Friday, June 30, 2023


      SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2023


     I'm tossing out a salute to our

neighbors to the north today where
it's "Independence Day!"
    Canada became self governing
on July 1st., 1867. "Canada" or
"Dominion Day" is, thus, like
our Independence Day.
    Anyhow, I like Canada.
     Visiting there is like visiting
another country. Oh. Wait a minute.
      Still we have a lot in common.
Most people there still speak
English although they often end
their sentence with the phrase "Aye?"
That seems more classy then "hayna?"
       They sell things like hot dogs
and coke there and they even take
American money in payment. That's
kind of cool because when you come
back home you can give the kids
the Canadian money you got in
         Although our countries have
had occasional differences, like in
aluminum, we've really been very
cordial over the years.
          During my short term as a
DJ in Massena, New York, the bulk
of our audience was made up of
Canadians and they were always
very friendly even though their
requests required an "International
          I don't know if they celebrate
Canada Day with fireworks but they
can cross the border and buy plenty
of them around here if they want.
Sorry to say, though. they'll have to
use American money. But at lest
they'll be able to spend the change
when they go home.
         Now if we can only get them
to take back all that smoke they've
been sending out way. Aye?
          We'd all feel better and all
our NEWS would be good!        

Thursday, June 29, 2023


  FRIDAY, JUNE 30TH., 2023


   How very appropriate that you
should be joining me, by reading
my blog, on Social Media Day!
It's the 14th annual observance of
this global celebration although
Social Media has been around a
lot longer than that.
    Of course it's changed over
the years! At one time the term
could have been applied to those
rural homes that shared a so-
called "party line" telephone.
    Now we've evolved to world
wide contact ability through
sources like Skype and Facebook.
And what great resources they
     Just yesterday I received
three Skype messages from
people I never heard of asking
that I add them as contacts.
      Meanwhile on Facebook,
I struggle daily with the task
of coming up with one word
responses on how I met various
friends who then want me to
copy and paste my answer to
my home page.
      I have politely tried to
 explain that I haven't copied
since third grade and am
prohibited, by my wife, from
using paste or glue.
     On the positive side, I
now have a better idea of
how many cats my FB friends
own and see their photos
nearly every day.
      Of course I do plenty
of postings too including
family and travel photos.
I do not, however, have
any cats except for those
who roam my neighborhood
at will. If I see one, or a
skunk, I'll try to post a photo
so I feel more like a part of
the group!
      I don't know how folks
in those party line days
      How you keep using
Social Media (to read my
blogs) and that all your
NEWS is good!


Wednesday, June 28, 2023


    THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2023


   Before we run out of June you

should be aware this is "National

Turkey Lovers' Month!" You might

have expected such a "holiday" to

be scheduled for November. An

estimated 46 million turkeys are

consumed that month because of

Thanksgiving. But the fact is you

can love turkeys anytime! As a

meal or just as a bird. Ben Franklin

wanted the turkey as our national

bird but the Eagle won out. Turkeys

can be found in the woods around

the northeast. In fact when we went

on our Travelworld adventure to

NH a week ago to look for

Moose the first animal I spotted

was a turkey! My wife bought a

model turkey for out back yard.

She told me she always wanted

two turkeys around the house! I

wonder what she meant by that?

Oh well, enjoy National Turkey

Lovers' Month and may all of

your NEWS be good!  

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


         WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2023


   You've got to admire people who constantly

get clobbered buy never say die! Adolphe was

such a person. He liked music and inventing

but he was lucky he lived long enough to

enjoy the music and get his invention

patented! Before he was two years old he

fell three stories and hit his head on the

solid pavement. They thought he was dead.

He swallowed a pin and, when only two, 

drank a bowl of acidic water he thought was

milk! For some time he slept in a room where

laminated furniture was being dried, The fumes

could have killed him! Then, later in life, he

was struck on the head with a cobblestone and

fell into the river! Still he survived. Much to

the joy of music, and especially jazz lovers.

You see on this very date in 1846 Adolphe

got a patent for his invention which, by the

way, bears his name. You see Adolphe Sax,

invented the Saxophone! Just though you'd

want to know! Hope you're enjoying your

jazz and that all your NEWS is good. 

