Wednesday, November 30, 2022



              AN APPLE A DAY!

    It's December first everybody and

this is "Eat a red apple Day!"  I suppose

any color apple will actually do. December

first was selected for this unusual "holiday"

to counter the vast amounts of sweets that

confront us from Thanksgiving through

New Year's Day. There's the after

Thanksgiving feast pies. Then the candy

canes and other sweets so associated with

Christmas. Apples are good for us. They're

nutritious and you can eat them anywhere.

Even on a nice walk. I love apples and

try to keep a supply on hand. There

are thousands of varieties.  I don't know

all of their names although I know I've

had Red Delicious and Cortland

recently. I also haven't yet figured

out how they grow apples with those

little stickers on them. Must be some

special kind of seed. Anyway, enjoy an

apple today, reed or otherwise, and I

hope all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022



                            CAN IT!

    I suppose my title is a bit misleading since

it's really about jars rather than cans, You see

November 30th is "National Mason Jar Day!"

People have been finding ways to preserve

food for years but the process was revolutionized

forever when John Landis Mason received his

patent for a glass jar with a rubber ring and a

screw on top. That was November 30th of 1858.

The Mason jar has enabled people to preserve

food. It's need used as a handy storage unit for

everything from buttons to loose coins. And

the Mason jar proved a double edged benefit

for an industry in the Appalachian mountains

where they "bottled" and drank "White lighting

from those trusty containers. Today we're

preserving the heritage of the Mason jar!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS

is good!  

Monday, November 28, 2022




   It's a holiday few people ever heard of,

let alone remember, It's "Catterntide!" It

was a day to celebrate Saint Catherine as

the Patron Saint of Lacemakers. It was a

big celebration every November 29th up

until around 1890 when the Lace industry

began to decline. The annual celebration

featured spongy cakes and a pie made with

mincemeat covered with melted honey.

And then there was "Leap candle!" The

women lfted up their skirts and jumped

over a lighted candle! I was thinking of

reviving the holiday and even had a

candle picke dout for the occassion. My

wife declined the invitation and suggested

that I shoud,do the a lake!  

Oh well. Hope you're well and that all

your NEWS is good!


Sunday, November 27, 2022


    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2022

             CYBER OR CIDER?

     Today is one of the nation's newest

"unofficial holidays." It is "Cyder Monday."

It's a day when you are encouraged to do

all your shopping on line. Small business

owners tried to lure shoppers into their

local store on Saturday. But they haven't

surrendered to those on line merchants

just yet. In fact they've countered Cyber

Monday with Cider Monday! Cider Monday

is the brainchild of bookstore owner

Willard Williams. He led a campaign to

get small business owners to offer cider

and donuts to customers who come into

their stores on Cyber Monday. It's your

choice of course. But cider and donuts

always appealed to me! Have a great

day. Hope all your NEWS is good!   

Saturday, November 26, 2022


    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2022


   The Thanksgiving holiday is filled

with traditions, The turkey dinner. Shopping

on Black Friday, left overs, more shopping

on Cyber Monday, and holiday parades. But

there's one Thanksgiving tradition that is now

pretty much limited to our memories. It was

the annual High School Thanksgiving Day

Football game. Every town had its own

High School back in the day and usually

it played its game with its biggest rival

on Thanksgiving Day. In my case it was

Hazleton vs. West Hazleton. Thosd Turkey

Day games started to disappear as school

district mergers brought the traditional

opponents under the same roof at a new

High School. I was only on the field for

one of those Thanksgiving Day games.

Actually I was on the sideline for the

most part. I was a Manager for the Football

team. One of thsoe guys who took water

to the players during time outs. And on more

than one occasion I was one of those guys

to carried an injured player off the field

on a stretcher. One "tradition" I truly

don't miss. Hope you've got some good

Thanksgiving tradition memories and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Friday, November 25, 2022




   The late famous New York Yankee Yogi

Berra gets the credit for the old saying that

serves as the title for today's blog. And when

applied to the Thanksgiving holiday it fits oh

so well. That's one of the neat things about

Thanksgiving. It's a holiday that goes well

beyond 24 hours! Thanksgiving Day is

immediately followed by "Black Friday"

which many consider the greatest shopping

day of the year. Then there's a weekend.

