mop and the dust pan!
     So let's hear it today for the men
and women who scrub the floors and
the toilets and make sure there are
plenty of paper towels for the rest of
us to dispose of properly.
     Hope I can make my wife understand
I retired from that job many years ago,
and that all your NEWS is good!