Monday, June 26, 2023



          TUESDAY, JUNE 27TH., 2023
     It's June 27th friends! It's Mildred Hill's
Birthday and we really ought to sing for her~
    Back in 1893 Mildred and her sister Patty
Hill, wrote a song for their nursery
school students. It was, originally, "Good
morning to you." Eventually it evolved into
 "Happy Birthday to you."
     And now you can sing it....for free!!!!!!
     129 years ago a third sister filed a
Copyright on the song and, over most of
those years, publishing companies have been
collecting royalties whenever the song
was sung or played by a profit making
      For instance the scene in which I appear
in the movie "All In Time" was written as a
Birthday Party. When the producers realized
they'd have to pay to use the "Happy
Birthday" the scene was changed to a picnic.
I did miss the cake!
    Small change? Hardly! The royalties
brought in an estimated two million dollars
a year! Makes you think about writing
a song!
     In 2015, however, a Federal Judge
ruled the copyright only applied to a
specific piano arrangement of the song. Not
to the song itself!
    So if you or someone you know is
celebrating a Birthday...sing away and
bring a band to play the music if you
wish! It's all for fun...especially now that
it's all for free!
     Hope you enjoy the party and that
all your NEWS is good!



Sunday, June 25, 2023


           MONDAY, JUNE 26, 2023


   I don't get into politics but I've often said

I'd concentrate on some very fundamental

issues if I were running the country. My

platform, for instance, would require a

caboose at the end of every train. But

today, after visiting the all-American

institution we call "Walmart, I've come

up with several suggestions to improve

life for everyone! First, lets get more

life employees to fill all those closed 

check out lines/ I know self service

can be helpful but I'd prefer an

associate weighing and checking

out my bag of apples. And speaking

of bags, what ever happened to those

little ties  to hold your produce

together? I started carrying one

with me, from another store, after

the ones at Walmart disappeared.

It's also time, in my belief, that

all the shopping carts need a

wheel alignment! It's harder to

find your product when three wheels

turn one way and the forth turns

another. And while it's great to have

products on display, who on earth

can reach those stored on the top

shelf which stands about 10 feet

tall! How about some flowers up

there? Just a couple suggestions

to make shopping more pleasant

so your cupboards and full and

all your NEWS is good!

Saturday, June 24, 2023


           SUNDAY. JUNE 25, 2023

                     COLOR TV!

   This is "Color TV Day!" Imagine have a

TV without color these days! It was back in

1951 when CBS aired what was considered

to be the first color TV broadcast. Of course

most people only had black and white television

sets which couldn't decode the signal and they

only received a blank screen! A few specially

designed set were set up in hotels and they got

to see the broadcast in color. All of the networks

had been experimenting with color for some time.

In fact there was a story that, in 1943, NBC did a

color broadcast with Jerry Lewis and Bill 

"Bojangles" Robinson that went from the network's

studios in New York to Princeton University that

had only one viewer! That viewer was Albert

Einstein! I remember when color TV's were

the "new big thing." I asked the clerk in the

appliance store if he had any and he quickly

said "Yes!" "Great," I said! "I'll take a green one!"

Hope your day is colorful and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Friday, June 23, 2023


        SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023


  Today's unusual "holiday" was created

by the website June 24 is

"Appreciate Your Senses Day" This is

a day when you are encouraged to

appreciate the senses of touch, taste,

hearing, sight, and smell. Each is

valuable to us most everyday though

we often don't give them a second

thought. Unfortunately I guess I

won't be able to join the celebration.