And in some areas, like here in northeastern

Pennsylvania, the Monday after Thanksgiving

is usually a day off! So many things to do!

Today I'm celebrating with leftovers. It's

another Thanksgiving holiday tradition.

And they're great! Especially when they

include left over deserts!!! So go right

on giving thanks and celebrating! Hope

you do and that all your NEWS is good! 

Thursday, November 24, 2022


      FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2022


     Today is "International Hat Day!" It's

a day to dawn your favorite hat and show it

off. Not to be confused with "National Hat

Day" which, I suppose, is strictly an American

thing. The day, I'm told, celebrates the day the

so called Top Hat was first introduced to

society. I like hats, especially western ones

which shade the neck and the face at the

same time. In the early 1960's hats weren't

so popular. Probably because President John

F. Kennedy seldom wore one. I like baseball

hats when they are worn the correct way.

That is, brim facing forward. They were

designed that way to keep the sun out of

the player's eyes. Some kids think

its cool to wear them backwards but I don't

agree. And I like gentelmen to remember

to take whatever hat they have

when they're inside. About the only place

I see that happen these days is in church!

Anyhow, enjoy your hat today and remember

what one hat said to the other..."I'll stay here,

you....go on ahead~" Have a great day. Hope

all yoru NEWS is good! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022



            UNCLE MONKEY DAY!

      I know everybody is celebrating Thanksgiving.

And rightfully so. But there's another "holiday"

listed on this date that gets little or no attention.

November 24th is "All Our Uncles Are Monkeys

Day!" It's also known as "Evolution Day." So

noted because it marks the anniversary of

Charles Darwin's book about the "Origin of

the Species." Is theory, as you may know,

suggests that humans eveoled from monkeys.

An interesting thought. But as a good friend

of mine once asked....."If humans evolved

from monkeys.....why are there still monkeys?"

Interesting question if you stop to thing about

it. Anyhow we probably ought to combine 

the day with Thanksgiving! That way you

can "Monkey around!" Hope you do and

that all your NEWS is good!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022



                    TIE ONE ON!

    It's Thanksgiving Eve! Today is "Tie One

On Day" so get to it! No! Not the booze! Tie

one on refers to that age old household helper,

the Apron! They've been around in one form

or another as far back as anybody can remember.

They've protected our clothes from food and art

paint spills. They've carried things like eggs to

the stove and lifted hot items out of the oven.

Now and then they may have dried some tears

or sheltered a child underneath and next to his

or her mother when a stranger came to the house.

We don't think about aprons very much but they

are a valualbe tool in many many ways. So now,

wit h Thanksgiving preperations under way, go

ahead! Tie one on! Hope you do, that you're well

and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, November 21, 2022



                 HIT THE ROAD!

     This is an unusual  holiday I personally

 celebrate all year long! It's "Go For A Drive

Day." There's a reason it's schedued late in

November. You see the holidays can, and

often do, get hectic! Going for a quiet drive,

especially out in the country, can help calm

your nerves as you enjoy the scenery along

the highways and by ways. If you aren't

into drives far away from home and happen

to live in my area around Wilkes-Barre and

Scranton I might suggest heading out towards

our regional airport. There are two back to

back roundabouts there that will allow you

to drive as long as you want and never get

far from home. Happy motoring! Hope you

drive safely and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, November 20, 2022


    MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2022

               FUN GUN FACTS!

   There has been a lot of talk about gun

control lately. I don't know what will or

will not happen or what should or should

not happen. But I do know a few "funny

facts" about laws already on the books

and some strange instances of gun use,

For instance, in Kennesaw, Georgia all

households are required to have a gun!

People attending political conventions

who have a concealed carry permit are

usually allowed to bring their guns. But,

squirt guns are not allowed! Russian

cosmonauts were issued three barrel

shotguns for their space travel! Not to

fight off aliens but to defend themselves

against bears should they crash land in

Siberia! And how about that Daisey BB

Gun?! It was originally given away for

free to customers who bought other

products from the company. It became

so popular it outsold all those other

products! It's still on the market and

Mothers keep insisting it should come

with a warning lable so kids won't

"shoot their eyes out!" I juts thought

you ought to know! Hope you're well

and that all your NEWS is good! 

