I had a surprising number of people
respond to a photo I posted on Facebook
Tuesday. The picture was that of an old
Grablick's Dairy truck which now rests
in a junk yard in Plains Township.
Apparently it stirred up a lot of good
memories about the Pittston based
dairy which closed its doors years ago.
People remember stopping at the main
store in Pittston as well as its West
Pittston ice cream shop for a cone or
a tasty sundae.
We used to swing by the West
Pittston outlet from time to time. The
building is still there. But now it's a
bank. There's something really wrong
with that! I wonder if they're hiding
away any half gallons in the vault?
I suppose we all have some sweet
ice cream memories. When I was
growing up we had a dairy bar within
four blocks of my house whether you
went north, south, east, or west. I
traveled in each direction!
And those were just the dairy bars.
There was an old fashion candy shop
only two blocks away where I could
get an ice cream cone for a dime, 5
cents worth of licorice or some other
sweet stuff that kept my dentists busy
for years to come, and check out the
latest comic books at the same time.
They were ten cents too!
We're lucky enough to still have
some good ice cream shops around
our area. Fearing they might go the
way of Grablick's I stop by as often
as possible to give them some
business! Of course a dime won't do
it anymore. But I don't mind shelling
out a little bit for ice cream! I like it!
In fact, I've hit the freezer twice
while writing this Blog!
Hope you've got good memories,
fresh ice cream, and that all your NEWS
is good!