 my wife claims I don't have any

sense! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, June 22, 2023



   FRIDAY, JUNE 23RD., 2023

     Every year around this time I get requests for
interviews. But unlike the days when I was an
active reporter doing the interviews.....these are
requests from people who want to interview me!
   And I know just what they'll be asking about.
   It's the 1972 Tropical Storm Agnes Flood!
   Back in '72 I was the News Director of WILK
    Things looked bad in June 22nd so I called
my wife to tell her I'd be home late. Turns
out I didn't see her for nearly three days!
   When the waters of the Susquehanna River
began to rise rapidly because of the "Agnes"
storm I went to the Luzerne County to call
updates back to my station.
    But Civil Defense, the agency that
preceded the Emergency Management
Agency, didn't have a Public Information
Officer. So, when I walked in, I got drafted!
   I didn't make the decisions for Civil Defense.
   But, most of the time, I was the one who
announced them.
   The one I'm often remembered for was the
one I made on June 23rd as the sirens sounded
and I told area residents it was time to....
"Get out. Get out now!"
   A little while later I was sending a report
on our two way radio in the sub basement of
the Courthouse when water started coming
into the room from a drain in the floor.
   I always thought water was suppose to go
out drains!
   So when the water came in.....I got out!
  Eventually all of us on the Civil Defense
staff had to evacuate the Courthouse and move
to higher ground.
   We ended up in the Wilkes-Barre School
Administration building sending hourly
news updates to 13 area radio stations. I
formed and directed that network.
   Initially we used an Army Field Telephone
which was wired, literally, through the streets
to the old WYZZ FM.  The other 12 stations
re-broadcast our reports at 15 minutes past
each hour and throughout the emergency
we only missed one report.
   That's because a couple of kids found our
wire and decided it would make a good
jump rope!
    It's been 51 years since "Agnes" paid
her visit and I suspect I'll be telling a few
more stories about those days.
   A lot has changed in those 51 years
including, as my photo will illustrate,
   Hope you're high and dry and that all
your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


    THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2023


    June 22nd is "Positive Media Day!"

The whole idea is to encourage the media

to give us some good news. It's easy in

some cases. Weather for instance. Partly

cloudy and partly sunny are virtually the

same thing. But if you choose to report

that condition as partly sunny you are

giving it a positive spin. I once worked

gor a radio station that devoted one

newscast each day to "positive news." It

was well received when we first started

it. But when there was some major news

event happening, people were much more

anxious to get information about that then

learning about a boy scout getting an award.

It's good to include a positive story when

time and conditions allow. But a newscaster's

job is to give you information about that

smoke you're seen in your community when

you're heading home from work. Even though

it's the title of my blog, "no news" isn't really

good news! It's ignorance! That said, I hope

all your NEWS is good!  



        THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2023


   We've just about wrapped up our

Travelworld adventure to New Hampshire.

 One of the highlights of the tour was a

"Moose Hunt." We're weren't hunting with

guns but, rather, with cameras.

I thought we'd board a 4 wheel drive vehicle

and search the dirt roads running through 

the deep forest. Not so. The moose tend to

feed right along side the highways where

rain runs off the winter salt which the moose

eat up like candy! A great tour and, since

it's Father's Day I'v just got to ask you what

a father moose calls his sleepy son? A Bull

Dozer!!!! Hope you'll come along next

time. Also, I hope you're well and that all 

your NEWS is good!

Monday, June 19, 2023


             TUESDAY, JUNE 20 2023


  I've been using a few of my daily blogs to share

highlights of our Travelworld trip to New Hampshire

so you might enjoy some of the sights our guests

experience. One very impressive experience was

our visit to the Mount Washington Hotel! There

was a time when these huge hotels could be found

throughout New England. They catered to the

wealthy for the most part. But the advent of the

automobile and years of weather and ware saw

most of them disappear. The Mount Washington, 

know as the Omni, is one of three left in New

Hampshire. It was opened in 1902 and built for

Joseph Stickney who operated the facility with

his wife Carolyn. Ironically he passed away a

little over a year after the hotel opened. Carolyn

summered at the Mount Washington and used

to watch other women coming down the grand

staircase from a window in her apartment. It

was said she didn't want to be outdressed by

someone else. It is also said the she never 

lefT the hotel! Strange sounds and activities

have been reported in and around her room,

314, and a paranormal investigating team

claimed to have recorded what may be her

voice during their visit there! Her room is

still rented to tourists, some of whom have

claimed to have heard voices during their

stay. Whatever the truth the Mount Washington

Hotel still serves as an example of the old

Grand Hotels still offering a grand style

of life for those looking for luxurious

accommodations. Hope you'll get to visit

sometime and that all your NEWS is good!

Sunday, June 18, 2023


 MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2023


  Well my Blog could be considered

more of a travelog this time as we,

my wife and I and 34 Travelworld

guests are in New Hampshire for

some fun and adventure. We are

in the White Mountains. Today

we'll be visiting the every elegant

(and some say haunted) Mt.