Saturday, November 19, 2022


        SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2022


     You've heard it said. The holidays are

hectic! Well I can bear witness to that fact

from personal experience1 Yesterday I had

the chore of doing some Thanksgiving

shopping. We needed some groceries and

a few other small items. I went to the Y

first and managed to get 4 and a half miles 

in on the treadmill before I headed over to

the market. Then I got about another two

or three miles in inside the market! You

see the operators of the market I happen

to pick just went through a major

revamping of the store! Nothing seems

to be where it used to be or where I knew

things to be! I'm told this is a marketing

ploy to get customers to look all around

the store in the hope they'll find things to

buy they didn't know they wanted or

needed. In my case it simply managed

to add an hour and a half to my usual 

half hour visit! Things have changed

so recently, and just in time for holiday

shopping by the way, that many of the

clerks don't have any idea where things

are. I looked for bandaids near the

pharmacy. No sign of them. Half

way across the store I asked a clerk if

she knew where I could find them.

She said she thought she had seen them

"a few rows down that way" when she

walked by that area recently. Well at 

least her recollection was good because

I went "down that way" and did come

across bandages. Some time back I

floated an idea and it may be time to

get it out there again. We all have

GPS devices in our cars. Even in our

cell phones. Maybe the markets should

start offering apps that tell us where

everything is!? We could scan a bar

code on their front door and go right

to anything we need. Like bandages!

They could even give their employees

the app for people who come in without 

a phone! It would sure make things a

lot less hectic! Hope you're finding

everything you need, quickly, and that

all your NEWS is good!  

Friday, November 18, 2022



                   BAD DAY-DAY.

 I suppose of all the unusual "holidays" I

tell you about this may be the most unusual.

You see November 19th is "Have A Bad Day-

Day." I believe the creators of this observance

were trying to point out how insincere some

people, especially sales people, can be when

they say "Have a good day." It has become

something said without any true meaning 

behind it. You see a sales clerk who seems 

to be in a bad mood before you even get to

her. There's little or no eye contact. You get

your receipt and listen as she looks elsewhere

bur says "Have a nice day." So today, you

turn it around. You say "Have a bad day."

But do it with a smile to give away your

true intent which, of course, is to wish who

ever you're greetinga good day. Have a

bad day and I hope all you NEWS is good!


Thursday, November 17, 2022


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2022

            A PLACE TO STAY.

     You may remembeer yesterday's blog.

It was "Take A Hike Day." So I headed out

in the woods and kept walking. And, here I

am. Still in the woods. I didn't know when

to stop. But I figured a day goes till Midnight.

Right? Only now it's very dark and very cold.

I'm wondering if.........of wait......I see a light

up ahead by the side of that rural road. It's

says...."Bates Motel." And there's a vacancy!!!

I'll just check in and grab a shower before

retiring! How great. See you tomorrow...I

guess. Hope all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022



            A WALK IN THE WOODS.

  It's November 17th and that means it's

"National Take A Hike Day!" We're all

encouraged  to do some walking today.

It may be along a trail or, perhaps, just

around your neighborhood. Supporters

of this special day tell us walking does

us a lot of good in several different ways.

It's good for us physically because of the

exercise and walking can also ease your

mind and improve your mental health.

Many doctors prescribe walking for

those reasons. I find myself walking

through the woods today but, in my

case, it's not doctor's orders. My wife

just told me to "take a hike!!" Enjoy

your stroll. Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!   

Tuesday, November 15, 2022



              JUST A QUICK BITE!

   November 16th is "National Fast Foods

Day!" Who among us has not stopped in

a fast food restaurant at one time or another.

You could say the industry was born in 1921

when White  Castle opened its first drive 

tru restaurant. But the fast food craze really

took off after World War II when many

Americans began buying their own cars.

