Tuesday, March 25, 2025


   WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2025

              IT'S YOUR TURN!

   I often use my Blog to tell you about

unusual "holidays" that are listed on just

about every day on the calendar. Some

are actually "official" even through they

don't result in a day off from work. But

today's unusual "holiday: offered you

a great opportunity. You see March 26th

is "Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!"

Some of those I might have invented

have already been taken. 'Take A Nap

Day" comes to mind immediately.

But this is your chance to come up with

a "Holiday" of your choice. I'll be

anxious to see your responses! If it's

really good I have even observe it with

you! Hope you pick a good one

and that all your NEWS is good!


Monday, March 24, 2025


   TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2025


   Check your calendar everybody.

If you've got an old one (A really

old one), you should be celebrating

today!! You see March 25th is "Old

New Year's Day!" In the days before

the Julian calendar was adopted the

Romans used a 304-day-calendar

which began in March (named for

the Roman God Mars) and that

new year began on what we now

call March 25th. So if you are so

inclined, take the day off to celebrate.

Make a toast and throw some confetti

around. You may have to explain

yourself to those watching. But

just show them the Blog and they'll

probably join in! Happy New Year!

Hope all your NEWS is good!  

Sunday, March 23, 2025


      MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025


   It's Spring everybody. I know it's

been pretty cold around these parts for

the past couple of days. But it's Spring!

That brings me back to my youth in

my home town of Hazleton when I

always searched for chicks around

this time of the year. You had to know

where to find them. But I knew just

the place to find some pretty ones

And I found them. Problem is, I

wasn't allowed to take one home.

Oh, I should probably mention I

was talking about the chicks, peeps

if you will, they gave away at a few

local gas stations around Easter every

year. You could get one with every

five dollars of gas you purchased. My

Dad said we need the gas but not the

chicks so it was a "no go" for me.

Years later I resumed my search for

"chicks" but not at the gas station.

I finally found a good one and now

she's my wife! Hope you got

your "chick" and that all your

NEWS is good! 

Saturday, March 22, 2025


    SUNDAY, MARCH 23RD. 2025


    It's a common word with me.
And probably with you as well! And
it's OK to say "OK." In fact today,
March 23rd., is "OK Day!"
    It started one day in 1839, when
a few newspaper editors in Boston
were joking around. "They had a lot
of abbreviations that they were using
and made up on the spot and OK was
an abbreviation for 'All Correct.'
   Soon, OK was being used for the
telegraph, like an early form of the
LOLs and OMGs sent in text messages
    The expression became so popular
they even used it for the name of a
Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. Of
course things didn't work out OK
for Clantons when they ran into
the Earps and Doc Holliday there
in 1881. I guess you could say the
Claytons got KO'ed at the OK that
    "We heard the term A-OK a lot
during the early days of the Space
race. Some sources contend it may
be the most widely used expression
in the world. That's OK with me!
     March 23, 2011, was the first-ever
OK Day. 162 years to the day since
those two little letters were printed
together in the Boston Morning Post.
     Hope everything's OK with you
and that all your NEWS is good!

Friday, March 21, 2025


   SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 2025


  Today we note two unusual "holidays'

that seem to compliment each other. 

March 22nd is "39 And Holding Day"!

There's even a club you can join to team

up with others who insist their age is

"39 and holding." It's also "As Young

As You Feel Day." We've all heard that

expression many times and there's a

lot of truth in it. No need to act your

chronological age! If you're feeling

younger, act it! Get out and do things.

Be active. I intend to celebrate....as

soon as I can get myself out of this

rocking chair. Hope you day is great

and all your NEWS is good!

Thursday, March 20, 2025


   FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025


  March 21st is "National Memory

Day." Our ability to remember things

is an important part of our human

existence. We evolve based on the

things we learn and remember. The

research world tells us too many

people are relying on technology,

such as smart phones, to remind us

of things that must or should be done.

It's suggested you write things down

as a means of helping your memory.

So lets all celebrate! Teel your friends

so everyone of us can observe.....ah...

what did I say we were observing? Oh

yes. Memory Day. Hope you remember

to celebrate and that all your NEWS

is good.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


        THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025


  It's March 20th friends. And for those of you

wo didn't already know, this is "Alien Abduction

Day!" It's a day to review and perhaps study all

those stories about people who claim to have

been kidnapped by extraterrestrials! My wife

and I have been by the site of what may be the

most famous alien abduction! In fact there is

an Historical market there. It's along a road

just south of Lancaster, New Hampshire. In

1961 a couple vacationing in the aera, Betty

and Barney Hill, claimed to have been

taken aboard a space craft and examined by

alien beings. While there's no evidence to

substantiate the event, their story, told

separately, remains constant and both

passed lie detector tests. Alien abduction

stories actually date back to 1639 when

three men in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

claimed to have witnessed a great light and

flaming apparition then found their rowboat

a mile upstream, against the tide with no

explanation as to how it got there! You

might want to look to the skies on this

unusual "holiday" and remember your

mother's advice not to ride with anyone

(or thing) you don't know! Hope you're

safe and that all your NEWS is good!