Washington Hotel where the

ghost of a former female owner

is said to move things about in what

was her room. We'll enjoy a tour

and luncheon there before heading

up Mt Washington itself on its

famous Cog Railroad.  I'm not

carrying my "usual" blogger

equipment and our schedule

of attractions doesn't especially

fit my usual posting time but I

will do my best to take you along

right here as time and equipment

allow. If you'd prefer to just sit

around I invite you to scroll back

on my Blogs and enjoy some old

times as opposed to the unknown

I'll be dealing with. In any case,

as usual, may all your NEWS be



Saturday, June 17, 2023


    SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2023


  It's Father's Day everybody and my

wife and I are escorting a wonderful

group of Travelworld guests on a

"Moose Trak Tour" to New Hampshire!

I thought I'd better post my Father's Day

Blog before we hit the road. So............

  I'm not sure just how old I was when I

found out my Dad had a different first

name than the one I was used to hearing.

  Most people called him "Tony." That

seemed logical since it was a common

nickname for somebody named Anthony.

   Except, as it turns out, my Dad's name

wasn't Anthony. Well, not exactly.

   He always signed his name Anthony B.

DeCosmo. The "B" stood for Biagio, his

"given" first name.

   Dad much preferred "Tony."

   He had a great and, in some ways, an

exciting life.

    His father passed away when my Dad

was young so he went to work very early

in life. First as a Breaker Boy where, the

story goes, he got into trouble for trying

to organize the other children workers.

    Eventually he found his way into a

movie theater and learned how to be a

projectionist. In fact he showed the

first Sound Movie (The Jazz Singer)

in Hazleton!

    It's an occupation he followed for

most, but not all, of his life.

    He was Chief Projectionist at the

Capitol Theater in Hazleton all the years

I was growing up. But the movie business

was beginning to lose audiences to

television (ironically the media that

became my profession for most of my


    Seeing the writing on the wall or,

perhaps the screen, Dad used to take a

leave of absence for a few weeks each

year and would go to work in New York

City running spotlight in the old Madison

Square Garden for Ringling Brothers

Circus and Ice Capades.

     When the Capitol finally closed in

1963 he put his New York connections

to good use and started touring the

Country and Canada as a Stage Hand with

professional road companies.

     He worked with some big stars like

Jackie Gleason, Howard Keel, and Hume

Cronyn a few. Cronyn said in

all his years in Show Business the only

man he knew who never missed a cue was

Tony DeCosmo!

    Dad always had a smile on his face and

truly enjoyed life. He worked on Broadway

with Steve Lawrence and Edie Gorme.

    When they played the Kirby Center he

had hoped to see them again. I had even

sent a note backstage on his behalf. When

they took off without a meeting, Dad simply

said....."Too bad. It's their loss!" He was

right! It was their loss!

     Eventually Dad found himself back in

our hometown in a "new "movie theater.

He worked it when it had a single screen.

He worked it when they split it into a two

screen theater. He even worked it after

they turned it into a five screen theater.

 At least for awhile.

     Well into his 80's Dad finally decided

it was time for others to haul the film cans

and splice the shows together. Jack Palance

was with him his final night in the

Projection Booth. They were interviewed

for TV and Dad did most of the talking!

     He passed on a year later, enjoying and

loving family, friends, rides, vacations, and

a good cigar right on up till the end!

     He left us with a treasure of love and

memories that keep him alive in our hearts

every single day!

      I know I, my son, and daughters always glance

back up towards the Projection Booth when

we go to the movies. There's always the

feeling that he's right there with us, probably

trying to make sure the scene is in focus and

the sound is turned up!

      His birth certificate read "Biagio." He

signed his name "Anthony." Most people

just called him "Tony." I was lucky. I got

to call him Dad! Hope your memories are 

wonderful too and that all your NEWS is good!

(Dedicated to Dad! Anthony B. DeCosmo)


Friday, June 16, 2023


   SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023


   THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021


    Hallmark probably doesn't offer

cards for this occasion. But you should

know, June 17th is "Garbageman Day!"

Technically I suppose it's Refuse Workers

Day. But chance are most of us refer to

those pickup crews as the "garbagemen."

Here in Plains Township we have a great

DPW department. Just think about the

unpleasant task of driving or holding onto

a huge truck filled with garbage. And having

to go out in all kinds if weather to toss those

often too heavy bags of trask into the back

of that truck. Our 7-year-old grandson often

visited us on garbage pick up day. He loved

to watch the men and wave at the truck. And

there was always waves coming back at him and

usually a toot on the air horn as well. A couple

of the guys even stopped to show the little guy

how the truck's crusher works. And in spite

of their often difficult and usually smelly job

they always seem to have a smile on their

faces. I think perhaps we should be smiling,

and waving to them! And offering a very big

Thank You for the job they do for all of us!