As of last year there were 197,653 fast

food restaurants just here in the United

States! You can get burgers, hot dogs,

chicken, pizza, donuts, and just about

anything else you'd like. Some people

shy away from fast food places. But I'll

bet they're glad to see one when they're

on a long road trip and looking for a

restroom! Have some fast food to

celebrate the day and add an order of

fries! Hope you enjoy your quick bite

and that all your NEWS is good!    

Monday, November 14, 2022


     TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2022

               A  SHARP  IDEA!

    His name was King. And I suppose you

could say because of his invention he actually

became a king... of sorts. The year was 1904 

King had a sharp idea and on November 15th,.

he secured a patent for his invention. That invention,

by the way, bears his name. Gillette! King Cole

Gillette. Inventor of the Gillette razor blade!

Look sharp! Feel sharp! Be sharp!

Hope you're clean shaven, feeling well, and

that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

     MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022

                 GETTING PICKLED!

    Veteran's Day has passed and Thanksgiving

is still over a week away but don't fret! There's
plenty of reasons to celebrate!
     November 14th., is "National Pickle Day!"
     Cucumbers, which came from India, were
first pickled  way back in 2030 B.C.,  I
suspect they'd be pretty tart if you could find
one of those!
      Still there are plenty of pickles to be
found. According to the people who should
know  Americans eat about 9 pounds of pickles
per person every year. Of course they sneak
some of those to you in little pieces hidden
under the buns at places like McDonalds.
      I nearly had a pickle, well a quarter of
a pickle, with my Ruben on Sunday but my
grandson thought it looked good enough to
eat, so he did!
       Cleopatra ate pickles because she believed
they helped make her beautiful. Caesar and
Napoleon thought they built muscle. I only
know they have been known to make you
        But get this! During a hot game in Texas
in 2000, when temperatures on the field reached
109 degrees, Philadelphia Eagle players drank pickle
juice and credited the briny solution for their 41-14
win!. They may be drinking it again this season
from the look of things!
        Baseball fans certainly know what it means
to "get in a pickle." They may not know, however,
that the phrase came from Shakespeare who used
it to refer to finding oneself in a difficult position
in The Tempest
         So before you get yourself in a pickle, eat
one, get strong, look good, and put a dent in your
9 pound yearly quota!
          Hope your pickle and all your NEWS is


Saturday, November 12, 2022


    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2022

            OLD BEN'S WISDOM!

     Our world is constantly changing!

It's difficult to be certain of anything

because of that changing cycle. That's

why it seems somewhat amazing that

the words uttered by one of this country's

best known statesmen, and a Pennsylvania

boy by the way, still ring true more than

200 years after he spoke them. It was on this

very date in 1789 that Ben Franklin observed

"The only things certain in life are death and

taxes." Seems old Ben hit the nail on the head

with that one. Hope you're well, that all your

taxes are paid, and that all your NEWS is good!

NEWS is good!

Friday, November 11, 2022


       SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2022

                FLYING HIGH!

  It's November 12th, an historic day in

the world of entertainment. It was on this

day in 1859 that a crowd of onlookers

saw the worlds very first Trapeze act!

A preformer, high above the audience,

swinging from one trapeze to another

with "the greatest of ease!" Or so he

made it look! The place was Paris, France.

And since that day the Trapeze act has become

a standart thrill with circus acts all around

the world. The man who did it first all

those years aho was Jules Leotard! And,

yes, the clothing you can still buy today

is named for him! He wore the first set!

Hope you're flying high and that all your

NEWS is good!  

Thursday, November 10, 2022


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2022

               LEST WE FORGET!

       This is Veteran's Day. A day to honor

the men and women who served and are

serving our country by their military service.

The day was originally known as "Armistice

Day" marking the date in 1919 when World

War I came to an end. It became a national

holiday in1938. In 1954 it was officially

renamed "Veterans Day."

     And here's a bit of trivia tied to the

date. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

was dedicated on November 11th., 1921.

And on November 11th of 1938, Kate Smith

sang Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"

for the first time on national radio. Most

folks have the day off today. Take a moment

to reflect on those who served and are

serving our nation. Hope you do and that

all your NEWS is good.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


     THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022

               THE NUMBERS GAME!

     November 10th is "Area Code Day." It

was November 10th., 1951 where the use of

area codes for telephone exchanges became

the norm. AT&T actually came up with the

area code idea in 1947. I, of course, am old

enough to remember when you made a call

by picking up your telephone and waiting

for the operator to say "Number please."

You would give her the number you wanted 

to call and she would connect you. Of course

most of the operators gave way to rotary and,

later, push button dial telephones which allowed

the caller to reach his or her own party. But as

more and more people needed telephones the

telephone company (now companies) needed

more telephone numbers. That 2 or 4 digit 

number you use to call suddenly became a

7 digit number. Then came still more telephones

are area codes. You've got to use them to make

a call these days even with a cell phone. So now

it's a 10 digit call and more, or course, if you're

calling another country. And you can expect

still more as the number of telephones continues

to grow. Folks in the Erie and State College areas

of Pennsylvania just had another area code added

to one already in use in those parts.  By the way,

if you happen to catch anyone using the area code

555 you can be pretty sure that person iis an actor!

The 555 area code is reserved for fictional use. You

know, television and the movies! And so we

observe if not celebrate Area Code Day. Hope

you've got all the right numbers and that all your

NEWS is good!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022




  Regular followers of this blok know how fond

I am of telling you about unusual "holidays" that

are observed every single day of the year. Today,

however, I'd like to suggest a new one. One that

I've come up with. I'd like to establish "Take

Down Your Signs Day." It would be held twice

each year on the day following elections. We have

put up with political commercials on radio aand

TV for at least the past two  months. Last night

at least one ran an hour after the poles closed!

They, hopefully, will be over for the time being.

But the political signs that litter our roadsides seem 

to linger long after the elections have ended. Some

people are still displaying signs for a Presidential

candidate and his running mate who, last I heard,

pretty much hate each other these days!  I had heard

there was a regulation requiring the cleanup of

political signs but I either heard wrong or, if it

does exist, it's not being enforced.  It's now time

to take them down/ I'd be OK with giving the

candidates two weeks so they could post "Thank 

you banners" over the existing signs for a week.

After that I'd prefer to see more positive sights

like brush, or grass, or even weeds ! Hope the

signs are all down soon and that all your NEWS

is good. I'm David DeCosmo and I have approved

this blog!

Monday, November 7, 2022




   I'm thinking of this 1988 comedy today!

The title anyway. You see this is Election

Day! By tonight or tomorrow we should

know which candidates have been

successful. By successful I mean which

candidates have done the best job

convincing us that their opponents were

dirty rotten scoundrels not to be trusted

in office. Most political ads this time

around seem to be focused on how bad

the other guy is! It's been said if you can't

say anything nice you shouldn't say

anything at all. Had that philosophy been

employed during this election it's likely

we wouldn't have heard any political

commercials!   Congratulations to all

the winners. Your first task will be to show

us all you're not the dirty rotten scoundrels

your opponents told us you were!  Hope

everyone voted and that all your NEWS is good! 

Sunday, November 6, 2022



             FILL HER UP! 

   In this case my title has nothing to

do with putting gas in your car! It's

November 7th and this is "Fill your

stapler day!" The stapler is a great

invention widely used in offices,

schools, and even in the home. He

have the stapler thanks to King Louis XV

who wanted a better way to hold papers

together. You'd like the original stapler

better than today's models!  True, it only

held one staple at a time. BUT, they were

made of gold!!!!! Hope your stapler is

filled and that all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, November 5, 2022



        GO AHEAD, BACK UP!