Hope they're all well and that their, and your,

NEWS is good!

Thursday, June 15, 2023


     FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023

          RIDING RIGHT!

   I went the rodeo yesterday but

there wasn't a bronco or brahma

bull in sight! You see this was a

"Bike Rodeo!" The Jackson Twp.

Police Department and Scout

Pack 281 got together to let area

kids have some fun on their

bicycles while learning some

important safety lessons at the

same time! A lot has changed

since I first hit the road on a

two wheeler. The first bike I

rode was inherited from my big

brother. I was a mass of steel

that probably weighed just a

little less than my dad's Buick!

The only helmets available

those days were left over

from World War Two and

weighted just a little less than

the bikes! I'm glad today's

youngsters have access to kid

sized bikes and safety helmets

that don't weigh a ton but still

offer protection. I hope the kids

who took part in this rodeo 

learned a little bit about safety 

as well as respect for the police

officers and Scout leaders who

took the time to show they really

care. Hope you're riding safely

and that all your NEWS is good. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


   THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2023


  We've all heard about people who

seem to live life dangerously. I 

suppose we all do from time to time.

But if the dictionary included a photo

under that definition I suppose it

might well be a picture of Carlisle

Graham! On this very day in 1888

Graham completed the 3rd of 4

successful trips through the

dangerous rapids below Niagara

Falls! He did it in a barrel! You

see Graham was a barrel maker

from England who settled in

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

That's where he decided to test

his skill and the quality of his

work against the Niagara rapids!

He made a 4th attempt later and

then a 5th. His barrels were so

well built, however, that the 5th

attempt was halted when he

nearly suffocated  inside. Even

Graham learned you can only

press your luck so far! Hope your

luck is holding out and that all

your NEWS is good! 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


       WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 20213


    June 14th is a big day for our family. 

Our first born daughter, Cassie, was born

on this date. Most people will be celebrating

the fact that it's also  Flag Day! A day to commemorate

the time in 1777 when our country officially

adopted the stars and stripes as our national

flag. Old Glory will be displayed nearly

everywhere on this special day. And one

hallowed place where you'll find it flying

is at Arlington National Cemetery. There

are more that 400,000 graves at Arlington.

More than half of them, about  270,000.

mark the final resting place of men and

women who have served our country in the

military.  The remains of several Presidents

are buried there including John F. Kennedy.

It is also the site of the Tomb of the Unknown

Soldier.  It was established as a National

Cemetery in 1884 towards the end of the

Civil War. And here's a couple things you

might not know about Arlington Cemetery.

The first  person buried there was William

Henry Christman, a 20-year-old Union

soldier who died of the measles! His home

was at Pocono Lake Pennsylvania! And the

first 200 acres of land for the Arlington

Cemetery was actually confiscated from

the estate of a General! A Confederate

General. Robert E. Lee! Before the land

was seized by the government Lee's wife

buried some family valuables there! Hope

you're flying the flag today, that you're

well, and that all your NEWS is good!

Monday, June 12, 2023


   TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023


  Just when I thought I had covered

just about all the available "unusual

holidays" available I found a new one.

June 13th is "International Axe Throwing

Day!" I've seem a few of these Axe 

throwing lanes around. I saw my first on 

the boardwalk at the shore a couple years

ago. Since then one was set up at a

carnival in downtown Wilkes-Barre and

a few commercial Axe Throwing

establishments have been opened in

cities around the region. Now there's

even a National Axe Throwing League.

This "sport" is said to relieve

frustration but, I think it best I don't

mention this cutting edge activity to

my wife! Hope your aim is true, that

you're well and that all your NEWS

is good!

Sunday, June 11, 2023


      MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2013


   Since the pandemic began in 2020

we've all become use to carrying a face

mask with us where ever we go and

putting one one most everywhere we

went inside. Fortunately the need for

them has diminished although there

are still some places requiring they be

worn. Last week it looked like we'd

have to get them out again as our air

was filled with smoke from wildfires

in Canada. We're all more aware

of the dangers that can be lurking in the

air that surrounds us. That would probably

be of no surprise to Lewis Haslett. On this

vary day in 1849 Lewis patented a mask of

his own. It was called "the Inhaler" or the

"Lung Protector." You might know it

better as "the Gas Mask!" Hope you never

need one or even our standard face maskes

for that matter. Hope you;re well and that

all your NEWS is good!