    It was a great comedy routine done

by the team of Abbot and Costello. They

would be sitting in a car parked in a drive

way with Lou Costello at the wheel. They

had to back up to get out. Bud Abbot would

tell his partner..."Go ahead" and Lou would

start to pull forward. Abbot would yell, "No,

back up!" The two would then go through the

same thing several times as Costello argued

about "going ahead" to back up! Well it was

funny at the time. And, speaking of time,

if you're reading this on Sunday November

6th you should have already "gone forward

to back up!" You see Easter Standard Time

went into effect here on the east coast at 2am

this morning. We have about 6 clocks in our

house and all of them had to be reset. But

three of them are the old fashion kind of

clock. You know, the one with a big hand 

and a little hand. I was also told never to

turn those hands counter clockwise! Some

say you can damage the mechanism by

doing that. If that's the case the correct way

to reset the clock one hour earlier is to go

eleven hours ahead! Do the math! Next

project...trying to remember how to set

the clocks in our three vehicles. I suspect

I'll spend most of the extra hour we're

suppose to be getting re-setting all our

clocks!!! Hope you're right on time and

that all your NEWS is good!  

Friday, November 4, 2022



            GO GET 'EM GIRLS!

    Single men. On your mark, Get set!
     It is November 15th, also know in
some parts as "Sadie Hawkins Day!"
     According to
This holiday originated in a cartoon.
     It all began in Al Capp's "Lil Abner
Cartoon in the 1930's. In the cartoon series,
the mayor of Dogpatch was desperate to
marry off his ugly daughter. So he created
Sadie Hawkin's Day.
     On this day, a race is held and all the
single men were given a short head start.
Then, all the single women, including the
mayor's daughter, chased the boys. If a girl
catches her man, he had to marry her.
     Sadie Hawkins races and related events
were a bid deal for many years. But they
generally died out when the comic strip
was discontinued.
     There are still some events today,
usually on college campuses.
      And there's still a town in Ireland
where matchmakers get together one
day each year to get try to get couples
together! Of course in that case it's the
men chasing the women!
     After the harvests in September,
young farmers from all over Ireland would
shuffle into Lisdoonvarna to find themselves
a potential wife, with the help of the
     Sadie Hawkins Day is still specifically
for the women!
     So, if you're male and single, this
is a good day to keep looking over your
      You may want to walk a little faster.
Or, maybe, just stop!
      That Depends on what, or who, you
      Hope you meet your Sadie, and that all
your NEWS is good!

Thursday, November 3, 2022


         FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2022

                 KING TUT'S CURSE!

      I know we're just past Halloween, but

today marks the anniversary of a Halloween-

like story that lingers on. It's the Curse of King

Tut! It was on November 4th of 1922 that a

team of archaeologists lead by Howard Carter

discovered the tomb of Egypt's "Boy King,"

Tutankhamen. There was a belief that those

who dared defile a pharaoh's grave would 

die for their actions. In fact the man who

financed the expedition and was there

with Carter for the discovery, Lord Carnarvon,

was dead within two months from an insect

bite that became infected. He died from blood

poisoning! So did his half brother who was

also a member of the team. Another member

died from some mysterious illness as well!

But Carter himself lived on and died at age 64

suggesting that all curses have their "limit!" 

Just ask the Boston Red Sox! Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good

Wednesday, November 2, 2022




   Today is John Montagu's Birthday! The

name might not mean anything to you

immediately. After all he was born way

back in 1718. But John was very well

know during his lifetime! And he was

primarily know as a gambler! A very

serious gambler! So much so that he

didn't want to leave the gambling table

once he was seated. During one very

serious game he was faced with the

choice of leaving for lunch or going

hungry while he remained and played.

But John had an idea of his own. He 

asked someone to bring him a loaf of

bread and some meat. He sliced to pieces

of the bread and put the meat in between

the two slices. Hence was born what was to

become a very popular menu item. Created

by John Montagu, an Englishman who held

the title "The 4th Earl of Sandwich!" For

whom the sandwich was named! Hope you

enjoy one from time to time and that all

your NEWS is good!


Tuesday, November 1, 2022




           November 2nd is a very big day\

in the history of football! But its git nothing to

do with an impressive score or the forward

pass. It was on this day in 1898 that Johnny

Campbell led an organized team of Cheerleaders

to cheer on the University of Minnesota! There

were, of course, cheers before that time, but never

an organized cheerleading squad. And, by the way,

Campbell's team was all male! If you've ever

noticed today's cheerleaders at the NFL games

you'll know things have change a bit! I'm OK

with that!!! Hope your team is winning and that

all your NEWS is good!