Saturday, June 10, 2023


     SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2023


  How many times have you heard somebody

say "I wish it was Christmas year round?" Well

June 11th is an unofficial holiday that deserves

the same good wishes!  This is "National

Making Life Beautiful Day!" This is a day of

celebration for all of those people who make

an effort to make life beautiful for everyone

around them. Perhaps it's just a kind word to

lift up another person's spirit or console

someone who is going through a tough time.

Maybe it's as easy as just lending an ear to

someone who needs someone to listen to

their concerns. Just doing something nice

for someone. You can make your own life

a bit more beautiful by participating. Take

a moment to make your own life a bit more

beautiful! Listen to the birds or the wind

chimes around your house and relax for a

few minutes without the daily distractions

we've all got to deal with! You'll come out

the winner if you do. I hope you make 

someone's life beautiful today. And your

own as well. I also, a always, hope all your

NEWS is good! 

Friday, June 9, 2023


        SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 2023


   English plantation owner Richard

Blechynden figured he'd make a

killing by selling his product at the

1904 St. Louis World Fair. Thousands

of people were on hand. But June 10th

was a sizzle of a day that year and fresh

brewed tea just wasn't selling! Blechynden

came up with an idea. He dumped some

of his tea into a bowl filled with ice

cubes and, presto, Ice Tea was born.

And, it sold! And sold! Have a sip while

you sit back, relax, and observe "Ice Tea

Day!" Enjoy your brew and I hope all your

NEWS is good!

Thursday, June 8, 2023



  FRIDAY, JUNE 9TH., 2023
         DOUBLE D DAY!

No. It's not my birthday. Although I
did go by the radio name Double Dee
during my few years as a DJ.
  The Double D we're congratulating
today is a lot more famous than I'll
ever be!
   He is Donald Duck!
   I spotted "Donald Duck Day" on
two separate listings of unusual
June holidays.
   I was surprised to find one of those
sites filled with conflicting information
about Donald's actual birthday. I guess
that's because he's a Cartoon character!
   June 9th is listed because that's the
date he first appeared in a Disney
Cartoon. That was in 1934. But the same
site suggests that Donald was actually
born one March 13th., probably in 1914.
   So he may actually be 108 this year!
   Either way he's one lucky duck to be
around for so long and still be so
popular! And most of he time you
can't understand a word he's saying!
   Of course that hasn't hindered some
of our current TV reporters!
    And just about the time you think you
know a character that's been around for
so long you learn something new!
    Did you know, for instance that Donald
has a middle name?
     Well he does! Donald Duck's middle
name is "Fauntleroy".  Boy this on
line information stuff is really cool!
     So Happy Birthday Donald!
    Hope you'll all be celebrating, and that
all your NEWS is good!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


        THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 2023


     June 8th is a big day in household

history! This is the day that the

Whirlwind hit the United States.

Not a trnado or a dust storm! This

is the day that Ives Gaffey patened

his new invention...the vacumn cleaner!

Up until Gaffey's invention the ony way

to clean your floor was by usuing a broom.

Of course you might say his invention 

wasn't a heck of a lot better. You had to

push it along and turn a handle while you

do so. The handle you were turning

provided the vacumn that sucked up the

dust. Ives didn't exactly clean up with

his new invention. That might have been

because the steep price tag! The Whirlwind

sold for 25 dollars! Hope your home is

neat and clean and that all your NEWS

is good!    

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2023

            IT'S DAN'S DAY!

      June 7th is "Daniel Boone 

Day!' This great American

frontier figure is known around 

the world for blazing trails through

the wilderness of Kentucky and then

beyond into areas that would eventually

become part of the United States, He

carried a long rifle on his quest. Sometimes

known as a Kentucky or a Pennsylvania

rifle. They're both the same thing although

most f  of those firearms were manufactured

in Pennsylvania, Turns out that Daniel

Boone was a Pennsylvanian too!!! He

was born in a town near Birds Borough

His homestead is there and it's open

to the public! Hope you'll stop is sometime

and remember the famous woodsman from

Pennsylvania! Hope you're well and that

all your NEWS is good!

Monday, June 5, 2023


    MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2023


    June 6th is known by most people

as "D Day!" It recalls the beginning

of the end of World War II as allied

forces landed in Normandy to begin

the liberation of France. But there's

another D Day always observed on

June 6th. It's Drive In Movies day.

It recalls the day in 1933 when Richard

Hollingshead  opened the first drive in

theater in Camden, New Jersey! During

their peak in the 1950's there were some

4,000 drive ins in the United States.

Over the years competition from TV

and land value saw many close. Ironically

the pandemic saw people rediscovering

drive ins as a way to get out of the house

while maintaining social distancing. A few

things have changed. Those poles that once held

speakers so you could hear the movie are

now used to help space parking. The movie

sound now comes through your car radio.

The screens are still giant. Far bigger that

even the largest home tv screen.  And just

like in the 50's it good to enjoy a night out

with your date. The other change that comes

to mine is the elimination of  bench seat in

most cars. And my Miata doesn't even have a

back seat. So...enjoy the show! Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good.

Sunday, June 4, 2023


      MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023


  This is "Lighter than air Balloon

Day!" The first manned flight took

place in 1783. Their value quickly 

became clear, especially in war time!

I was discussing the observance with

my wife yesterday. I explained the

 that baloons were used for reconnaisiance

during the Civil War. Later, baloons were

used for transportation. In those cases,

I explained, hydrogen or helium carried

the baloons aloft. But hydrogen was

dangerous, remember the Hindenburg

disaster, and helium, still used for those

Macy's Thanksgiving Day parades, is

very expensive! It's easier, I explained,

to heat the air in a baloon. That causes

the molecules inside the baloon to

expand, making them lighter than air!

"But what makes the baloon go up"

she asked. "Hot air" I said! "Then

what's holding you down?" she asked!

I just stared ahead. Hope you're well,

feet on the ground, and that all your

NEWS is good!


Saturday, June 3, 2023


   SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023

           SAY CHEESE!

  Welcome to June 4th. "National

Cheese Day!" Cheese has been around

forever. At least there are records of

cheese dating back 10,00 years! You

likely have cheese in one form or

another every week. In fact the average

American consumes 31 pounds of

cheese a year! I'm not sure if that

figure even includes the cheese you

eat on your weekly pizza! My favorite

is "Reserved," a very sharp chedder

that goes good with wine. So go ahead

and celebrate. Have a slab of your

favorite cheese today. If, however, that

"favorite" happens to be Limburger, 

write me about it. Don't tell me in

person!!! That's a little too much

cheese for me! Hope you enjoy your

cheese treat and that all your NEWS

is good. 

Friday, June 2, 2023


   SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023


  June is National DJ Month. I've

always liked DJs. In fact I was one

for several years at the start of my

broadcasting career. I worked at 

several area radio stations. Played

the music I loved and made as much

as $50 a week! But I'm glad I switched

into the news field. There aren't as many

DJs around these days. That's because

there aren't as many radio stations. Most

of those I worked it are gone now and a

couple that remain bring their music and

DJs into town by satellite. These days

you're likely to find more DJs at weddings

than on the radio. They're usually cheaper

than hiring a band. Although I've noticed

they tend to play the same music I've heard

before. I call it "DJ vu! Well, salute your

local DJ if you;ve got one. If not just enjoy

the music..where ever it's coming from.

Hope all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, June 1, 2023


           FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023


   I'm sure you're heard the term before...

"Running around like a chicken with its

head cut off." And you may have even 

seen that sight at one time or another.

But you've never seen a chicken like"Mike.

Back in the 1940s Loyde and Clara Olsen

were trying to make a living selling eggs

and chickens. They were preparing about

50 chicken for sale one day when one of

the batch had its head severed at an angle

that left its jugular v farmein and a portion of

the brain that controls motor skills intact!

They were stunned to find Mike still alive

the next day! He soon became a tourist

attraction. Life magazine even traveled

to the Colorado  farm to do a story on

the bird. He was then sold to a traveling

exhibit which took him on a road trip

to Arizona and California. He lived

for an amazing 18months! So now you

know what they call a chicken with its

head cut off! Mike!!!! Just thought

you ought to know. Hope all your  

NEWS is good!